Jasper: properties of the stone and who it suits according to Zodiac Sign

Zodiac sign Libra and its talismans

Even being such an extraordinary and interesting person as Libra, you can easily lose yourself. It’s enough to constantly give in to others and worry about their assessments. Such duality clouds existence, so they often experience stress and disappointment. To change their lives, they need to gain inner confidence.

Talismans that can cope with this task are metal, wood, stones and Libra flowers. The patrons of this sign among trees are hazel, rowan and maple. Among the flowers, they will like lilac, which gives confidence and determination, uplifting chrysanthemum, and Japanese fatsia, which relieves worries. Don't forget about metal - astrologers call bronze the best for Libra.

We will tell you about special talismans - precious and semi-precious minerals. Each of them influences the fate of Libra in its own way. Let us tell you what significance the characteristics of stones have for the zodiac sign Libra.

What stones are suitable for scales?

First, let's look at universal stones for Libra, suitable for almost all representatives of this sign.

Universal stones for all Libras

This zodiac sign belongs to the element of Air. Therefore, precious and semi-precious stones suitable for Libra, in most cases, have a common property - a translucent structure or a cold, blue color. Although there are exceptions to this rule

So, universal patron stones that are suitable for the sign of Libra:

  • Diamond. This is a talisman that gives strength and indicates the direction of life's path. It makes its owner self-sufficient and firm in decision-making. In addition, a diamond can attract wealth.
  • Beryl. Also responsible for the material well-being of its owner. And it will help business people or scientists gain clarity of thinking in order to move up the career ladder.
  • Sapphire. Like other gemstones for Libra, sapphire helps its owner become happy. Its special properties are protection from extraneous bad energy and preservation of mental health.
  • Lapis lazuli. It is considered a universal talisman, as it helps to achieve harmony in all areas of life. An additional benefit of lapis lazuli is that it makes Libra more persistent and purposeful.
  • Amber. It embodies the dream of Libra - to become bright, noticeable and attractive to the opposite sex. Amber helps to attract the attention of the person you like, as well as find new friends. Therefore, this Libra stone is considered their love talisman.
  • Tourmaline. Many representatives of the sign have a tendency to empty worries and anxiety. It is for them that tourmaline will be most useful. It will help you focus your attention only on important problems and not worry about minor troubles. The mineral will promote a positive mood, inner harmony and balance.
  • Amethyst. Astromine experts claim that amethyst is able to cope with the most destructive human habits. He will give his owner self-confidence and will not allow him to go down the path of self-destruction.

As you can see, there are many amulets for Libra among minerals. To choose the right talisman for yourself or as a gift, you can use the recommendations of astrologers for various classifications. We suggest finding out which stones are recommended to be worn for the Libra zodiac sign, depending on the year, decade and date of birth, as well as gender, current goals and even the name of the owner.

According to the eastern horoscope (by year)

First, let's look at which minerals are recommended for Libras born under one or another sign of the eastern horoscope.

  • Rat. Lucky stones for this year's representatives are diamond and amethyst.
  • Bull. It is believed that Libra-Oxen especially need home comfort. This will be facilitated by wearing jewelry with emerald.
  • Tiger. An amulet is recommended for impulsive Tigers to help them gain peace of mind and composure. Just like amethyst.
  • Rabbit or Cat. A suitable zodiac stone for the sign of Libra, born in the year of the Rabbit, is topaz. It will contribute to material well-being and help achieve career success.
  • The Dragon. Jewelry with amber is considered successful for Libra-Dragons. They will help you avoid strong emotions in unnecessary situations.
  • Snake. They are recommended to wear opal. This mineral is the best way to help establish contacts with others and expand your social circle.
  • Horse. The most important task for these Libras is to find their path and grow as a person. Two minerals can contribute to this - turquoise and emerald.
  • Goat. Emerald and sapphire will be useful for the intellectual development of the Goat.
  • Monkey. Aquamarine will help the Monkey set clear goals and move towards them without turning back.
  • Rooster. Topaz, a talisman that returns an objective view of relationships with others, will help the Rooster become more restrained and less arrogant.
  • Dog. To attract good luck, these representatives of the sign should wear amber. This stone can teach its owner to look at many things positively. In addition, it will help you find new friends.
  • Pig. Libra-Pigs often lack willpower. You can develop this quality in yourself if you wear jewelry with lapis lazuli.

Diamond rings

Amethyst druse

Emerald. Photo: jrahman1313, flickr.com




Turquoise for the 2nd decade

Sapphire. Photo: Primoz Majeric, flickr.com

Aquamarine, Halesia Designs, Halesia Designs, flickr.com

Lapis lazuli

Chinese Zodiac

Five elements, 12 totemic zodiac animals. How do they fit with the European horoscope? Let's see, it's interesting!

Compatibility of Western and Eastern calendars

Chinese and European zodiac; Chinese calendar stone Characteristic
Rat-Libra; diamond Sweet rat. Sweet, smart creature
Ox-Libra; emerald Good-natured. Give him his meadow with green grass, and happiness will be complete
Tiger-Libra; amethyst Raised (or trained). Smart; capable of increasing well-being
Cat-Libra; pearl Charming and charismatic. Liked by many, but given to a select few
Dragon - Libra; amber Often sweet and intelligent. Just don’t awaken the beast in him...
Snake-Libra; turquoise Mudras. They like to study all the information before making a decision.
Horse - Libra; onyx Will find a balance between duty and pleasure. True, not right away. Libra, what can you do here...
Goat-Libra; sapphire Stubborn, principled, hardworking. But they relax “completely”.
Monkey-Libra; ruby In life he will strive for balance. Although life is a complicated thing, it can trip you up...
Rooster-Libra; lapis lazuli Diplomat. Correct, pleasant in communication. Can irritate you with uncertainty of judgment.
Dog-Libra; cornelian From the dog tribe, this is a Labrador. The world has never seen such sweet and good-natured creatures.
Pig-Libra; agate Piggy bank. There will be no reserve for a rainy day.

By decade

It is believed that the magical properties of stones are most clearly manifested if you select an amulet according to the decade of birth. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the data from the book by F. K. Velichko “The Mystical Properties of Stones” (Publishing house “Bibliopolis”, 1995, p. 108).

I decade from September 23 to October 3

Representatives of the sign born during this period are dreamy and friendly. The patron planet, Saturn, also made them prudent and moderate in their consumption of goods. However, they lack firmness and self-confidence. Stones suitable for Libra born in September: opal, lapis lazuli, diamond, peridot, beryl and moonstone. All of them are capable of giving their owner faith in himself and his strength.

II decade from October 3 to October 13

For Libras born in October, other minerals are suitable. Modest and sensitive natures, representatives of the sign of this decade are aesthetes, and choose professions related to creativity. They are recommended jewelry with topaz, aquamarine and pink tourmaline.

III decade from October 14 to 23

Those Libras who were born in mid-October or later are distinguished by a more active and active character. They like to set big goals for themselves, but often do not achieve them due to high anxiety and depressive mood. They can be helped by talismans that lift their spirits and restore a positive outlook on the world. These are diamonds, sapphires, beryls and opals.


The fiery sparks of aventurine, like the flames of a fire, caress the eye, warm the soul and put Libra’s raging thoughts in order. People born under this sign are drawn to beauty from birth, so jewelry with aventurine is likely to become a valuable and desired gift.

The stone helps to concentrate on your goals, gain self-confidence and weed out “toxic” and envious people from your immediate social circle.

By date of birth

You can also choose a talisman stone for your birthday. Let us present data from the book by S. M. Nikolaev “Stones: Myths, Legends, Superstitions...” (Novosibirsk, “Science”, 1995, p. 325).

Libra StoneBirthday
24.09Aquamarine, olivine
26.09Beryllonite, malachite
7.10Jasper, agate
8.10Jasper, lapis lazuli
9.10Jasper, topaz
18.10Amethyst, ruby
19.10Amethyst, ruby
21.10Corundum, chrysoberyl, beryl

Libra women's birthstones

The Libra woman has a changeable character. She can be friendly and friendly, and a minute later she can be hot-tempered and capricious. Therefore, suitable stones for Libra women are those that help them find emotional balance and a positive attitude. At the same time, all recommended talismans also have their own individual properties. Let's talk about the most interesting ones.

Turquoise. Multifaceted amulet. Turquoise helps to find happiness and harmony, protects its owner from negative influences and conflict situations. In addition, the mineral is recommended to be worn during pregnancy - it preserves the health of both the expectant mother and the baby.

Beryl. This stone is suitable for Libra women who want to succeed in business. The mineral makes thinking more concentrated and clear, helps you see the true situation in corporate games and find solutions to advance your career.

Emerald. Suitable stones for girls according to the Libra zodiac sign should instill self-confidence in their owner. This is what emerald is. This amulet makes a woman luckier and braver.

Lapis lazuli. Representatives of creative professions especially need high self-esteem. Without this condition, it is difficult for them to develop professionally and move forward. Lapis lazuli is an ideal talisman for such situations. It increases self-confidence, gives its owner weight in the eyes of others and gives success in her career.

Chrysolite. To choose the right gems for a woman with the zodiac sign Libra, you need to take into account the character of their future owner. If she is an emotional and hot-tempered person, chrysolite is suitable for her - it will teach her to look at life philosophically and not waste energy on insignificant occasions.

Opal. It is recommended to be worn by those representatives of the sign who often cannot make the right decision. For young girls, opal is considered a talisman for choosing the right soul mate.

Pomegranate. There are women's natural stones of the Libra sign that should be worn on special occasions - in moments of severe crisis or stress. This includes pomegranate. It helps you find the best way out in the most difficult situations, become wiser, calmer and more reasonable.

Malachite. Choose stones for Libra women according to your horoscope that help maintain youth. One of them is malachite. The stone helps its owner remain young and attractive for a long time. An additional beneficial property of the mineral is the development of creative abilities.

Moon rock. This is a suitable stone for a Libra girl based on her date of birth. If you put a moonstone (also called selenite) under the pillow, it will help its little owner sleep soundly all night. For this purpose, you can use a smooth cabochon. If a girl wears selenite in jewelry, she will grow up more confident, feminine and happy.

Amethyst. Astromine experts believe that amethyst is the best amulet stone for Libra women. It makes its owner literally inaccessible to the evil eye, damage or other people's negative energy. In addition, this is an ideal talisman for suspicious girls, which relieves obsessive phobias and unnecessary worries.

Jasper for Aries

Bloody jasper is most suitable for a talisman that removes pain and cures many diseases. In the Middle Ages it was believed that these were petrified drops of the blood of Christ. Jasper gives Aries the gift of providence and helps to more easily endure love disappointment. Healing energy of the stone:

  • Helps heal the liver and gallbladder, kidneys and bladder;
  • Pink jasper is a cardiac activator;
  • Black – protects against poisoning;
  • Treats gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Stops bleeding.

Aries men use jasper to treat inflammation of the prostate gland, and women use it to treat infertility and gynecological disorders.

Libra men's birthstones

Men born under the sign of Libra are absolute gentlemen. They are polite, gallant and helpful. They can support a conversation on any topic, they are generous and act nobly in controversial situations. At the same time, they are distinguished by weak self-esteem, like most representatives of the sign. To believe in themselves, gain tenacity and perseverance, and learn to defend their interests, they should wear suitable amulets.

The following stones and talismans are recommended for Libra men:

Aquamarine. A real source of good mood and positive thinking. This mineral is especially recommended to be worn by those representatives of the sign who often suffer from a decadent mood or depression. The second positive property of aquamarine is that it helps to establish contacts, both friendly and business.

Opal. This is another male stone for the Libra sign by date of birth. Its ability to make its owner more active and purposeful will allow him to achieve tangible career success.

Beryl. Recommended for shy Libras. The mineral will teach you to defend your interests and point of view, and learn to say “no”.

Tourmaline. This amulet stone is suitable for Libra men who dream of finding a spouse. It will relieve you from a gloomy mood and having your head in the clouds. Helps you become more practical and positive.


A stone with a delicate and sensual color, amethyst is a faithful assistant and companion of representatives of the air sign. It sharpens intuition and helps a person choose the right direction when he is faced with a difficult moral choice.

Note! Amethyst helps to find reciprocity in love, so if you are trying to win the favor of your chosen one, give jewelry with this stone as a gift.

The mineral suits the sensitive nature of a person born under this sign, therefore it is especially suitable for Libra women. It helps not to take everything too seriously, protects the nervous and endocrine system from mental overload.

Libra birthstones by name

Another way to choose a successful talisman is to focus on the name of the future owner of the jewelry. The following minerals for Libra are called, corresponding to the name:

  • Sapphire. Suitable for Yvette, Tamara and Vyacheslav.
  • Malachite. A good choice for Lydia and Varvara.
  • Chrysolite. Recommended for owners of the names Alevtina and Oksana.
  • Topaz. It can be worn by Amalia, Isabella and Ksenia.
  • Emerald. Will become a talisman for Zoya, Maryana and Vitaly.

Special Libra stones and their magical properties

A special category of talismans includes those that are capable of attracting good luck and prosperity, health and love.

For money

For example, the Libra money stone is zircon. It promotes material prosperity, helps to find successful ways to increase capital, and conclude especially profitable deals when it comes to business. If you come to negotiations wearing jewelry with zircon, the talisman will give eloquence and persuasiveness.

For good health

Stones associated with the health of Libra include aquamarine, opal, lapis lazuli and sapphire. Aquamarine helps improve immunity and cure problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Lapis lazuli is considered an amulet that is effective for emotional imbalance. Also, according to astrominerologists, this mineral helps improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Sapphire normalizes sleep and promotes healthy vision. Opal has an immune-strengthening effect. For pregnant girls, turquoise is considered a successful amulet, promoting a healthy pregnancy and easy childbirth.

For love

Love talismans for Libra are amber, tourmaline and ruby. Moreover, amber is considered effective for both men and women. It increases the attractiveness of its owner in the eyes of others and helps to attract the attention of the right person. Ruby is recommended to be worn by women who dream of ardent and passionate love. Tourmaline is a talisman for young girls who want to get married.

Universal stone

The universal stone of the Libra sign, bringing good luck and happiness, is sapphire. It helps to achieve harmony in different areas of life, and gives self-confidence, which is so necessary for representatives of the sign. Sapphire is also considered a powerful amulet that protects against ill-wishers.


Other protective stones for Libra are amethyst and diamond. Amethyst is recognized by many astrologers as an effective remedy against damage and the evil eye, and diamond builds invisible energy protection around its owner. This stone, protecting against damage and the evil eye for Libra, is universally suitable for women and men.


In the list of the main amulets stones for this representative of the zodiac family you can see amethyst, turquoise, and blue sapphire .

An amethyst amulet will help Aquarius make his inner world rich and developed. Such an amulet will give him insight, strong intuition, and vital energy. This is one of the best amulets for Aquarius.

Photo: Depositphotos

By decorating himself with turquoise, this member of the zodiac family attracts wealth and happiness. The gem will help him make his cherished desire come true.

Thanks to blue sapphire, Aquarius will be able to achieve popularity and universal respect.

Those born in the third ten days of January (from January 21 to January 30) Aquarians should also take a closer look at white pearls, light green jade, and black obsidian.

For people born between January 31 and February 9, lapis lazuli or amber is suitable as a talisman.

Those born from 10.02 to 19.02 should purchase jewelry with blue topaz, gray or blue agate, and chrysolite.

Aquarius women can acquire the following amulets:

  • amethyst - for better understanding with loved ones;
  • pearls - to improve the “climate” in the family (for married ladies);
  • aquamarine - to develop intuition.

Treated aquamarine Photo: Werner Lang, ru.wikipedia.org
Men protected by this zodiac sign are shown using the following stones as a talisman:

  • black agate - to develop masculinity and increase attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex;
  • jade - to strengthen willpower.

These representatives of the air element should refrain from contact with the following minerals:

  • yellow sapphire;
  • red or orange agate;
  • ruby;
  • carnelian;
  • red jasper.

The secret: how to wear stones and what cut to choose

Libra jewelry reveals its maximum properties when cut and worn correctly. The recommended cut of minerals for the sign of Libra, as a representative of the element of Air, is with diverging rays (“princess”, “baguette” and “trapezoidal baguette”). Aquamarine and topaz especially “need” such a cut.

As for the correct wearing of different types of stones, experts advise wearing pearls in the form of a pendant. An amethyst amulet will become as powerful as possible if it is placed in a gold or silver frame. There is more choice for lapis lazuli - you can wear this stone in necklaces, earrings and bracelets.

Healing minerals

As a complement to traditional medicine treatments, the following minerals will be of particular benefit:

  1. Aquamarine resists allergies, improves vision, soothes toothache and improves immunity. It is recommended to be worn by Libra for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, motor activity disorders and skin diseases. Helps maintain internal harmony and heals the Libra body as a whole.
  2. Opal is a powerful mineral for strengthening the body's defenses.
  3. Lapis lazuli – improves the functioning of all body systems, including the nervous system, and protects against insomnia. Effective for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, asthma, indicated for inflammation of various types caused by infection and accompanied by high fever.
  4. Topaz normalizes sleep and supports the nervous system, calming the nerves.
  5. Sapphire is indicated for vision problems, cardiovascular diseases, tumors and diabetes. Allows you to quickly cure colds and get rid of insomnia.

What stones should Libras not wear?

Many sources contain information about minerals that are not suitable for Libra. These are serpentine, hematite and black jet. Yes, these recommendations should be taken into account and you should choose an amulet that is suitable according to various criteria - gender, date and year of birth, immediate goals, etc.

However, there is another significant rule of choice - the stone must energetically suit its owner. This is easy to check - just try on the jewelry or take the gem in your hand. If it gives off a pleasant feeling of warmth, then it can become a reliable talisman. At the same time, these sensations can be felt even from a stone that does not fit the horoscope. In this case, the recommended contraindications can be neglected.

The only condition under which a stone cannot be worn is if it is severely cracked or split due to some negative situation (accident, illness of the owner, etc.). This stone is contraindicated for wearing. It has absorbed negative energy and can weaken your defenses.

You will have to find out for yourself what the best Libra amulet stone should be. Choose jewelry according to our recommendations or listen to your own feelings - we are sure that you will definitely find the very amulet that will make you happy and help you fulfill all your dreams!

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