Talisman stones for women: how to choose and use them

Talisman stones for women - healing

Talisman stones can improve your health without causing any harm. There are five stones that work best for this task: smoky quartz, beryl, amber, garnet and lapis lazuli. Let's take a closer look at the properties of each of them.

Smoky Quartz

This stone will help you cope with infertility. It awakens the female body. It will also be useful for women who are constantly nervous, because it can calm and pacify. In addition, smoky quartz copes well with bad mood, irritability, apathy and even depression.


If you wear a ring with beryl, you can forget about the problem of uterine prolapse. It will also help you protect yourself from all sorts of diseases of the ovaries and bladder. It is also known for its properties to calm the nervous system and cleanse the respiratory tract. By the way, beryl also copes with migraines!


Amber is the best amulet for women during pregnancy. It will not only protect you from the evil eye, but also stabilize your condition. In addition, he can cope with cysts, mastopathy or fibroids. Alone, of course, it’s unlikely, but in combination with other remedies for these diseases, it’s easy. Also, if you put amber under your pillow, you can get rid of insomnia and nightmares.


This is generally a universal stone for all women. It will improve your health, make you more optimistic, lift your mood and give you inspiration. Thanks to it, you can also strengthen your immune system, cleanse your body and protect yourself from lung and throat diseases.

Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a pain-relieving stone. It will relieve pain and spasms, and also improve the overall tone of your body. Lapis lazuli will also help you find harmony within yourself. Some also believe that it comes to the aid of those women who suffer from kidney stones, as well as diseases of the spine and joints.

How to make a gem as a talisman

If the stone is supposed to be used as a magical or healing assistant, an “acquaintance” procedure is carried out. The pebble is bought and brought home on a certain lunar day. This is especially important for minerals protected by the Moon. Many people tried on or looked at the accessories in the salon, so after purchasing the jewelry, it is cleaned with energetic running water.

For two weeks the stone is not used, but contact is established with it: they communicate, stroke it, praise it. To ensure that the power of the stone does not decrease during use, it is recharged in the sun or moonlight. It is advisable to take into account energetic compatibility with other gems in the box or jewelry.

Talismans can only be natural, whole, not cracked or damaged minerals. Artificial ones will be decorations; stones with defects do more harm than good.

Talisman stones for women according to their zodiac sign


Diamonds are your best friends. They are very strong, strong in character and will help you gain leadership in your family. In addition to diamonds, carnelian, garnet or malachite are perfect for you. Heliotrope will also do no harm.


Rock crystal, agate or sapphire will suit you best. If you want to enhance your pleasant character traits, take a closer look at lapis lazuli or emerald. These stones will help you!


You should take a closer look at emerald and peridot. These stones will inspire you, motivate you and inspire optimism. You can also pay attention to the tiger's eye - it will also suit you perfectly.


Since you are the favorites of the Moon, you are advised to purchase a moonstone. It will protect you, lift your spirits and help you achieve harmony. Also pay attention to topaz, agate and amber.

a lion

For Sunny Lionesses, the sunstone, of course, is amber. If you want to attract good luck, we recommend taking a closer look at citrine and onyx. Diamond and ruby ​​will also integrate well into your biofield and help you become more solid and persistent.


Your zodiac stones are jasper, chrysocolla, rhodochrosite, carnelian, jade and agate. They will cope with a bad mood, make you more determined and will constantly replenish your reserves of strength.


Libra zodiac stones: emerald, pink tourmaline, coral, jade and turquoise. They will make you more resistant to all sorts of troubles and other people's bad moods.


Malachite, aquamarine, heliotrope or tiger's eye are suitable for Scorpio femme fatales. You can also take a closer look at ruby ​​and garnet. Thanks to these stones, you will not only be stronger and more self-confident, but also healthier.


Tourmaline, chrysocolla and aventurine are suitable for Sagittarius women. They should also pay attention to topaz, jasper and amber. These stones will highlight their best character traits.


Capricorns are best helped by black tourmaline or onyx. They will further strengthen your rationality and self-confidence, and will also inspire you to take courageous actions.


Since Aquarius women are very spontaneous, blue agate, amethyst or lapis lazuli are best suited for them. It will help them become more relaxed and calm them down.


A wonderful talisman for Pisces women would be rock crystal, moonstone or aquamarine. Amber or amethyst would also be a good choice.

As you can see, there are a lot of stones that will help women achieve their goals, improve their health and become more self-confident. You can choose a stone according to your zodiac sign, but the main thing in this matter is that you like it, that your soul is drawn to it. Then the talisman stone will definitely work and give you all its power.

We also remind you that you cannot self-medicate. Please consult your physician before using these stones for medicinal purposes.

Read how to make amulets with your own hands in order to make a real talisman for yourself.

Tags: stones for women, stones, talisman stones, talismans for women

Safety precautions

For magical or medicinal purposes, strong family amulets that help several generations of the family are best suited. But provided that everything was good in it. If there is no such stone, buy a new copy.

A mineral “with history” is not suitable: it is unknown what powerful energy it absorbed from the previous owner. Especially if it was stolen or a stone whose owner was killed.

If the option proposed according to the standard criterion is not intuitively liked, another method is chosen.

To find out your stone, conduct a simple experiment. The “Candidate” is held in hands for several minutes. If there is a feeling of security and peace, then personal compatibility is present. If there is a whiff of cold, it is better to choose another mineral.

You need to choose the right talisman stone

In terms of its protective qualities, some equate the stone talisman to amulet. Such attributes are not intended for prying eyes, much less hands. They are worn under clothes.

Store the stone in a closed box separately from other items, gems or jewelry.

Gems suitable for girls

The most popular and spectacular are gemstones. They are either not endowed with any color at all, or they have coloring, but of a uniform, moderate tone. An important characteristic of these stones is transparency, i.e. the ability to transmit rays of light through itself. They are also particularly distinguished by their hardness, shine, optical effects and play in light. Diamonds, sapphires, rubies, topazes, emeralds, aquamarines, pearls are the most expensive and famous stones of this type. They are usually used by jewelers to create special jewelry: bracelets, necklaces, pendants, rings, earrings, belts, tiaras.

If you are going to a special event, then you should definitely choose jewelry with precious stones, possibly large ones, for your evening dress. For dates and meetings with friends, on the contrary, large stones will be superfluous. For a business meeting, you can wear a business suit with subtle, not very flashy jewelry.

Precious stones have always attracted the attention of women. They were used as talismans. But before you put on jewelry with a stone, you should know its magical and astrological properties. After all, you can’t put on a thing without knowing even the slightest bit of information about it.

Let's say a diamond brings happiness, but it will only harm people with weak energy. Pearls are worn mainly by girls who have not yet gotten married, as it helps them avoid unhappiness in love. Emerald is a source of joy. Rubin maintains reciprocity between young people. Topaz pacifies anger.

A little history

Lithotherapy began to take shape as a teaching in the Mediterranean and Indochina more than 12 thousand years ago, and actively developed in the 1st-2nd millennium BC. e. in the East and Middle Asia, and then in Europe. The healing and magical properties of the “twelve stones” are even mentioned in the Bible. Modern science confirms that benefits come not only from taking medications containing various minerals, but also from wearing gem jewelry and simply admiring them.

Electromagnetic waves emitted by certain stones can have a beneficial effect on a woman’s biofield, helping her get rid of various ailments, recharge with positive energy and maintain youth and attractiveness.

Stones of femininity

Each stone has its own unique energy. And when interacting with it, we discover completely new qualities, or remember long-forgotten ones, or strengthen those that exist now!

Any pebble is our helper! It is enough to ask him for something very, very important and hidden from the heart, and he will respond to our request and begin with pleasure to help us create magic in our lives, rediscover the world and ourselves!

We invite you to get acquainted with magic stones for real Ladies!

Lapis lazuli is a stone of inner wisdom!

Lapis lazuli is a stone of wisdom. It helps to remember knowledge that has long been forgotten, awaken intuition, free yourself from illusions and see life as it is with its good and bad states.

Lapis lazuli helps you see the essence of things. You need to be brave enough to enter into a direct dialogue with him. But if you do this, the stone will reward you with interest and will reveal to you the truth not only about other people and real events, but also about itself.

This is a very wise, sensitive and honest stone! He will happily pass on his qualities to his owner!

Rose quartz is a stone of love.

Love for yourself and the world, love in its purest manifestation lies in the depths of this amazing stone!

Rose quartz, like a little wizard, finds the key to our heart and opens it to meet our own true self and the world around us.

He teaches you to accept yourself and other people as they are!

He teaches you to fill your life with love and, together with it, co-create your reality in love and harmony!

Rose quartz helps those who are desperate and live in pain and suffering, it gives hope for something new, bright and beautiful in life!

Stones that suit the Capricorn horoscope

  • Onyx – gives confidence and independence in actions to both men and women. The owner of such a stone, as a rule, rarely gets sick and can live to a very old age. Onyx gives good memory and serves as protection from ill-wishers and envious glances. Helps Capricorns decide on a goal and direction to achieve it.
  • Malachite – gives Capricorn the opportunity to maintain a balance of forces in the body and gives good health. The stone is especially suitable for the fairer sex, as it will help to find harmony in everything. It is also an excellent antispasmodic and analgesic during menstruation in women.
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