Talismans and stones for Aquarius: rules for choosing and wearing, selecting stones for women and men by date of birth

For Aquarius, talisman stones are: azurite, aquamarine, garnet, amethyst, sapphire, turquoise and zircon. Amethyst, aquamarine and azurite are most suitable for women, and sapphire and zircon for men. Garnet and turquoise are universal stones that are suitable for both.

Metals for fire zodiac signs

The fire signs of the zodiac - Leo, Sagittarius, Aries - are characterized by such qualities as optimism, self-confidence, determination, and initiative. Let's look at the metals according to the zodiac signs for the fire elements.

Sagittarius is a fearless leader thanks to the influence of the dominant planet - Jupiter. Optimistic, enthusiastic, he loves change. He is inquisitive and has a philosophical mind. Gold will help highlight the best qualities of Sagittarius. Precious stones: amethyst, topaz. They will bring prosperity and good luck into your life. Their stones are also lapis lazuli, opal, jade, and onyx.

Which metal suits the zodiac sign Leo? The main qualities of the “king of beasts” are self-confidence, authority, creativity, sociability, and generosity. To enhance these character traits, a representative of the fire element is recommended to wear gold, harmoniously combining it with diamond and amber. Gold helps Leos replenish their vitality. Precious stones for them are gold quartz, agate, ruby, jade.

Curious and fair, Aries are distinguished by purposefulness, determination, initiative and an optimistic outlook on the world. Like other fire signs, gold suits them perfectly. It can motivate Aries to achieve high goals. They should choose turquoise, ruby, quartz, and amber as precious stones.

How to wear an amulet correctly

It is recommended to wear the talisman away from prying eyes: in a bag, around the neck under clothes, in a pocket. A broken, dirty or cracked amulet must be given fire or water: burned or drowned in a river, since its damage indicates that it has absorbed negative energy.

Important! When wearing a magical item, you must remember that it is faith in its power that is the main criterion, without which not a single talisman will help its owner.

Air signs

The most suitable metal according to the zodiac signs of the air elements is silver, copper, and bronze. “Air” people are communicative, freedom-loving, and changeable. Therefore, metals and stones are suitable for them, helping to activate their best qualities and saving them from hasty decisions and senseless risks.

Aquarians are eccentric and energetic people, despite their apparent modesty; deep thinkers with a passion for helping people. They know how to solve problems easily; They are friendly, so they can boast of many friends. Metals for Aquarius are determined by their ruling planet, Uranus. Their talismans are green gold, copper, lead. Of the precious stones, sardonyx, coral, and fluorite are considered their amulets.

Communicative Geminis are very enterprising. This sign needs intellectual stimulation; he always seeks development physically, mentally and spiritually. Since the patron saint of Gemini is Mars, metals such as mercury and silver are suitable for them. And their stones are considered to be aquamarine, emerald, and crystal.

People born under the sign of Libra are calm and fair. They really want to love and be loved, they hate loneliness. In pursuit of equality and justice, they must strive for spiritual harmony. Metals such as bronze and white gold help them achieve this. They prefer malachite, emerald, and carnelian as precious stones.

The most honest horoscope: the whole truth about Aquarius women

What is she?

Trumpet woman. Plumbing. Which burst. The gushing from the chimney, which is typical, can be nectar and chilled prosecco, or what everyone is thinking about now - it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that it is not possible to plug this fountain, unless, of course, you use an aspen stake.

The totem animal is the Govorun bird (“distinguished by intelligence and intelligence, intelligence and intelligence”). Life credo: “Drink, smoke, chase geese.” Motto: “Hurry before it starts!”

Positive traits

She is absolutely unsinkable: in any incomprehensible situation she sees a way out and directs her neighbors to it with kind, sympathetic kicks. The underground nickname is Radio “Positive”: it is capable of driving an enthusiastic blizzard for hours, infecting others with positivity. She is as inventive as a thousand devils and, which is typical, she always manages to bring her crazy ideas to life. A born mass entertainer: within the framework of one party he easily switches from the role of toastmaster-accordion player to the role of a psychotherapist on a voluntary basis.

Negative qualities

God-level shamelessness: capable of interfering with someone else’s business even in a situation where she is being carried past something interesting on a stretcher with a broken spine. Even if she doesn’t work at all, she is sincerely convinced that she works too much, and never tires of reminding those around her that, poor girl, they piled too much on her, they sat on top of her, her legs dangling and whistling, scoundrels.

An outstanding gossip: she never blurts out other people's secrets to everyone, but only to one trusted person. Who will completely independently blurt out the secret to everyone.


Strictly speaking, she never falls in love at all, because from birth she has been head over heels in love with this beautiful world and all its inhabitants. He starts a relationship simply because it worked out so well. He never starts a serious relationship, because he values ​​his freedom above all else, firstly, and secondly, he firmly believes that the institution of marriage was invented by some fools who do not know how to live cheerfully. As a partner, he always chooses a guy with whom it is not boring - this is one thing, two - who is able to take care of mortal things while Aquarius is in the clouds and hanging out. Half a century later, the Aquarius young lady suddenly realizes that she has lived with this sweet guy all her life, raised children and grandchildren, had cats and a kindergarten - and this is where she begins to suspect something. Or maybe this is love, huh?


Aquarians, as a rule, do not want sex. And they want, firstly, great and pure love, and secondly (and most importantly) to be wanted. This is how it works: first, Aquarius notices genuine male interest in his beautiful person, and then fantasizes about what kind of enchanting sex they will have. In a bathtub with pink petals, on silk sheets, on the kitchen table or in the vestibule of the Moscow - Novy Urengoy train. Now, in order to get the best sex of his life, a man needs to guess which option Aquarius has come up with for himself. Did you guess it? Your sky will be filled with diamonds. Didn't guess right? You are the weak link. Farewell!


Wife-friend. The most faithful, the one who understands everything, the one with whom you are never bored. If, of course, the husband is ready to take on all the other socially useful tasks such as cooking borscht, cleaning the cat's litter box and raising the children they have together. Forcing Aquarius to do at least one of the above can be done with the same success as one can, say, train a goldfish, lecture a humanist on quantum mechanics, or carry water in a sieve. Well, on the other hand, everything is some kind of entertainment, right?


Aquarius + Aries

The upper classes cannot, the lower classes do not want to. Aries cannot control Aquarius, Aquarius does not want anything at all, because he sees: a tuft of wool from this black sheep will cost her dearly.

Aquarius + Taurus

Only sex, but, by the way, excellent: Taurus saws qualitatively, Aquarius carefully and painlessly for Taurus shifts the sawing towards experiments and the sky in diamonds. In all other areas of love, Taurus wants and injects himself, and Aquarius rolls his eyes and writes to his friend in the messenger: “Call urgently and say that you broke your leg, otherwise I’ll die of boredom.”

Aquarius + Gemini

A wonderful couple: both dream of a relationship in which it will not be boring, and both regularly shower each other with fun with a slight touch of infernity.

Aquarius + Cancer

A scary combination: Cancer has claws with which he wants to grab and not let go, and Aquarius has metaphorical lobster tongs, and she does not intend to just give up her freedom. And our Magic Ball does not undertake to predict who will defeat whom in this fight between two yakozuna.

Aquarius + Leo

Inexplicable, but true: unions often occur and are almost always successful, although, it would seem, nothing foreshadowed. But Leo turns into a cat and eats from Aquarius’s hand, and why the hell does Aquarius need it - this is a great mystery.

Aquarius + Virgo

Great union! Aquarius introduces a precisely measured therapeutic dose of chaos and carelessness into the ordered life of Virgo; Virgo works as an impeccable navigator, ready to promptly prompt her careless rider on the best route. Love? “What kind of love? Children were” ©.

Aquarius + Libra

Fun and tasty: Libra is charged with Aquarius optimism, Aquarius rejoices in the freedom that is not encroached upon, and the opportunity to poke Libra with a wand at any time - they twitch so funny!

Aquarius + Scorpio

Nothing will work out: Scorpio always has a lot of complaints about his partner, Aquarius has the same answer to all complaints: “Be-be-be!” And not letting Scorpio devour your tender brain and defenseless heart is actually like cutting off its oxygen.

Aquarius + Sagittarius

Excitement and freedom. And suddenly the sex is so-so, because these two simply don’t have time to talk to each other between their adventures. And therefore they will live together happily ever after, yes.

Aquarius + Capricorn

It should be noted that Capricorn’s courtship tactics - “Woman, I don’t dance” - always work perfectly in relation to Aquarius. In the sense that Aquarius simply does not pay any attention to him. And if she had, Capricorn would have known how you feel when the four horsemen of the apocalypse have already come after you. However, our Magic Ball reports that some Capricorns were still unlucky and died in an unequal struggle with the freedom-loving natures of Aquarius. Let us drink to the repose of their sinless brains.

Aquarius + Aquarius

A fool sees a fool from afar, but Aquarius also senses Aquarius with a special Aquarius sense that originates below the back. And he walks around respectfully, bowing politely. Because, you know, I really want to live. Both.

Aquarius + Pisces

As they say, two alternatively gifted individuals are the mass of a body multiplied by its acceleration (if you know what we mean). In the sense that the union is absolutely enchanting even from the outside, and from the inside it is a solid Unicorn country with blackjack and buns.


Earth Signs

Earthly zodiac signs - Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos - try to plan everything in life, do not like change, and prefer deliberate actions to risk.

People born under the sign of Capricorn are distinguished by seriousness, tact, and self-control. To better control their emotions and learn to restore vitality, they should choose platinum. Among precious stones, you should give preference to onyx, amethyst, and ruby. A person with a tough character should be careful with the latter, because ruby ​​accumulates bad energy and can enhance negative emotions.

Taurus are considered the calmest people. To provoke open aggression in them, you need to try. These representatives of the earthly element seek stability in everything, love earthly pleasures, and value luxury items. Which metal according to the zodiac sign suits Taurus? These include silver, copper, and the stones are agate, sapphire, turquoise, rose quartz.

Virgos are pedants and extremely cautious people. They have a strategic approach to life. More often their hearts are closed from the outside world, but in their souls they are tender and sensual. Mercury patronizes Virgos, which means they should choose copper, bronze, and tin from metals. Their precious stones are jade, tiger's eye, turquoise.

Which fauna representatives patronize Aquarius?

For Aquarius, animals and birds that love the sky and water are suitable. These are the crane, the dove (sky) and the dolphin (water). This especially applies to women. But for men, “earthly” animals such as camels and goats are more suitable. Primates are also suitable for both.

Crane: This bird is a symbol of special talents. Aquarius people are believed to be heavenly gifted. This is, as a rule, perfect hearing, falcon vision or absolute memory. The patron crane also speaks of the possible presence of magical inclinations in the Aquarius man.

Dove: symbol of peace and friendliness. Represents trust, charm, reliability and excellent relationships with others. Inspires calm and has exceptional magnetism. Does not tolerate monotony, routine, slowness, pedantry and strict discipline.

Dolphin: an ideal patron talisman that protects against disasters, diseases and bad people. The whale, a close relative of the dolphin, also has similar advantages. The amulet of gray, blue, green and purple colors has special power.

Camel: ship of the desert, majestic and resilient. She has qualities that help her cope with any situation, even the most difficult. A symbol of freedom and independence, proud of its strength and self-esteem.

Goat: organically combines nobility, apathy, restraint and modesty. He is characterized by reliability, stability and dreaminess. Such a patron talisman shares with Aquarius energy and activity, as well as a desire to help and support.

Primate: the lemur is the most suitable of all primates for the role of patron for Aquarius. The talisman protects against various diseases, treats pain and lifts your spirits. Ideal as a pet that will share its energy with its owner.

Water signs

Let's consider which metal according to the zodiac signs to choose for water representatives.

Intuitive and sentimental Cancers should choose titanium and its alloys as a talisman. Onyx, agate, and cat's eye help strengthen the determination of representatives of the water element, giving them inspiration, creativity, and the gift of persuasion.

Brass amulets are ideal for passionate and assertive Scorpio. They help to withstand difficult moments in life and maintain inner harmony. Their precious stones are opal, sapphire, black quartz.

Pisces are very emotional. Silver jewelry helps enhance their energy. They promise their owner happiness, success in love and business. Pisces gemstones - pearls, tiger's eye, euclase.

Flowers and trees talismans

Which trees are suitable for Aquarius:

  1. Elm is a symbol of youth, naivety and curiosity. This tree reflects the inner world of true Aquarius, ready to plunge headlong into the unknown world. The plant softens an assertive disposition and makes the character more flexible and simple. Elm will help those who thirst for new knowledge or work in the field of scientific activity.

  2. Cypress is a symbol of love of life and inner emotionality. These traits are also key in describing the Aquarius sign. Cypress will help those who experience severe energy deficiency or emotional burnout at work. It will give vital energy in difficult situations.

  3. Poplar is a sign of freedom. The tree will remove negative energy from a person and protect him from the evil eye and depression. Poplar reveals the inner beauty of the owner.

  4. Pine will help you find new useful acquaintances and promote the acquisition of real, friendly relationships. The plant reveals the inner potential in a person.

What flowers are suitable:

  • arrowroot;
  • motley reo;
  • stromanta;
  • lily;
  • makoya;
  • alocasia.

Suitable garden and wild flowers include:

  • violet;
  • myrtle;
  • mistletoe;
  • immortelle;
  • narcissus;
  • belladonna.

Each metal has a planet

It is not difficult to determine metal by zodiac sign and date of birth. But alchemists claim that each metal also has its own planet. Venus is copper; The sun is gold; iron is the metal of Mars; Saturn is lead; Moon - silver; mercury is the metal of Mercury; Jupiter is tin. Knowing their planet, everyone can determine the metal that suits them. It is worth noting that there is a metal according to the zodiac sign that suits absolutely everyone. Is this platinum. It is characterized by purity because it does not accumulate negativity, which cannot be said about other metals.

Stones depending on year of birth

When choosing a mineral based on the year of birth, Aquarians should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • amber - for Rabbits and Rats;
  • chrysolite - for Dragons and Snakes;
  • lapis lazuli - for Bulls;
  • garnet and amethyst - for Horses;
  • onyx - for Goats;
  • charoite - for Tigers;
  • tourmaline - for Pigs;
  • jasper and sapphire - for Dogs and Monkeys;
  • aquamarine - for Roosters.

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