Talismans, amulets and amulets made of stones began to be created in ancient times. People believed that gems would bring them success in many endeavors, protect them from negative energy, black magic, violent death, scammers, etc. Such artifacts are also popular in modern times. However, some people claim that they really work, while others are disappointed that the miracle did not happen.
According to lithotherapists, you first need to understand that amulets, talismans and amulets act in different ways. In addition, it is necessary to choose the right artifact, taking into account the date of birth, name, purpose, zodiac sign, etc. If desired, each person can create an amulet that will perform a specific task, for example, protect against damage, scammers, attract wealth, love etc. The main thing is to follow the rules for choosing a talisman or amulet.
Talisman, amulet and amulet are not the same thing
Talisman stones were used by ancient people to protect themselves from death, attract good luck, health, strengthen certain abilities, get rich, etc. Their choice should be taken seriously, since minerals have great power, they affect a person energetically and physically level. It is important to understand that there is a difference between a talisman, a talisman and an amulet.
A talisman is a magical ally that attracts happiness and good luck. It can be not only a gem, but also any clothing or accessory that is associated with pleasant emotions. They improve your mood and instill self-confidence. You can choose a talisman stone based on your date of birth, goals, horoscope, etc. For example, Aquarians can use sapphire or aquamarine for this purpose. But it is better to take into account several characteristics at once when selecting a “personal assistant”, then its effect will be as beneficial as possible.
The action of the talisman stone is slow and smooth, but its duration is unlimited. The main thing is to periodically cleanse and nourish the gem with your energy.
Amulets do not bring something new into life, they help preserve what already exists. This artifact will protect the owner from potential danger. For example, a very popular amulet against drunkenness, which protects the owner from painful cravings for alcohol. In addition, these magical allies help protect health, family, career, and money from the negative influence of others. This is a kind of filter that passes bad energy through itself, purifying it. Therefore, amulets have an expiration date, depending on the amount of negativity.
Attention! If over time the amulet began to evoke negative emotions in you, and its appearance deteriorated, then most likely it has exhausted its potential. Get rid of it and buy a new one.
The amulet helps to strengthen or acquire certain character qualities, protect, attract good luck in love, career, etc. It will help in any area of life, but you need to correctly determine the task, and also use it.
Talisman stones are chosen taking into account the zodiac constellation, name, gender, etc. To choose a suitable amulet or amulet, you need to feel its compatibility with a competing gem.
Mascot Classification System
If you want magical allies to act, you need to take into account different characteristics when choosing them. There is a whole system for distributing talismans according to various characteristics, by which you can recognize your stone:
- According to the zodiac constellation.
- By full date of birth.
- By name.
- By purpose.
- According to the prompt.
As you can see, when choosing a magical ally you need to take into account the horoscope, date of birth, name, goals. But not all people understand how to choose a personal assistant based on a hint. Everything is based on chance, that is, a person unexpectedly found a stone that helped him in a certain situation, after which it became a talisman or amulet.
How to select a talisman stone: selection rules
It is important to understand that talisman stones can change a person’s character and destiny. It is in the interests of everyone to choose the right one among precious, semi-precious or ornamental gems, as well as to competently manage its energy.
You need to select and use stones as magical allies taking into account the following recommendations:
- accept talismans as gifts from people whose good intentions you are sure of. Such a gem brings only good luck or carefully protects you from the negativity of others. If you are not confident in the person, then refuse the gift, as the stone may negatively affect you;
- if you choose a magical ally yourself, then consider the characteristics described above. But, if the chosen mineral does not evoke positive emotions in you, then listen to your own intuition;
Attention! The power of the stones is palpable; if you are suddenly drawn to a certain gem, then take it in your left hand and listen to yourself. If the feelings are positive and you want to buy a crystal as a talisman, then do it.
- Buy talisman stones in trusted jewelry stores; you should not purchase them second-hand, as you can bring misfortune on yourself to other people;
- Immediately after purchase, you need to cleanse the stone of foreign energy. To do this, wash the gem under the tap, then lay it out to dry in the sun. Also, after cleaning, you can wipe the crystal with a napkin and then hold it over the candle flame. The mineral can then be left in the salt overnight to complete the cleansing;
- after cleaning, “get to know” the gem, ask it to become your protector or symbol. To charge the talisman stone, wear it without taking it off for several days in a row, periodically communicate with him, tell him how much you like him, remind him of what you want from him, clearly formulate your goals (career growth, harmony in relationships, protection from dark forces etc.), try to visualize your thoughts;
- try not to wear several amulets at the same time;
- Only natural stone can become the best magical ally;
- when choosing a talisman or amulet, make sure that there are no cracks or large stains on the gem;
- periodically clean the artifact from energy dirt, do not give it into the hands of strangers.
Be sure to check out: Stones of wealth: which minerals attract money and luck
The unprocessed gem has the strongest energy, but it is uncomfortable to wear. For this reason, most people buy jewelry with matching stones.
When buying jewelry, do you listen to advice on choosing a stone?
Not really
Safety precautions
In order for a mineral to gain magical power and the power of a talisman, you need to make friends with it. Family jewelry becomes powerful amulets, but only on the condition that its past owners were happy. If the talisman was not passed down by inheritance, a new crystal was purchased, but before use it had to be cleared of old energy.
Each stone has its own character and has its own limit of patience, so people often talk to a stone ally and praise that the power of the amulet has not faded.
Minerals donated by a kind and caring person became powerful talismans. You should be wary of stones found on the street or purchased at a pawn shop. Nobody knows how the fate of the previous owner turned out; perhaps someone else’s amulet carries mortal danger.
Talisman according to personal data
A correctly selected talisman or amulet will help protect life, improve health, attract good luck, and enhance useful abilities. But, as mentioned, the effect can be negative, so you need to carefully choose a gem. To do this, you should take into account personal information: zodiac sign, day, number of birth, season, name, etc. The more characteristics are taken into account, the stronger and more positive the influence of the talisman will be. If a person also connects his intuition, he will be able to acquire a strong magical ally who will protect him from the surrounding negativity and help him find success in certain or different areas of life.
Astrologers distinguish 4 elements - Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Each element includes 3 zodiac signs, which are suitable for the same talismans.
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius represent Fire. They are energetic, strong, purposeful. Amulets with transparent, shining, colorless or bright (red, orange, purple, blue) crystals are suitable for them. Representatives of these elements can wear jewelry with zircon, rock crystal, diamonds, topaz, etc. It is recommended to combine these stones with gold. Such talismans make the owner even stronger, more successful, and protect against rash actions, the atrocities of enemies and unnecessary emotionality.
Representatives of the Earth elements are Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo. They are stable, resilient, confident, reliable, strict and patient. Opaque stones of a uniform color with small inclusions or specks of a different shade are suitable for them as a talisman. To improve their health, improve their financial condition, and reveal their talents, they can wear items with jet, jasper, malachite, and lapis lazuli in a silver frame.
Air signs are flexible, adaptable, active, easy-going, receptive and independent. Libra, Gemini and Aquarius are suitable for translucent stones in light shades (white, blue, yellow, pink, green). They can wear talismans with inserts of jade, agate, carnelian and gold.
Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio represent the element of Water. They are receptive, changeable, focused on the inner world, and emotional. Stones that change color under different lighting conditions can be chosen as talismans: blue, green or gray. They are recommended to buy products with opal, aquamarine, coral, pearls, and selenite. Gems can be framed in any metal.
TALISMAN STONES People have believed in amulets stones since ancient times.
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Zodiac sign
According to most lithotherapists, you need to choose stones to create magical assistants according to the constellation:
Zodiac sign | List of stones | Action of talismans |
Aries | Jewelry with serpentine, lapis lazuli, jasper, quartz, malachite, tiger's eye, agate is suitable for Aries | Strengthen positive qualities and eliminate negativity |
Taurus | For Taurus, an excellent option would be products with amethyst, carnelian, hematite, agate, quartz, aventurine, jasper, amazonite | They force you to move faster towards your goal by analyzing everything in advance, make you more sociable and pleasant |
Twins | Talismans with alexandrite, malachite, jade, topaz, selenite, amber can be worn | Improves overall well-being, helps you become more confident, kinder, gentler |
Cancer | Products with pearls, moonstone, hematite, amethyst, ruby, jasper, carnelian are suitable | Fill the soul with peace, relieve mental anguish, attract success |
a lion | Leo can wear jewelry with amber, ruby, sapphire, rock crystal, diamonds, citrine, etc. | Add strength, make character softer, improve oratory abilities |
Virgo | You can use talismans with crystal, aventurine, cat's eye, citrine, chrysoprase, jade, jasper, etc. | They will protect you from negativity and improve your personal life. |
Scales | You should wear jewelry with malachite, onyx, amethyst, obsidian, jasper, rauchtopaz, opal | They will add determination, charge you with energy, and attract good luck. |
Scorpion | Products with moonstone, citrine, carnelian, pearls, and agate are suitable for Scorpio. aventurine | They help curb aggression and help you become more successful in love and career. |
Sagittarius | You need to choose lapis lazuli, amethyst, coral, turquoise, ruby, hematite, topaz | Improves health, relieves problems, helps improve relationships with others |
Capricorn | Capricorns should wear jewelry with crystal, obsidian, garnet, jasper, ruby, agate, opal, chrysoprase | Increases communication skills, protects against illnesses, helps improve things at work and in your personal life. |
Aquarius | Suitable products with serpentine, amethyst, crystal, garnet, onyx, agate, aventurine | Helps to finish work, become kinder, more sympathetic, attracts love, improves financial situation |
Fish | You should wear jewelry with moonstones, opal, pearls, amethyst, cacholong, etc. | Improves matters in business as well as love, gives self-confidence |
This table will help you determine your stone, but listen to your feelings.
Must see: Stone that brings happiness and love
Day of the week and date of birth
Talismans can be chosen depending on the day; they differ in color:
- For people born on Monday - white.
- Tuesday - blue or red-violet.
- Wednesday – blue tone.
- Thursday – violet color.
- Friday – all shades of green.
- Saturday – all dark shades.
- Sunday – golden.
The number of birth is also of great importance in choosing a talisman:
- 1, 10, 19, 28 – wear corals, rubies, topazes, opal.
- 2, 11, 20, 29 – cat’s eye, pearls, jade.
- 3, 12, 21, 30 – topaz, amethyst, emerald.
- 4, 13, 22, 31 – wear jewelry with garnet, opal, aquamarine.
- 5, 14, 23 – with zircon, sapphire, diamond.
- 6, 15, 24 – with opal, beryl, emerald.
- 7, 16, 25 – moonstone, tiger eye, pearls are suitable.
- 8, 17, 26 – wear items with lapis lazuli, sapphire, opal.
- 9, 18, 27 – garnet, ruby, opal are recommended.
Based on your birth date, you need to give preference to a certain stone.
There is one way to choose a mineral; to do this you need to calculate the full date of birth:
- Add up the full date, for example, 09/26/1986: 2+6+9+1+9+8+6 = 41.
- Additionally add 4+1 = 5
Then find your stone depending on the number you get:
- 1 – sapphire, obsidian.
- 2 – sapphire, citrine.
- 3 – coral, hematite, obsidian.
- 4 – emerald.
- 5 – turquoise.
- 6 – carnelian.
- 7 – diamond.
- 8 – ruby.
- 9 – rock crystal.
This method of calculating a suitable amulet is more accurate than using the birth number.
When choosing a talisman, you should take into account the season during which the person was born:
- Those born in December, January, and February should choose minerals of white, blue, and dark blue.
- For those who celebrate their birthday in March, April, May, gems of green or blue shades are suitable.
- People who were born in June, July, August have stones of bright colors, for example, blue, green, and all shades of colors.
- Birthdays of September, October and November - minerals from yellow to red, as well as dark blue.
For those born in winter, an amulet in the shape of an ice flake or snowflake is suitable, in spring - a bud, in summer - a beetle, butterfly, in autumn - a leaf.
A very popular way to choose a talisman stone is by name. To know which stone is more suitable, you need to know the meaning of the name and the gem. This information will help restore balance. For example, Alina is a leader, but too conflicted, which rose quartz, which softens her character, will help them cope with. Kira translates as a mistress who cannot tolerate objections; in order to improve relationships with others, she needs to wear tourmaline. And Nina is overly proud and touchy, which rauchtopaz will help her cope with.
Important! According to this principle, a talisman is chosen for women and men. You need to know the meaning of your name and mineral in order to find a stone that will help restore balance.
Month of birth
The selection of a protective gem can also be carried out in accordance with the month of birth. True, in this case, astrologers talk about a high level of error.
To make your selection easier, you can use the simplest table:
Months | Minerals |
January | Demantoid, serpentine, blue sapphire and sodalite, falcon (hawk) eye |
February | Green-blue turquoise, rock crystal, clear hyacinth, amethyst, green chrysocolla |
March | Green-blue aquamarine, pearl, sapphire, tourmaline, layered and black agate |
April | Bright blue sapphire, amber, almandine, pyrope, diamond, red agate |
May | Emerald, uvarovite, golden topaz, yellow beryl, black jasper, rauchtopaz, morion, tiger's eye |
June | Alexandrite, tourmaline, jade, noble spinel, adularia, green and blue agate |
July | Carnelian, ruby, amethyst, opal, emerald (for Cancers), cat's eye, selenite |
August | Golden topaz, heliolite (sunstone), citrine, yellow sapphire and agate, jasper |
September | Malachite, rock crystal, onyx, peridot, heliotrope, amethyst, green garnet, emerald |
October | Tourmaline, blue topaz, sapphire, diamond, serpentine, lapis lazuli, amethyst |
November | Black pearl, peridot, heliodor, tiger's eye, onyx, hematite, black opal |
December | Turquoise, garnet, emerald, onyx, ruby, rhodochrosite, green agate, malachite |
Those born in the “border zone” can use stones that are 2 months old.
Before choosing, you should check them with your date of birth. Be sure to see: Stones for Pisces by horoscope, date and year of birth
Helpers for different purposes
Amulets that have a specific task are very popular. Most often, people buy amulets against the evil eye and damage. Also, magical allies help to overcome alcoholism, drug addiction, attract love, money, good luck at work, etc. If desired, you can choose a mineral for any occasion.
The most powerful
The meaning of talismans can be different, but the most powerful are those that are aimed at solving a specific problem:
- Agate, turquoise, hyacinth, and heliotrope will help get rid of liars.
- Turquoise and carnelian will help you attract money.
- Falcon, tiger eye, opal, topaz, chrysoprase will help protect you from gossip and intrigues of enemies.
- You can avoid theft with the help of a tiger, cat's eye, or diamond.
- Jewelry with sapphire, diamond, carnelian, onyx, bloodstone, and garnet will help neutralize the effect of black magic.
- Amulets with a cat's eye, a tiger's eye, malachite, jasper, selenite, and emerald will protect you from danger.
If you want enlightenment and spiritual growth, then pay attention to white gems, as well as amethyst, zircon, olivine, and emerald.
Ladies' protectors
A woman should choose a stone depending on her purpose:
- Turquoise, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, and malachite will help you find love.
- Alexandrite, diamond, ruby, sapphire will allow you to build a career.
- Products with amethyst, lapis lazuli, tourmaline, and ruby will help improve family relationships.
- During pregnancy, it is recommended to acquire an amulet with carnelian, zircon, bloodstone, jasper, lapis lazuli, white pearls, and opal. These stones will protect the health of the expectant mother, as well as her child.
Important! purely feminine and masculine minerals, it’s just that representatives of the stronger sex more often choose gems of dark shades (blue, dark green, brown, black).
Charms for children
Children can be given a talisman on their first birthday. However, buying a stone in advance is strictly prohibited. You can give your baby an amulet with agate, jade, or amber. This could be a pendant or decoration above the crib.
A teenager chooses a talisman depending on his date of birth, zodiac sign, name, gender, etc. When you give it to your child, be sure to tell him that this is his personal assistant. Parents can read the spell over the gem in advance to set it up for a specific task.
Algorithm and decoding of calculations
How can you determine a person’s stone by the key number of fate? To calculate it, a special formula is used: “birthday + month + year”. All values are summed up; in practice, the process looks like adding each of the available numbers.
For people born on April 24, 1979:
- 2+4+0+4+1+9+7+9 = 36;
- The resulting result is additionally added up: 3+6=9;
- the number of fate is 9.
Each value from 1 to 9 has its own natural minerals that form a magical bond with it. They can be calculated using the above algorithm.
Number | Stone and purpose |
1 | sapphires - to achieve goals; aventurines - for ardent, passionate love; carnelian, obsidian for protection. |
2 | pearls - to activate personal potential; sapphire, citrine - will clear the mind of extraneous thoughts, tell you where it is better to move; moonstone - will increase self-confidence. |
3 | turquoise, chrysolite - improve mood; corals, rubies, bloody jasper, obsidian - restore physical and mental health. |
4 | emerald, sapphire, jade - will protect you from the evil eye, envy, the influence of dark forces, attract good luck, and get rid of bad thoughts. |
5 | tiger's eye - will calm people with pathological jealousy, add intellectual abilities; turquoise - will improve a person’s contact, make him softer, and will not allow him to find fault with others. |
6 | agate - will protect you from envious people and their intrigues; carnelian - activates creative abilities, helps to grow at a professional level; Diamonds are generally suitable and will provide protection. |
7 | malachite - will calm down; diamonds - will bring good luck; rubies - will improve physical condition. |
8 | onyx - will help you make the right choice; ruby - will allow you to meet the right people; pomegranate - will improve friendly relations. |
9 | topaz - will protect; rock crystal - will calm boiling passions and force you to pay attention to existing problems. |
Minerals selected according to key fate numbers are considered the most effective.
It is rare to encounter a zero value in calculations. It means infinity, universal emptiness, the unknown of the universe. People born under this sign are not ordinary people; they are haunted by madness or genius.
Representatives are initially endowed with a number of magical abilities, many of them are active practitioners with psychic abilities. From birth they have access to the lost knowledge of ancient civilizations.
For them, the best amulet is a red diamond, which combines the properties of diamonds and rubies. They do not allow a person to break away from reality and completely go into the astral depths.
A red diamond is needed for those born under the zero sign.
The second most important talisman for representatives is jadeite, which helps to fully reveal their extrasensory abilities. If they need to improve their personal life, then they will have to find their majorite.
The only condition is the large size of the mineral, its absolute transparency and ideal cut. It is believed that the love sphere is the only plane in which those born under the “zero” sign constantly fail.
Main conclusions
As you can see, there is a difference between a talisman, a talisman and an amulet: the first brings success, the second protects what you already have, and the third is responsible for certain tasks. You need to choose magical allies based on your zodiac sign, date, name, purpose, etc. Buy a new gem, without visible defects, clean and charge it after purchase. Establish contact with your stone, to do this, wear it for several days in a row, while listening to your feelings. Periodically cleanse the mineral of negativity and regularly replenish it with your energy. If you want a strong talisman, then consider as many characteristics as possible, but listen to your intuition.
Do you have a talisman? Do you feel his influence and support in difficult situations? Share your observations in the comments.