Properties, magic and rules for choosing and wearing Australian opal

The history of opal

During the times of Ancient Rome and Greece, the mineral was held in high esteem by the population. The rare stone was considered a symbol of fidelity and constancy, despite its black tint. The name is translated from Latin and Sanskrit almost identically and means “precious stone”.

Australian opal

Australian minerals were found in the 19th century, the first mention in books dates back to 1872 and the discovery of new deposits. The world did not immediately believe in the authenticity of the minerals, since their appearance was unusual and their color was rich. Therefore, a large number of people migrated to Australia to make sure of the presence of such gems, mine them and get rich. Currently, 90% of the total stone volume is mined in Australia.

Not all stones have a black base. There are specimens in dark blue, gray-black or dark green shades. But the most valuable are black minerals with red tints. The same specimens, only with a white base, are called boulders. Sometimes there are translucent stones that have even greater opalescence.

The Australian aborigines say that the stones were sent to their land by God; they appeared immediately in the places where he walked. Local legends say that the mineral appeared in the places where a rainbow fell into the Earth. Science shows that the formation of the stone took place over millions of years. The exact origin is unknown, but the mineral is believed to have formed in crevices on the former sea floor. In these lagoons and crevices, not only water collected, but also the remains of flora and fauna, which mixed with silicon in the soil and, after millennia, gave this result.

The stones are so unforgettable that some of them have become famous throughout the world. They were given names. In particular, I remember the following instances:

  • "Australian Olympics", a mineral named after a sporting event in Melbourne. The stone is valued at $2.5 million and weighs 3.5 kilograms.
  • Jupiter 5 resembled a planet, weighed about 4 kilograms and now adorns a private collection.
  • "Halley's Comet" is an opal that is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Its weight is only 400 grams, but the age of the stone is about 20 million years. A copy was found in 1986.
  • The Pride of Australia is a black opal that is shaped like the Australian continent. In the middle of the twentieth century, the stone ended up in America, in one of the Los Angeles museums, but was stolen over time. The location of the stone is currently unknown.


Australian opals entered the world market not so long ago. The first mention of them dates back to the 19th century, a period of heyday of industry, as well as new deposits of valuable stones and metals. However, popular rumor did not ignore the opals of Australia, rewarding them with a romantic and mystical aura, which was expressed in several legends.

According to one of the beliefs, one day God himself descended from heaven to the sinful earth and began to observe the lives of people. In the places where he stepped, wonderful stones formed, sparkling with all the rainbow colors. Another legend tells of a rainbow falling on our planet. Having hit the earth's surface, the rainbow crumbled into hundreds and thousands of small pieces, scattered throughout the world. This is how rich deposits appeared, delighting humanity to this day.

Opal deposits

The name of the stone itself speaks about the deposits of the substance. The mineral can be found in the Great Artesian Basin area, which includes:

  1. N.S.W.
  2. South Australia.
  3. Queensland.

Australian stones are prized in the jewelry market and are sold at auctions. The most expensive stones are mined at the Lightning Ridge mine. After extraction, the minerals are processed using the cabochon technique, which fully reveals the opalescence and shimmer of the stone.

Opals from Australia

Australian opals appeared relatively recently; the first mention of the stone dates back to the 19th century. Despite this, there are two legends that tell about exactly how the stones appeared.

One legend tells that one day God descended onto the sinful earth and decided to look at how people live. Where the creator's foot stepped, a scattering of stones appeared. They were distinguished by the fact that they sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow at the same time.

Australian opal

There is another legend that tells that one day a rainbow fell to the ground. It crumbled from the impact and broke into small fragments. These fragments froze and turned into opals of incredible beauty. The stones were found in various places, telling stories about their incredible color.

But science has a completely different theory: experts say that the process of formation of the mineral was influenced by climate conditions. In caves where water and animal remains accumulated, natural processes occurred under the influence of heat, which were accompanied by the release of silicon. Then the climate changed, and other climate conditions began to influence silicon and the process of stone formation. The pressure level and temperature have changed. As a result of such conditions, an opal was formed that sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow at the same time.

Australia is considered the world's supplier of opals. Up to 90% of all stones that are supplied to the market are mined in this country. In Australia you can find gems of the following colors and shades:

  1. Black and white.
  2. Red, green and blue.

Black Australian opal is considered one of the rarest and most expensive, its price is about $300 per 1 carat. White stones are also not widely available; the cost of such minerals starts from $100 per 1 carat.

Opals can be transparent or translucent - this also affects their cost. The following metals can serve as a setting for a stone:

  • gold;
  • platinum;
  • silver.

Black opal with iridescent colors combines best with gold. The color of the metal sets off the stone and makes the decoration chic. There are jewelry made from platinum and silver, but they do not look as impressive.

But the setting for white opal can be either platinum or silver. The color of the stone matches the metal. Such products will decorate any woman, regardless of her age and position in society.

Opal is a fairly hard stone; on the Moss scale its properties are rated at 6.5 points. Most often, minerals are processed using the cabochon technique. Jewelers value black opals the most. These stones are mined in the Great Artesian Basin. The deposits are located in the following territories:

  1. South Wales.
  2. Queensland.
  3. Lightnin', Ridge is a place where black opals are mined.

Jewelers highly value opals from Australia, considering them unique in their beauty. There are not so many jewelry inlaid with minerals on the market. On the shelves of shops and boutiques you can find:

  1. Pendants and necklaces with opals.
  2. Brooches and cufflinks.
  3. Rings and rings.

Black opal is rarely used in rings or rings due to the risk of the stone falling out. This type of jewelry requires special care; it is not suitable for everyday wear and is worn only on special occasions. However, a ring can last for tens or even hundreds of years - it all depends on the quality of the craftsman’s work and the condition of the stone.

Characteristics and naturalness of the stone

The Australian mineral has unique properties, which explain its appearance. The characteristics of the stone are expressed as follows:

  • density of the substance - 2-2.2 g/cm3;
  • hardness on the Mohs scale - 6-6.5;
  • color - white or black with rainbow tints;
  • high opalescence;
  • bright iridescence.

The value of the mineral is assessed using external criteria. Rarity and beauty raise the price of a stone. Black opal is the most expensive type of substance. For one carat they can ask for up to $300, and the price of a white mineral is slightly less - up to $100 per carat.

Pendant with Australian opal

Such cost and rarity provoke the emergence of counterfeit stones. There are several ways to verify the authenticity of a mineral:

  • You should look at the stone in sunlight. The original will shimmer and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, while the fake will glow with only one shade.
  • Natural opal will produce reflections in the sun that will reflect directly on your fingers.
  • It is enough to lick the mineral: the counterfeit or artificial stone will stick to the tongue. The verification method is only suitable if the stone is in your home.
  • The original has smooth transitions of colors and shades, while the fake has pronounced zoning.
  • The shimmer of opals in nature appears to be internal rather than superficial.
  • Under magnification, a cheap fake looks like pieces of glass or other material glued together.

Myths and facts

Based on incorrect myths about opal, you can get an idea of ​​how it should be worn and how to properly care for it. For example, we have already mentioned that people often consider Australian opal to be too fragile and “unreliable”. According to them, it easily breaks into pieces, like a rainbow from a famous legend. And indeed: opals are more fragile than other semi-precious stones, but not so much that jewelry made from them cracks at the first touch.

However, the surface structure of opals is close to glass, so they need to be protected in the same way as other jewelry: removed when visiting baths, saunas and intense sports. By the way, boulder opals are stronger than other varieties, since nature awarded them with iron ore as a base. They almost never crumble and are not susceptible to other environmental influences.

Some lovers of ornamental stones believe that opals should be periodically exposed to water or lubricated with oil to prevent them from cracking. There is no need to do any such manipulations: they are absolutely useless, because this stone is absolutely impenetrable. It is not a sponge and does not absorb liquids, so it will not be possible to preserve its beauty using oils, glycerin or water.

Do not clean with ultrasound: due to their fragility, microcracks may form on them, which will increase over time.

There is another myth, directly opposite to the previous one. People sometimes believe that water, on the contrary, destroys the structure of opals, so it will certainly collapse if it accidentally gets wet. This is not true at all: let's return to the scientific evidence that opal has a strong structure and high hardness. Therefore, water does not destroy it if the stone accidentally comes into contact with it.

Where did this myth come from? Probably due to the excessive fragility of doublet and triplet opals, when craftsmen glue them together in several layers to obtain a less durable, but beautiful form of jewelry. If such samples remain in water for a long time, they will indeed become unstuck, and under the influence of the adhesive, brown stains may appear on them, which will be impossible to remove. It is no coincidence that “doublets” and “triplets” are much cheaper than monolithic stones, although they sometimes look very tempting and attractive.

There is another “popular” opinion and it concerns black opals. People believe that they must be jet black and shiny. In fact, the concept of “black” in mineralogy can mean a mineral that is darker compared to, for example, milky shades. Of course, the blacker the sample, the more expensive it is.

The effect of active detergents on opals is worth mentioning separately. Like other stones, they are sensitive to abrasive substances and strong “chemistry”, so it is not worth subjecting them to such executions, even if the mineral is very dirty for some reason. Do not use bleach or dishwashing liquids to remove grease. The best option is a weak and safe solution of baby or laundry soap. It is enough to hold the “damaged” jewelry in it for 30 minutes, and then rinse it under running water, and it will certainly regain its former beauty and shine. After washing, the stones and cut should be thoroughly dried and stored in a dark place.

Do not clean opals with toothpaste or glycerin. Also, don't dip them in water too often to make them shine brighter. If the stone has lost its original shine, it has probably been left in the sun for a long time and now needs to be treated by a professional polisher. In theory, it is recommended to carry out routine polishing every three to four years. Good quality polishing perfectly removes microscopic scratches from minerals, preventing them from increasing in size, and thereby preserving the natural structure.

And another popular myth about opals: there are suspicious airline passengers who are sure that cracks in their jewelry appeared due to air travel. In fact, neither low nor high atmospheric pressure in any way affects the state of the mineral, since it regularly experienced similar loads when forming in the natural environment. Only strong heat is dangerous for it (for example, as a result of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation).

Do black and other types of opals attract troubles and misfortunes? There is no objective evidence of this, despite the fact that such a myth is still popular among suspicious jewelry lovers. This lie was deliberately spread by diamond traders so that people would not buy opals and be fooled by their beauty and lower cost.

The magic of matter

Australian opals store a large amount of energy. The stone can be worn by strong-willed and decisive individuals who are endowed with leadership abilities. But the stone can subjugate people who are weak in spirit, so opals should be worn with caution, as there is a risk of developing bad habits. Sometimes the stone enhances negative character traits.

White opal, on the contrary, brings only positive emotions to the owner and enhances the best character traits. The stone is a symbol of the purity of the soul and purity of thoughts. It can be used as a talisman for the home, and can also be worn by representatives of professions such as doctors, veterinarians, and rescuers.

Opals often patronize creative people. Stones can reveal the meaning of life for a person, help in drawing up tasks and goals, as well as achieving them. But it is better not to buy a stone for people prone to laziness, since they will not be able to achieve material success.

The mineral not only develops flair, that is, intuition, but can also influence others. But opal will never cause harm; on the contrary, the stone will only work for the benefit of people.

Magic properties

Natural stones and magic are inseparable concepts. The properties of minerals to change the life of their owner were known back in ancient times. Modern magicians also believe in the special energy of stones, believing that they can bring good luck, protect against the evil eye and attract love. Magicians attribute the following properties to Australian opal:

  • subordinate the will and energy of people;
  • make the owner kind and sympathetic;
  • attract success.

When we talk about the subjugation of energy, it means contact of the stone with a weak, insecure person. Opal should not be worn by naturally shy, modest, vulnerable people. The stone is able to take possession of them completely, leaving them without personal opinion. Australian opal is not one of those that helps the weak-willed become strong, or the lazy become active and motivated. It is not suitable for such people, as well as for everyone who has a predominant negative mindset.

White Australian opal is a special case. He brings out the best in people that is in them. Owners of jewelry with white stones become kind-hearted, generous, noble, and are happy to do good deeds.

In general, they say about opal that it is a stone for strong-willed and purposeful people. Anyone who believes in themselves and knows what to strive for should try to bring good luck into life with the help of a talisman. It is believed that the stone will help avoid mistakes and show the right path to the goal.

Black opal has interesting properties. It is often used in rites and rituals by modern sorcerers and healers. They believe that the energy of the stone is so strong that with its help you can plunge into a trance, influence consciousness, subjugate the will, and even penetrate into the world of the future.

Magicians recommend wearing the stone not every day so that its influence does not exceed permissible limits. Regularly wearing opal jewelry is a risk associated with irreversible personality changes.

What astrologers are talking about

Astrologers have also formed their own opinion regarding Australian opal. They all believe in the magical power of the mineral and attribute special power to white and black stones. According to astrologers, opals will change the lives for the better of everyone born under the sign:

  • Leo;
  • Scorpio;
  • Pisces;
  • Rakov.

  • The stone is ideal for “water” signs, but most of all it will bring good luck, happiness and financial well-being to Scorpios. Strong-willed, energetic, strong - representatives of this sign, having received a stabilizer in the form of opal, will be able to achieve the highest goals.
  • Opal will perfectly cope with the role of a talisman for Scorpios, protecting them from rash actions. Those born under this sign do not succumb to the energy of the stone enough to allow them to subjugate their will. Thanks to him, they become more reasonable, calm and balanced. Scorpios are the only sign whose representatives can wear Australian opal every day.
  • Despite the fact that Leos are not the most hardworking and purposeful signs, they have a lot of character, so Australian opal will suit them almost as well as Scorpios. You can wear the stone as a ring on your hand, a bracelet or a necklace.
  • Pisces and Cancers can also safely choose Australian opal for confidence and increased motivation in achieving goals. The stone will not allow the often anxious and blues Cancers to become discouraged, stimulating them to move forward. Jewelry inlaid with white opal will improve your mood and help you realize your hidden potential.

Opal is not suitable for zodiac signs not mentioned above. It can bring dissonance into life, cause aggressive behavior and quarrels with others. Astrologers believe that the stone can choose the owner based on his character and will without focusing on the zodiac sign.

Talisman and amulet

Opals of all colors make original and exquisite jewelry. Most often, earrings, brooches, rings, and necklaces are encrusted with stones. Less commonly, minerals are used to design talismans, amulets and figurines for home decoration. Opal talismans are chosen by everyone who is looking for the right path in life, strives to realize their potential and achieve their goals.

Australian black opal is capable of many things. For the owner, it will become a reliable amulet and will help in the development of intuition and the gift of foresight. It is believed that the pebble helps the owner become almost a wizard, capable of reading thoughts.

Talismans with Australian opal are usually worn as a ring on the index finger. The stone helps you make the right decisions and looks harmonious in combination with yellow gold. As an amulet, opal has established itself as a stone that attracts good luck and does not allow one to fall into the power of base passions and desires.

The healing properties of Australian opal

Opal has many effects, the main thing is to use them correctly. To begin with, jewelry owners should take a closer look at the stones. If the substance has faded, this means that the owner has health problems. Opal acts as an indicator of a person’s condition.

The stone can be worn by children. It promotes the harmonious development of the child. Opal has a good effect on the psyche, nervous and endocrine systems. Opal can prevent diseases and improve immunity.

A few minutes a day spent with black opal will help improve vision and relieve eye fatigue. The stone can be used to charge water. In this case, an infusion of liquid will help fight colds and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The mineral can relieve nervous disorders, protect against nightmares and insomnia. Opal fights stress and overload of the body, promotes rapid recovery.

The stone has a beneficial effect on men and women. For men it increases potency, and for women it helps fight infertility and subsequently ensures easier childbirth. The stone can cure melancholy and depression; with it, the owner will gain not only energy, but also an interest in life. The stone is also suitable for older people, improving overall well-being.

How to distinguish a fake?

Fake Australian opal is easy to spot. The colors of glass or plastic look too loud, and the price may be suspiciously low. Keep in mind that real opals from Australia are rare in Russia, so any item with this name sold at a regular jewelry show should be viewed with suspicion.

Glass heats up quickly in your hand, unlike natural stone. Scratches quickly appear on it if you lightly run a needle over it. Plastic behaves in the same way. One of the main differences between a natural sample and a cheap fake is weight. Both plastic and glass weigh much less, and their structure looks primitive and artisanal, which is very clearly visible upon closer inspection.

Australian opals can be considered one of the most beautiful stones in the world. If you are lucky enough to own one, consider yourself very lucky, because they are rarely found in retail sales, and you should always beware of cheap, flashy fakes.

General description and origin

This species is characterized by the presence of a rainbow play of shades and unusual brightness, which makes them one of the most beautiful opals. The most valuable of them are considered to be black opals, which look even more spectacular due to the fact that the tints of color are even more noticeable against a dark background. Almost as beautiful and expensive is the Australian boulder opal.

Australia is the undisputed leader in the supply of precious opals to the world market. It accounts for about 90% of such precious stones. There are several local legends telling how these minerals came to be.

One of them says that scatterings of amazing iridescent stones appeared where the Lord passed when he descended to Earth. There is also a myth that such opals were formed in the place where the rainbow fell.

According to scientific data, the process of formation of Australian opals in the bowels of the planet took many millions of years. Underwater, crevices formed with the accumulation of water, as well as the remains of flora and fauna. Hot weather conditions gave rise to reactions that led to the release of silicon, which is the basis for the formation of this gemstone.

The very first information about Australian opals dates back to 1872. After the first large deposits were discovered, people learned about this mineral in Europe.

Moreover, they did not immediately believe that the brought samples were genuine, since their color was too unusual. After this, a huge number of prospectors headed to Australia.

Until 1900, mined rocks of this type had to be sent to Germany for processing. Only a few years later, professionals in the field of processing precious stones arrived here and brought with them the necessary equipment for this.

Australian opals are divided into certain types, each of which is endowed with its own unique characteristics. They differ in value, color and composition. In order to have a complete understanding of Australian opals, you need to study its most valuable types in more detail.

Black opal

Large samples of this type of mineral are very expensive - some stones can cost several hundred or even several thousand. Most of these opals are mined in the Lightning Ridge region.

It is worth noting that although this type is called black, this does not mean that these stones have exactly this shade - these minerals are simply darker than other types of Australian opals. Their shade can vary from dark gray to black, but the stone always has tints of other tones. The dark color scheme of the mineral is given by the impurities of carbon and iron oxide that are present in its composition.

Black Australian opals have a particularly spectacular appearance and are the most valuable for jewelry. In most cases, when processing such a stone, its natural shape is preserved. This is done in order to maintain its weight as much as possible. Also sometimes black opals are given the shape of a drop or an oval.

Boulder opals and crystal minerals

Boulder opal ranks second in value among other Australian opals in jewelry. The largest amount is mined in the iron mines of Queensland.

This species is characterized by the presence of an iron ore base, which gives it a special charm and makes the play of colors even more pronounced. The sizes and shapes of this stone can be completely different.

The cost of such stones also varies significantly. The most valued stones are those whose entire surface plays with different shades. And stones with a visible iron ore base are much cheaper.

These opals can be white or black, but they always have a transparent or translucent structure.

It is worth noting that boulder opal can also be transparent, but it is not crystal, as it has an iron base. Such stones are also very valuable, as they have bright rainbow tints.

Sometimes they are even brighter than black opals. To preserve their mass, such minerals are also processed according to their natural form. The cost of such stones can reach 3,000 Australian dollars per carat. The price of a piece of jewelry depends on its transparency, purity and play of colors. The crystalline type of mineral is mainly mined in the southern part of the country.

A little astrology

Astrologers unanimously claim that both black and white opal, originally from Australia, is not suitable for all zodiac signs; it can harm many. For this reason, when purchasing jewelry inlaid with this mineral, it is worth considering the opinion of this science.

Products with opal are suitable:

  1. Scorpios.
  2. Leos.
  3. Cancer.
  4. Pisces.

Initially, opal is a stone that favors those zodiac signs whose element is water. The mineral is most suitable for Scorpios. Strong, but explosive in character, representatives of this zodiac sign need a stabilizer, which is considered opal. He protects Scorpio from outbursts of anger and rash actions.

Representatives of this sign have such strong energy that they will never obey the stone; it will not be able to impose its will on the owner. But it will improve a person’s character, make him calm and reasonable. Scorpios can wear jewelry inlaid with this mineral every day.

Leos are distinguished by their strong-willed character, but are not famous for their hard work. Opal is suitable for Leos, but only on the condition that representatives of this zodiac sign stop being lazy and lecturing others. You can wear the stone on your hand - in this way it will improve the character of the owner, make him kind, calm and moderately self-confident.

As for Cancers and Pisces, they can wear opal, but not every day. The stone will help representatives of these zodiac signs feel a surge of strength and gain self-confidence. Cancers and Pisces often become despondent, and opal will help lift your spirits and get rid of the blues, reveal your creative potential and help you realize yourself.

The stone is not suitable for other zodiac signs. It can disrupt a person’s energy, affect his mental balance and cause inappropriate behavior. However, astrologers claim that opal chooses its owner itself. He focuses not on the zodiac sign, but on the character of a person, his mental characteristics and willpower.

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