Stones for restoring human energy balance (3)

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac circle. People of this sign are distinguished by purposefulness, courage, impulsiveness, and assertiveness. The symbol for Aries is the ram's head, which means the desire to take the initiative into one's own hands. Thanks to courage, people belonging to the fire element reach great heights.

Stones for Aries:

  • ruby - gives wisdom, protects against blues, restrains aggressiveness, improves well-being;
  • diamond is a powerful amulet (a person’s thoughts must be as pure as a diamond, otherwise it will cause harm);
  • sapphire - helps in decision making, imparts wisdom (yellow sapphire is suitable for Aries);
  • amethyst - helps to relax and establish contacts with others;
  • agate - teaches self-discipline and concentrates;
  • rock crystal - gives Aries a sense of tact and sensitivity.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

The sign of the earth element, Taurus, combines love for the blessings of life and practicality. He skillfully creates comfortable living conditions for himself, knows how to see ahead, which helps him make the right decisions. Taurus is sociable, intelligent and attractive to the opposite sex. Having accumulated a sufficient amount of knowledge, a representative of the sign can become a mystic and philosopher rolled into one.

Stones for Taurus:

  • malachite - absorbs evil from the outside, frees the wearer from negative thoughts;
  • turquoise - protects in moments of risk, attracts money;
  • chrysoprase - gives courage, self-confidence, normalizes blood pressure;
  • emerald - improves memory, gives joy (if Taurus is obsessed with dark thoughts, the stone will harm him);
  • agate - brings material prosperity to the life of Taurus, protects against dark forces, and bestows eloquence.

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Stones of magic and witches

Black tourmaline - witches' talisman

Black tourmaline creates a special protective field that protects a person or place from negative influences.
When worn, it creates an aura of calm around a person. Used in mental magic and combat to destroy areas with a high concentration of negative energy. It can be used, for example, instead of a magic wand or a wolf's fang to dispel dark witchcraft. In a sense, black tourmaline “removes masks” from subtle entities.

Black tourmaline has an amazing ability to reflect negative emotions - rage, anger, jealousy. It is used in healing to remove negative energies from the physical body. If an energy “plug” appears somewhere in the aura, then black tourmaline can dispel it. It is enough to hold a black tourmaline stick over the sore spot, rotating it counterclockwise.

Magic properties

Since ancient times, witches have used black tourmalines for witchcraft. Stones of other colors, such as green, awaken creative powers in a person and discover new talents. In European countries, sorcerers made amulets from these stones.

Tourmaline patronizes people born under the signs of Leo, Capricorn and Sagittarius. He helps them develop their talents, protects them from alcohol and drug addiction, and reconciles them with the outside world. According to some experts on the magical properties of stones, tourmaline should not be worn constantly, as it can harm a person’s mental health, causing obsessive thoughts and creating a distorted idea of ​​the current situation.


serves to increase energy during the Ritual. This white mineral supports the opening of cosmic Forces.

Other names for the mineral and its varieties: stone flower, stone rose, paper spar, stalactite, stalagmite, heavenly stone, paper spar, anthraconite.

Calcite affects the crown chakra. Magical properties Calcite helps its owner to reveal extraordinary abilities - to become clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairvoyant. In order to achieve this, you should meditate with the stone daily from 5 minutes to 12 hours. Experts say that even simply wearing a mineral expands a person’s consciousness, gives him the opportunity to foresee the consequences of new beginnings, new acquaintances, and allows him to comprehend the true attitude of other people towards the owner of the stone. Calcite becomes very attached to its owner, and if a person loses or gives it away, he blocks his magical abilities for a long time and refuses to serve the new owner. Calcite can only be passed on by inheritance. Moreover, the testator must prepare the calcite for the coming change - he must “introduce” the stone to the future owner. This is done using a simple ritual. The owner places the calcite product (or jewelry with it) in the hand of the heir and pronounces the ritual phrase: “I give you away with gratitude for your service. Serve him (name) as you served me” (the phrase is pronounced three times). After this, the new owner of the stone should hold the calcite under running water (to wash away the connection between the stone and the previous owner) and, concentrating on the mineral, establish contact with it. If a person has no desire to reveal his extraordinary abilities, meditation is not needed - the connection will be established after a week of constantly wearing the stone. Astrologers say that calcite can be worn by people born under any zodiac sign except Scorpio. He will refuse to serve the latter, since Scorpios by nature are prone to practicing black magic, and calcite is a magical stone of light forces. Talismans and amulets As a talisman, calcite is an excellent assistant for businessmen, economists, financiers, lawyers and doctors. It makes them far-sighted and protects them from professional mistakes. Astrologers advise car enthusiasts and professional drivers to have calcite products, since it is believed that the stone can protect the owner from the difficulties of the road, in particular from accidents.

Black agate

Black agate gives power over the forces of hell. There have long been legends that black agate has magical powers, and many sorcerers from time immemorial have turned to this stone for help. Black agate - among the ancient Persians, symbolized power over evil, the stone is a talisman that protects a person from disasters and black magic onslaught. This is a very strong amulet, the most potent of all agates. But if worn constantly, it can cause sadness in its owner. Black agate contains Venus and Saturn. It gives people great inner strength, fortitude, strength of morale and financial standing. Helps strengthen a person’s position in life, helps him to be more thoughtful and purposeful, makes relationships with loved ones more stable and strong. Most often, the agate pattern resembles an eye. According to one of the ancient legends, this is the eye of a heavenly white eagle, which, after a battle with a black sorcerer, fell to Earth and became stone. And his eye continues to look at people, separating good deeds from evil. Agate is also called the Eye of the Creator. It is believed that agate not only absorbs negative energy, but also processes it into positive energy. However, it must be remembered that it requires great stability from the owner, high spiritual potential, and confidence that you can overcome everything. Then agate becomes a friend, assistant, powerful protector.


Jet is an absorber of negative energy. Black amber. In India, jet was endowed with the power of ancient light, the ability to reveal all the secrets in past human lives, and to comprehend one’s karma. Indian magicians believed that this stone, black as the southern night, protects a person from dark forces, absorbs his pain and dispels all his fears and doubts in its blackness. Jet is given to a person with whom they are separated for a long time. It is able to retain memories and transfer them to a person. Jet is a beautiful black stone with a bright silky shine. Perhaps it is precisely because of its color that the gem is so loved by mystics and magicians. In India, jet is a stone of the Great Mother of the World, helping to remember one’s past lives and comprehend karma. A talisman made of silky black stone will help correct the mistakes of your ancestors and correct your own destiny. Jet gives its owner protection by calling upon the spirits of deceased relatives to help him.

Magicians often used jet to protect against black witchcraft, as well as to summon the souls of the dead. Jet protects a person from dark forces, takes away his fears, pain, resentment, anger and other negative emotions. Black amber also protects its owner from ill-wishers, evil witchcraft, ghosts and negative energy flows around him.

The owner of jet can easily identify a criminal or a person with magical abilities. Jet set in copper is a talisman for magicians and sorcerers.

Jet, after wearing for 3 years, is used in necromancy and black magic. Over three years, jet accumulates so much negative energy that this black energy can be directed in magical rituals for the purpose of destruction.


Carnelian is associated with the magical power of Venus, it is a very powerful love stone. Therefore, even if you do not practice magic, carnelian cannot be worn constantly, it corrupts. It was considered an amulet that protects against all dangers in life: accidents, natural disasters, premature death. Since ancient times, the magical properties of carnelian have been used in amulets, which, in addition to their protective functions, also had the function of character formation.

It is believed that in men, carnelian is able to remove excessive aggression, soften outbursts of sudden anger, without reducing the masculinity and courage of nature.

Carnelian helped women find a life partner. Moreover, the more saturated the color of the stone, the more red it shone, the greater the impact it could have. It increased the attractiveness of its owner, endowed her with the ability to flirt with the opposite sex, and helped, on occasion, to make the right choice.


Blood stones are often classified as “black magic” stones. The stone can destroy its owner if he is not a strong person in the astral plane. It is contraindicated for weak people. It is associated with magical forces operating in the Earth's atmosphere and owes its bad reputation to its color, which hints at sacrifice, and its widespread use in magic. Hardly any medieval magician dared to summon planetary spirits without having a ring with bloodstone on his finger. A soft type of bloodstone was also used to draw a circle on the floor and cabalistic signs. However, for those who do not practice magic, it poses no threat, although it does not bring much happiness. If a bat was engraved on the stone, it meant that the wearer had power over demons, and the bloodstone helps in witchcraft, so wearing such a crystal can even bring glory. The Egyptians believed that bloodstone could protect against deception. You can make a protective amulet that will help you recognize a lie; for this you need to bless the stone. Bless your crystal with the four elements on the new moon and cast a spell

- “Forces of Air, banish all illusions; Fire, burn away deception; Water, wash away the lies; Earth, show me the truth."


Morion facilitates communication with the world of the departed. But it is used most often in necromancy - the forcible evocation of the souls of the dead in order to learn the future from them. Although Morion is called the stone of magicians, sorcerers, and soothsayers, they always add that it can lead a practicing magician to the powers of evil. Morion stone Dark brown, almost black quartz, translucent only in thin plates. The name is unclear, perhaps from the Greek “morisseau” - to blacken. In medieval Europe it was believed that it was associated with the forces of the dead world, hence its name “mor” - death. In Russian legends, which rarely talk about stones, there is interesting information about the Morena ring. Morena is a heavenly Maiden who was flattered by the gold and gifts of Koshchei the Immortal and went into his dark kingdom, exchanging true immortality for immortality by taking the lives of others. She became the first evil witch on Earth and brought so much trouble that she herself became Death. The ring with a black transparent stone, given to her by Koshchei, gave her immortality as long as it was on her finger. In the battle of good and evil forces, having lost the ring, she burned, becoming incorporeal, but the power of magic does not yet allow her to leave the face of the Earth, and she wanders invisible, stealing the life of others.

Morion is considered a powerful magical stone because it is capable of developing in the owner the ability to see and fall under the influence of spirits of a lower astral nature, that is, it acts like narcotic substances. Strongly aggravates negative emotions in weak, insecure people. Among the good qualities, one can note the Morion’s ability to store the information received about the past of its owners and gradually process bad memories, erasing them from a person’s memory. Indirectly contributes to the destruction of sexual and childish complexes. To do this, you need to wear the stone on your belt in the form of a flat plate, but no more than three to four days during the lunar quarter, avoiding wearing it on days when the phases of the moon change. Morion helps to work with karmic debts of past incarnations and makes it possible to communicate with ancestors, even those who have passed on to another world. In general, it is considered a kind of door to the parallel worlds of our planet, by opening which you can gain extraordinary powers and abilities if you stand in the fight against your own evil, your own death.

Complex, very complex morion stone There are many legends and scary stories about morion. About how one unlucky person, having confused it with quartz, decided to meditate on it and saw his own imminent death. About how another lover of self-experimentation accidentally summoned the spirit of a dead friend through him and then did not know how to get rid of him. About how one girl, having found herself in the underworld with the help of this crystal, returned back with difficulty, and when she returned, she discovered that during this half-hour journey she had aged ten years. The point of all these numerous tales is that experiments with morion end badly. And lovers of experiments are better off choosing a safer material for themselves.

Indeed, morion is a very, very difficult stone, even, one might say, heavy, although not insidious, unlike jet or hematite. Morion immediately warns anyone who decides to look into the depths of its facets that he is trying to cross the border of what is permitted. As soon as you start watching, you begin to feel heaviness and a desire to quickly quit what you started. This desire is further undermined by difficult dreams that occur later. But, as they say, “rumors about my death are greatly exaggerated.” The colors in the rumors about the terrible power of this stone are also, to put it mildly, greatly condensed. Morion simply requires a certain energetic preparation to work with it. In order to meditate on it, you must at least be able to open and close the energy corridor of communication with beings of a different plane. Morion is a stone that opens the gates to other worlds that exist on our Earth, and primarily to the underground world. Morion is very strong, and when he starts to act, he immediately throws a huge amount of energy and information at you. Therefore, working with it for an unprepared person can be dangerous to life and health.

Acts at the level of the 1st and 7th chakras of our energy body. A complex stone in its influence, which is practically not used in lithotherapy due to the unpredictability of its effects. It is more often used in magical treatment, which is not associated with the classical action of stones and is very unsafe for the uninitiated person. The stone responds well to the energies of Cancers and Capricorns; it is not indicated for wearing in rings and especially pendants for Leos and Sagittarius. The remaining signs transfer the stone depending on the magical abilities of the owner. His power is Air.


Pyrite is associated with Mars and Neptune, it is a stone of fanatics, robbers, it brings happiness only to desperate people who have gone to the last extreme. In magic it is used when concluding deals with dark forces. At the same time, the mineral is very dangerous for humans, it is capable of destroying those who abuse its power. Pyrite has always been considered a masculine stone, hence its enormous energy, it is the mineral of fanatics, only to them can it give happiness and success. Stones that have chips and cracks are especially unpredictable; it is not recommended to deal with them even for those who are well versed in magic. Large pyrites are considered the most effective in performing magical rituals; they contain incredible power. In a person, a mineral can provoke sharp aggression, directing it towards destruction, for example, in a fit of anger you can kill or maim someone. Pyrite does not tolerate proximity to other stones; it will definitely make its weaker “brother” disappear. The stone is capable of ruining the character of even the most flexible and kind person. Pyrite is a powerful magical tool. In the Middle Ages it was often used by alchemists, and now it is used by practicing magicians.


Zircon in your hands is a dangerous stone. Considered the stone of assassins and the mafia. Zircon makes a person vain, hates others, and gives a feeling of superiority. Even such familiar jasper has some negative qualities. Since ancient times, it has been believed that jasper has a special relationship with lies. And woe to the magician who, out of ignorance, begins to use jasper for ritual purposes. It leads the owner to black magic and gives him over to the power of dark forces, unless he is completely pure and strong. In any case, it is widely believed that it brings misfortune to beginners in magic. In Indian practical yoga, zircon, like diamond, has the highest place in terms of energy. It is considered a strong bioenergy concentrate. The energetic properties of zircon are explained by the dipyramidal shape of its crystals and are associated with the so-called double pyramid effect. In magical rituals, zircon was used as an instrument capable of inducing supernatural powers in a person, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Zircon patronizes people born under the signs of Aries and Aquarius. A ring with zircon helps Aries develop aesthetic abilities and sensations. It is worn on the middle finger of the left hand. A pendant with zircon is recommended to be worn by Aquarius. It helps them develop intuition.

Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli develops those abilities that a person has, but only positive ones (intuition, the ability to negotiate with people, compassion). A person wearing a lapis lazuli product is not affected by magic, hypnosis and any kind of damage or evil eye. If a person wears jewelry with lapis lazuli, then liars, envious people and people with dishonest intentions cannot communicate with him for long. They simply leave your life. To neutralize a black witch or magician, you need to touch them with lapis lazuli in the area of ​​the third eye (middle of the forehead). Yogis use lapis lazuli to cleanse the aura of negative influences, disturbing thoughts, old memories, grief and other things that should be erased from memory. To do this, according to the yogic method, you should apply lapis lazuli to the “third eye” and concentrate in meditation for a few minutes. It has extraordinary magical and healing powers, and is a symbol of the divine chosen ones. Lapis lazuli was considered the stone of the Sumerian goddess of fertility, carnal love and wars, the mistress of heaven Inanna.


Labradorite is a mystical stone with strong protective properties. It expands consciousness and gives access to the energies of the universe. Works between different dimensions. Labradorite drives away unwanted energies from the aura and protects against energy leaks. Helps you look into other worlds or other lives. This is a stone of esoteric knowledge, it facilitates and accelerates initiation into the unknown. Creates a force field around the aura, can help discover the nature of mysterious diseases. Labradorite aligns the physical and etheric bodies and provides access to personal spiritual purpose. It increases awareness and strengthens the spiritual strength and physical body. Reveals intuition and innate psychic abilities, awakens magical power in its owner. These properties of the stone were widely used earlier and are now used by sorcerers and magicians. By interacting with the stone and using its magical properties, they are able to predict fate and even influence events that are destined to happen in the future. Magicians, sorcerers and healers use the healing properties of the stone. It is considered the stone of the most ancient people - the Hyperboreans. This stone is very attached to the person to whom it belongs and helps in any matter, even unseemly ones. In order for the effect of the programmed stone to be maximum, after energy replenishment from the owner, the stone must fall into the hands of the person whom you want to influence in one way or another. The magical properties of labradorite are used as a love spell.


Obsidian has been used in magical rituals since ancient times. For example, the ancient Sumerians made mirrors from it. Obsidian mirrors are a good alternative to a crystal ball. In some countries, this volcanic glass is used to make magic balls, with the help of which the future is revealed. Obsidian carries the power of the Sun, Saturn and Uranus, so it must be used carefully. Obsidian is a savior stone, so it can be worn as an amulet, talisman or talisman. He is a talisman for people born under the sign of Scorpio, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Leo. In Transcaucasia, obsidian has long been used as a children's amulet. In India, black iridescent obsidian was revered as a cleansing stone, well cleansing all low vibrations, helping to free the physical body from various negative phenomena and dissolving “energy jams.” According to ancient legends, obsidian warns against bad deeds and sin, protects its owner from the evil eye and bad people, and removes negative emotions. This stone also helps a person become more collected, helps concentrate strength, and sharpens the sharpness of thought. Obsidian is a talisman for practicing magicians, scientists and naturalists. It was used in magic to concentrate the forces of the astral plane. A rosary made from this mineral promotes the development of clairvoyance, protects against the negative influences of the surrounding world, and protects against evil spirits. The ancients believed that obsidian was a product of the activity of the underworld, and one of the names of the stone was “fragments of Satan’s claws.”


The sapphire gemstone is an amazing gem that for many centuries kings and dukes, priests and clergymen, ... witches and sorcerers considered theirs. The Romans considered sapphire the stone of kings and gods. The transparent blue stone was worn by ancient Roman priests, and later by Christian clergy. Noble sapphire has always been considered a symbol of the clergy and power. Star sapphire is especially highly valued, because it has the greatest magical power: three intersecting lines with a bright dot in the middle symbolize Faith, Hope and Love, the foundations of human life. It calms a person, helps in the fight against enemies and evil spirits, protects against witchcraft, protects against slander and slander, protects against fear and treachery. It is not for nothing that in some beliefs star sapphire is a stone of victory.

Blue sapphire, thanks to its heavenly color, is a stone that connects earth and sky, mortal man with the immortal gods. In Ancient Greece, sapphire was the stone of the father of all gods, Zeus, and only priests could wear it on their index fingers: it helps to hear and understand the language of the gods, inaccessible to the uninitiated.

According to ancient Indian beliefs, sapphire, similar to the clear blue sky, brings wealth and happiness to its owner.

The royal stone is a symbol of wisdom, power, victory and justice - a deep blue sapphire.

Features of other stones.

Too much gullibility in handling aventurine can lead to material losses in the future. It is very difficult to work with it, since the stone is capricious and changeable. And aventurine cannot be worn all the time. Adularia enhances painful daydreaming and capriciousness. On the new moon it becomes colder and shines brighter, at this time the power of the stone of the Chaldean magicians, who put it under the tongue before divination, returns to it, and on the new moon the adularian takes away the power from the magician working with it. Amethyst should never be worn in gold, only in silver. Only magicians of the highest initiation wear an amethyst in gold on the index finger. But amethyst in gold is a symbol of dedication, it is a calling card in the world of magic. Amethyst brings glory in the arts (if the person has at least a little talent). But magic is an art, and if you have even the slightest talent, then amethyst will help you. But either you carry a crystal with you, or set the amethyst in silver. Alexandrite is a very heavy stone. The stone brings misfortune to magicians, difficult tests of “strength.” This stone is for strong people, only they can wear it. If the magician has passed the tests that alexandrite has prepared for him, then world fame awaits him, but it is still a very difficult stone.

The diamond contains enormous power, but very rare magicians can get along with it. It brings happiness only if you receive some kind of magical initiation, or if it comes to you by inheritance, or as a sign of power. It works well on the offspring of ancient families when it is passed on from generation to generation. It’s good if you were given a diamond, but for 7-9 years it will not work or will bring misfortune. Diamonds with black spots are considered especially harmful: these are either stones of black magicians or terrible misfortunes. Be careful with this stone; novice magicians are generally advised not to even wear it as jewelry.

Angeline, a type of anhydrite, is credited with the ability to establish contact with higher heavenly powers and acquire the patronage and protection of angels. Experts in the mystical properties of stones recommend that two people who hope to establish a telepathic connection carry a piece of angelite with them. Do you want to become a telepath? Put the angelina crystal in your pocket and try it.

Verdite helps to activate genetic memory and gain access to knowledge recorded at the genetic level.

Wulfenite maintains invisible connections between people who have agreed to meet in the future. Imagine! Ask your beloved (or loved one) - would she like to meet you in the next incarnation? If yes, and if each of you has a Wulfenite Crystal, then you will meet in a future life and will always be together in this life.

Heliotrope is an interesting magical stone. Associated with Saturn, Moon and Venus. Gives you the opportunity to influence people and nature, and is good for comprehending other languages. Rings with heliotrope are put on by spellcasters when starting work.

Tiger's eye promotes the transformation of a person, his magical remake. This stone is a true magician's stone.

Jadeite is a magical stone that affects nature; the ancients believed that it could be used to even out the weather.

Rhodonite is a strong pink colored stone. A stone of art, skill, possession, dexterity, a stone that awakens hidden magical talents. Rhodonite fills the physical body of a person with spiritual strength. Sardonyx increases the powers of clairvoyance.

Black Sherpa is a witches' stone. The duality of color is magically connected with the duality of human blood - arterial and venous. The ring with this stone must be removed before going to bed. It is usually placed in water overnight and a few sips are taken in the morning. The stone of witches preserves youth in a person.

Chrysoberyl helps magicians understand the language of birds and animals.

Chrysolite opens up secrets of esoteric information for a person. Has the ability to predict the future. With chrysolite, the magician usually does not make mistakes.

Amber is a stone of creativity, strengthens faith and optimism. Red amber is more suitable for magic than yellow. Amber becomes magical only when it contains insects, but the most interesting is the one that contains a scorpion. The smoke from burning amber causes visions.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Gemini is a sign of the air element; they have a strong character, are independent and fickle. They are characterized by changes in opinions, which can change several times a day. Geminis love to communicate and invent different stories - there is never a dull moment with them. Representatives of this sign love attention very much, and suffer when they don’t receive it.

Gemini Stones:

  • alexandrite - makes character stronger;
  • beryl - gives positive energy, protects during travel, helps to overcome the trials of fate;
  • agate - develops patience, helps in creative endeavors, protects from human anger (minerals of the following shades are recommended: red, yellow, orange);
  • citrine - protects against rash actions, helps to concentrate on work;
  • carnelian - because Many Geminis are gifted with talents; red and orange-yellow stones are excellent assistants in creativity.

What are natural gemstones?

Gemstones (from the Russian roots “sam” and “color”), that is, transparent and translucent natural minerals, have long been used in stone-cutting workshops. It is an excellent material for various jewelry and decorative items.

The name “gems” is not a scientific term; it arose historically from the everyday life of our distant ancestors. Nevertheless, it has stuck and is used to designate both transparent and opaque stones.

This definition was also used when dividing minerals into categories. Gems belong to:

  • colored or colorless;
  • cutting or decorative;
  • precious or ornamental.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

In their youth, Cancers are busy searching for sublime love. Growing up, many build their careers, but still the highest value for people of this sign is family. Psychologists believe that Cancers are born psychologists; they know how to listen and give the right advice, having developed intuition. Since Cancers are soft and compliant people, they have practically no enemies.

Stones for Cancer:

  • pearls - gives prosperity and longevity, protects from human malice;
  • emerald - awakens dormant talents, kindles interest in philosophical teachings;
  • cat's eye - (this includes: beryl, tourmaline, chrysoberyl) helps to establish trusting relationships with people, attracts their attention;
  • moonstone - helps you find your love and see a way out of a difficult situation.

How to choose your stone of energy and fortitude?

An incorrectly chosen crystal can cause trouble: instead of energy and healing, it will take away strength or attract negativity. The easiest way is to use tables of correspondence between gems and date of birth or horoscope. They were compiled by ancient scientists and tested in practice for centuries.

The next criterion for making the right choice is personal feelings based on intuition. But for this you need to have a developed intuitive sense. Take the pebble in your hand, follow your inner sensations. If even the slightest discomfort appears, refuse the stone - it is not yours. You can bring the crystal to the third eye area and track your sensations. It is also brought to the heart chakra.

You can also choose a power stone based on attracting necessary things into life. For example, there is a separate group of stones for financial success. To attract love - another group, to replenish energy potential - a third group.

After purchasing the artifact, you need to tune it to your energy. There is no need to carry out any special rituals for this. Just communicate with the pebble every day, carry it with you, talk about the need for its help, etc.

Watch a video about stones that attract a flow of energy and fill a person’s aura with it:

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

The fifth sign of the zodiac circle represents the emblem in the form of a lion. Leo is persistent and strives to impress others and be the center of attention. He is characterized by generosity of soul, he is brave and ambitious. Leo is distinguished by a strong character - he can take responsibility not only for himself, but also for others.

Stones for Leo:

  • tourmaline - eliminates fears, releases talents;
  • chrysolite - protects against recklessness, eliminates negative thoughts, improves relationships with loved ones;
  • diamond - helps to establish connections with the outside world;
  • heliodor - enhances intelligence and thirst for knowledge;
  • ruby is a talisman for Leo entrepreneurs;
  • golden topaz - brings peace of mind;
  • amber - gives good luck and positive emotions, protects from ill-wishers.

What is the magical power of stones and crystals?

Stones and crystals were used not only to attract good luck and prosperity, with their help magicians and shamans established a connection with the forces of nature. They served as protection from evil entities and dark spirits, and also helped to attract their favor. Information about magical amulets and jewelry came to us from myths and legends; images of magical objects were preserved on ancient artifacts.

What is the magical power of minerals? They form a force field around themselves, which is capable of influencing the aura of objects around it, including the human biofield. The denser the structure of the stone, the more powerful its protective properties.

Natural stones:

  • accumulate energy for humans;
  • attract desired events into life;
  • protect and protect from negative events.

People also noticed that not all minerals have the same effect on a person, but only those corresponding to his protective element. This is how the science of matching the properties of minerals with a person’s date of birth was born. It has also been noted that some gems and crystals have special qualities: they help in love or attract good luck, heal certain organs and systems of the body, or attract monetary well-being. In accordance with these qualities, esotericists and astrominerologists divided the stones into groups and subgroups - classified.

On a note! Minerals accumulate energy and generously share it with humans. The most energy-intensive crystal is quartz.

However, the magical power of a crystal depends on its integrity: the stone must be intact, without chips or scratches. In some cases, damaged stones attract negative energies instead of positive ones, so treat your talisman carefully.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23)

Virgo is sensible and economical. He cannot leave things halfway; he always brings them to their logical conclusion. She often finds fault with little things and devotes a lot of time to introspection. Relatives appreciate Virgo for her participation - she is always able to support and come to the rescue. Expects discipline and honesty from others.

Stones for Virgo:

  • tiger eye - gives a feeling of happiness, helps cope with jealousy;
  • jade - insecure Virgos could use some healthy excitement. Jade contains a bit of recklessness, which will contribute to success in business;
  • aventurine - gives love of life, good mood;
  • pearls - (white and pink stones) softens the hard character of Virgo, brings material wealth;
  • onyx - protects against depression;
  • chrysolite - improves relationships with others;
  • Jasper - gives self-confidence.


Topaz was revered by ancient healers. They attributed to the stone a huge number of medicinal properties that helped fight headaches, heart disease, blood vessels and sexual impotence. Topaz was considered a talisman capable of restoring youth.

In the modern world, stone is valued for:

  • the ability to instill optimism and prudence in the owner;
  • the ability to heal emotional wounds, give peace and self-confidence.

There is no stone more varied in color than topaz, but blue crystals are the most prized. Jewelry with blue topaz is an ideal talisman for managers at different levels. They are charged during the full moon by placing them on the windowsill.

Necklace with topaz “Mystic”: Pixabay

Libra (September 24 - October 23)

Libras are excellent strategists and excellent workers. They prefer to think about their every step, always achieving their goals. People of this sign are innate diplomats; they can show themselves in society. People feel comfortable with them due to their kindness and good attitude towards others. Libras are very stubborn and love to show off.

Stones for Libra:

  • aquamarine - gives courage and gives the wearer self-confidence;
  • opal - gives faith in oneself, tends to transform laziness into activity (Libra, devoid of decency, should give up the stone);
  • diamond - helps to make the right decisions;
  • lapis lazuli - gives perseverance and helps to implement plans;
  • tourmaline - strengthens a shaky emotional state.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Possessing natural magnetism and a strong character, Scorpio reaches heights without much difficulty. As a rule, he always finishes what he starts. The reason for his success lies in the simplest things - a combination of determination and hard work. Those born under this sign improve throughout their lives and strive to change the world for the better.

Stones for Scorpio:

  • hematite - gives affection and patience;
  • aquamarine - symbolizes love and respect;
  • garnet - black and red stones enhance the attractiveness of their owner and contribute to the development of intuition;
  • ruby - helps to develop in business and gives confidence in one’s abilities;
  • coral - red, blue and black stones relieve Scorpio from depression;
  • opal - improves relationships with loved ones, eliminates scandals;
  • blue sapphire - eliminates anxious thoughts.

The color of stones and its effect on human vital energy

Color is an energy flow of a certain frequency. Therefore, color is also energy that can have a positive or negative effect on a person’s aura. In recent decades, the practice of color therapy has become widespread. In ancient times, they also knew about the influence of color on a person’s mental and physical health. For example, during measles, red curtains and rags were hung in the patient’s room. Avicenna recommended wearing red clothes for apathy.

ColorName of the stoneAction
RedRuby, tourmaline, spinel, garnetThese gems increase vitality and the immune system, and improve performance. They influence the composition of the blood, thin it and cleanse it. Stones can help a person, but they will also require payment in return: red is not only the color of love, but also of hatred. Red-colored amulets not only attract attention to a person, but also enhance negative aspects - aggression. Remember that you should not wear jewelry with red stones for a long time, otherwise you can bring disaster upon yourself through emotional incontinence.
YellowTopaz, zircon, beryl, citrine and othersThese are stones of optimists; they are able to neutralize even the most persistent melancholy and depressive feelings. With their help, you can quickly cope with the consequences of stress and get an incentive to live on and move along the chosen path. These gems bring back the taste for life.
GreenJade, tourmaline, beryl, chrysoprase, emerald, aventurine and othersThe energy of the stones saturates its owner with vitality. With their help, you can quickly restore wasted energy and return to work. They are often used in healing practice for cell regeneration and recovery from illness - you just need to hold the gem in your hand for 15 minutes, thinking about your well-being. Transparent green gems are especially useful.
Blue, light blueSapphire, celestine, amazonite, aquamarineThese gems have a relaxing effect on the psyche and physical condition of a person. They extinguish emotional impulses and help to concentrate on any object. They are used in meditative practices to relieve nervous tension and equalize mood. The stones help to recover from energy depletion, but it is not recommended to use them often.

If you need to quickly restore spent energy resources, use yellow-colored minerals:

  • Amber - quickly restores vitality (but without insects inside);
  • yellow jasper - saves from overwork, restores energy balance;
  • rutile quartz - a powerful flow of energy if placed on the solar plexus;
  • golden-hued topaz - replenishes energy reserves;
  • citrine - can increase energy and replenish vitality.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

This zodiac sign embodies energy and masculine strength. Sagittarius is always on the move, interested in people and the world around them. He doesn’t like restrictions, so he often goes against the “system.” Sagittarius has a lot of ideas that he wants to bring to life. Despite his good nature, the representative of the sign tends to tell people the truth to their faces, which is why many people dislike him.

Stones for Sagittarius:

  • pomegranate - protects when traveling, protects from negativity, promotes financial well-being;
  • turquoise - helps to achieve self-realization in the profession;
  • ruby - helps to achieve a high position in society,
  • blue sapphire - protects from adventures;
  • chrysolite - gives spiritual harmony, protects from conflicts;
  • topaz - attracts money, maintains charm, helps to find a life partner.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

The sign of the earth element has the gift of not losing sight of its goal and always achieving it. Persistence, determination, immunity to difficulties are the strengths of the sign. It is very important for Capricorn to achieve a high social level. To those around him, the representative of the sign seems withdrawn, but this is not so, he simply keeps all his feelings within himself.

Stones for Capricorn:

  • rauchtopaz - helps to make the right decisions;
  • obsidian - a brown or black stone prepares Capricorn for change and relieves indecision;
  • malachite - improves health and fulfills wishes;
  • almadin - helps to rationally use your energy;
  • onyx - helps to unravel the thoughts of enemies, brings respect to
  • team;
  • ruby - gives financial well-being and happiness in the family;
  • opal - helps to see new paths for self-realization;
  • jet - enhances the tendency to philosophical reflection.

Ways to use crystals every day

Each crystal has pre-programmed energy to operate. If a person formulates his intention before starting practice, a correctly selected crystal will resonate with the energy and enhance it.

There are many ways to use gems. For example, for a comfortable sleep, you can put an amethyst crystal under your pillow. Place gems around flowers in your home to help them grow healthy, or place them near your computer to dissipate electromagnetic energy.

Keep one crystal on your desk while you work to get a boost of inspiration. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed, wear a crystal amulet to ward off negative energy and protect your psyche. Place a crystal in every area of ​​your home to create harmony.

Don’t forget to care for the stones in your collection - proper care will extend the life of the gems for you.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

By nature, Aquarius is changeable, but does not like change. A bright individualist is prone to quick mood changes: he can dress extravagantly, but after a couple of minutes he will not like it. Despite the lack of self-discipline, Aquarius is determined and endowed with creative energy. Aquarius loves to experiment, stand out and take risks. Values ​​personal freedom.

Stones for Aquarius:

  • turquoise - brings financial well-being;
  • aquamarine - relieves stress, puts thoughts in order, protects from lies;
  • pomegranate - ignites the soul, increases self-esteem;
  • amethyst - gives insight, directs energy in the right direction;
  • zircon - promotes memory development, causes inspiration and a thirst for knowledge;
  • blue sapphire - gives perseverance and courage, helps to see purpose.


Blue sapphire has long been called the stone of kings, because previously it was worn exclusively by royalty. In the book by Tatiana Tairova-Yakovleva “Hetmans of Ukraine. Stories of glory, tragedy and courage” tells how, for the victory, the Polish king Vladislav presented Hetman Peter Sagaidachny with a coat of arms studded with sapphires. With the talisman, he saved the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth more than once and regained the hetman’s mace three times.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

The zodiac circle is closed by Pisces - wise and receptive people. Their responsiveness often becomes the object of manipulation. Pisces have well-developed intuition, which allows them to adapt to any environment. Representatives of this sign make talented people, because they know how to realize themselves. Pisces know how to find a way out of any difficult situation, which is their strength.

Stones for Pisces:

  • pearls - brings Pisces a long life filled with happiness;
  • aquamarine - softens anger, gives peace of mind, attracts love;
  • jet - protects from dark dreams, extinguishes fears and anxiety;
  • amethyst - gives good luck, brings light to the family;
  • moonstone - attracts money (it is not recommended to wear it often, as it can cause harm);
  • opal - protects from evil people, swindlers, brings sublime love to life.

Find out a stone by date of birth or zodiac sign

Since ancient times, numerology has studied a person’s personality based on his date of birth.

There are several options for choosing a talisman based on your date of birth.

  1. By the name of the month of birth.
  2. By full date of birth: break the date into numbers and add them up. For example, if you were born on November 13, 1970, then the number is calculated as follows: 1+3+1+1+1+9+7=23. Then add 2+3=6. Each number from 1 to 9 has a stone associated with it.
  3. By date of birth (number only).

REFERENCE: sometimes a mineral is chosen based on the time of year or day of the week.

You can choose a talisman according to your horoscope.

Aries : agate, ruby, coral, jasper, quartz.

Taurus: turquoise, carnelian, agate, sapphire, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, amethyst.

Stones-amulets according to the zodiac sign

Gemini: emerald, amethyst, bloodstone, tiger's eye.

Cancer : aquamarine, agate, moonstone, topaz, emerald.

Leo : amber, diamond, ruby, garnet, citrine, onyx.

Virgo : carnelian, chrysolite, malachite, jasper.

Libra : beryl, jasper, opal, sapphire.

Scorpio : yellow topaz, moonstone, ruby, amethyst.

Sagittarius : amethyst, emerald, opal, agate, sapphire and ruby.

Capricorn : opal, ruby, onyx and garnet.

Aquarius : sapphire, lapis lazuli, garnet, turquoise and opal.

Pisces : pearl, emerald, amethyst, garnet and sapphire.

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