What is the job of a jewelry 3D modeler?

A 3D model of jewelry is a three-dimensional image of it in electronic form, which is an exact copy of the desired item. This allows you to get a three-dimensional image of the desired jewelry to create it as a gift or for production. The process of making a sketch requires not only a subtle artistic taste, but also knowledge of special software. Our company offers 3D modeling of custom-made jewelry in Moscow, as well as a catalog of ready-made images that can be used in the production of jewelry.

Who is a jewelry 3D modeler?

The profession appeared relatively recently. 3D modelers can be called generalists. Here we have a specialist with the skills of a designer and artist. The 3D modeler is well versed in jewelry production technology, knows how to work with high-tech equipment, and the jeweler also feels confident with specific software.

It is with 3D modelers that the complex, but at the same time extremely interesting process of creating real jewelry from previously prepared sketches and layouts begins.


What you will receive after taking the course:

• A new tool to bring your creative ideas to life
• Reduced time spent working on a range of products

• A way to quickly create a full range of ring sizes

• The ability to clearly visualize the idea of ​​a future product for the customer

•Ability to create ideal geometric shapes of products

•Work with small plastic

•Create complex moving connections

Responsibilities of a specialist

A 3D jewelry modeling specialist faces two main tasks: digitize a sketch in three-dimensional space and create a real prototype. The specialist works closely with the artist and, if necessary, makes adjustments to the sketches with an eye to technical nuances.

The digital decoration looks like a piece of plasticine - monochrome and unremarkable. But later it can be visually transformed, which depends on the specific 3D editor. To convey the designer’s idea as accurately as possible, the 3D modeler superimposes a sketch on the image, adjusting every detail of the object .

Profession Jewelry 3D modeler

You will learn how to create 3D models of jewelry, visualize them effectively, create animations, and prepare items for printing on a 3D printer. You will learn how unique jewelry designs are created, you will be able to start a career in the jewelry business and take on private orders.

Often the artist gets involved in the layout process, adding or removing certain elements. The designer concentrates primarily on the aesthetic part of the product, while control over the technical nuances falls on the shoulders of the jewelry 3D modeler.

Each material has its own unique characteristics. Some particularly intricate designs, for example, cannot be cast in gold, while platinum or silver can be cast without any problems.

A 3D layout specialist takes into account all the nuances of the material. This includes such critical parameters as metal thickness, weight, size of precious stones, their placement around the perimeter, etc. That is, a digital jeweler takes on not only the role of a layout designer, but also a technologist.

Thus, the creation of a three-dimensional model allows you to detect possible flaws in the design in advance and adjust the calculations. To do this with a finished product is not only problematic, but also too expensive.

At the end of the modeling, the specialist begins prototyping, where the digital version of the jewelry turns into a real model . The key tool in this matter is a 3D printer. To visualize jewelry, either wax or polymer techniques are used.

Before the advent of 3D printers, designers made designs by hand. This procedure is quite tedious and time-consuming. A model made using a 3D printer is a complete analogue of a digital model. This approach allows us to identify critical flaws that are almost impossible to notice in hand sketches.

The model made on a 3D printer is finalized and only then sent for casting. At this stage, it often turns out that the customer wanted a slightly different decoration, so the modeling and 3D printing procedure is repeated again.

It is also useful to read: Profession brand designer


When creating a part in a single copy, a CNC milling machine wins in speed - the machine cutter moves at a speed of up to 2000-5000 mm/min, and where the router can handle it in 15 minutes, the printer can print a part for up to an hour and a half, sometimes even more.
This is true, however, only for simple and smooth products, such as a wedding ring of a simple shape and without a pattern, which do not require high quality surfaces, because They are easy to quickly polish. The milling cutter turns complex products as slowly as a 3D printer prints them, and often longer - processing time can reach up to six hours.

Photo @FormlabsJp

When creating a series of products at once, the situation changes dramatically - in one pass, the printer is able to print a full platform of waxes - this is a platform (using the example of the Form 2 printer) 145x145 mm, and depending on the size of the models, up to 35 pieces can be placed there. With a printing speed of 10-30 mm/hour (and it prints in layers, over the entire area of ​​the platform at once), this gives a noticeable advantage over a milling cutter, which cuts out only one model at a time - this is either one complex part, or several simple, flat ones from one cylindrical wax blank.

In addition, a 3D printer can immediately print a tree of models for casting, without the need to assemble it from separate blanks. This also saves time.

Photo by @3d_cast

Who can become such a specialist?

First of all, a specialist must have technical skills, and only then creative ones. In a good half of cases, the artist takes on the design of the sketch, not the 3D modeler. While the latter plays the role of a layout designer-technologist.

A specialist must have an understanding of metals and stones , from external qualities to the unique properties of a particular material. A 3D modeler needs a good technical base. Communication skills also do not hurt, because a specialist, on duty, has to communicate with the customer, artist and production workshop staff.


Website: https://online.synchronize.ru Phone: 8 (800) 5-111-351 Cost: 3100 rub. per course

Jewelry has become symbols that are easy to read. There is no engagement without a diamond ring, and an expensive watch is a sign of high status. But we rarely think about where such traditions came from.

In 6 lessons, trace the history of jewelry making and see real art behind the shine of precious stones. You will find out when and why pearls, diamonds and rubies became popular and what products to look out for in the Hermitage and the Diamond Fund.

Where to get an education

You can get a good foundation at a university or college. The most common direction is “Decorative and Applied Arts” (index 54.03.02). The duration of training depends on the degree and format of the educational institution - from 4 to 6 years.

Popular universities for mastering a specialty:

  • RSU named after A.N. Kosygina;
  • Moscow Regional University (MSOU);
  • MSPU;
  • RA of painting named after. I. Glazunova;
  • MGHPA named after. S.G. Stroganov.

For those who decide to get acquainted with the profession without leaving their main place of work, online courses are perfect. The Skillbox platform is a confident leader in the distance learning market. The program consists of 5 courses and is designed for both beginners in this business and specialists who want to improve their level.

Training program:

  1. Jewelry design in 3D. Mastering cutting, fastenings and studying the key qualities of jewelry materials. Creation of 3D models in the Rhinoceros program.
  2. Renders. In-depth study of specific KeyShot and Photoshop software for effective project visualization.
  3. Budget calculation. Determining the cost of a future piece of jewelry.
  4. Complex modeling. Non-standard cut, original shapes, pavé setting in the Grasshopper program.
  5. Preparing the model for 3D printing. Selecting a printer by print type. Finding defects in jewelry using the Materialize Magics utility.

Training takes place in a classic format for online courses. The topic is studied - theory and practical lessons, then completing assignments and working with a teacher, where mistakes are corrected and basic knowledge is consolidated. Based on the results of the courses, defense of the thesis.

The Skillbox platform offers payment in installments for 24 months . There are often significant discounts, where the cost of training is reduced, for example, from 7 to 4 thousand rubles per month.

Club workshop "Class of Labor"

Website: https://klasstrueda.ru Phone: +7 (911) 245 4000 Cost: 7000 rub. per course

For more than five years, Yura Bylkov has been conducting jewelry making courses in the LABOR CLASS. Dozens of people gained interesting knowledge and useful skills in jewelry making, and for many, just a hobby grew into a serious hobby. Online course Jewelry craftsmanship with Yura Bylkov - for everyone who is far from St. Petersburg. Anywhere on the planet, all you need is the Internet, your own desire and willingness to learn new things and learn.

The course consists of 7 online classes and a large number of video lessons on all main topics. During the course you will master tools and basic metalworking skills, learn how to set stones and create wax models of jewelry. In 7 weeks you will make your own rings, bracelets, pendants and other jewelry of your own design. Course participants will have access to online support with answers to questions and advice, as well as minimum sets of necessary consumables.

First experience

It is very difficult for a university graduate to receive a real order, not to mention those who have completed online courses. Customers in this segment are quite demanding and fastidious and want to see an experienced specialist in the role of performer.

The best option for a beginner is to work as an apprentice 3D modeler. Busy professionals always need help with routine tasks. The payment may not be the most attractive, but access to serious orders, as well as gaining experience, eliminates the financial side of the issue. Several real works in your portfolio will allow you to reach more or less good clients.

At first, you can also work as a freelancer. On specialized exchanges there are always entry-level orders for 3D modeling. Having gotten your hands on simple projects, you can move on to more complex ones or get an offline job.

Jewelry workshop

Website: https://masterskaya-ukrashenij.ru Phone: Cost: from 9850 rub. per course

Step-by-step practical online course.

Course participants:

  1. Get access to the training platform and feedback from an expert
  2. Using video lessons, they learn to understand the styles and types of jewelry
  3. Learn to select them correctly for individual characteristics
  4. They sort out their jewelry boxes and create new, trendy combinations.
  5. Mastering a new direction - Jewelry Stylist
  6. Analyzing the box for the first client
  7. Learn how trends form and learn to track them
  8. Receive a certificate of completion of the course
  9. Get the opportunity to earn extra money by providing your services


Here, a lot depends on the skills the specialist has and the type of employment. In mediocre jewelry stores and studios, a university graduate can count on a salary of 30-40 thousand rubles per month. A 3D modeler with 3 years of experience earns about 60,000 .

The situation in freelancing is approximately the same. For example, customers are willing to pay about 2-3 thousand rubles for a digital sketch of a suspension. A model of ring, earrings and necklace costs about 7-10 thousand. The remuneration of seasoned professionals in this field as such does not have an upper limit.


Photopolymers used in stereolithography printers are more expensive than regular jewelry wax.
Large pieces of wax after the milling machine can be melted into new blanks, although this is also time-consuming and unnecessary steps, but it also saves money. Milled wax is cheaper in terms of the cost of each individual product of the same volume. Wax is not the only consumable material in the work of a router; the cutters also gradually wear down and require replacement; they last for 1-2 months of intensive work, but this does not significantly reduce the gap.

The work of a milling cutter, in terms of the cost of manufactured products, is cheaper.

Photo @3DHub.gr

Pros and cons of the profession

This is a relatively new and actively developing area: the demand for jewelry 3D modelers significantly exceeds the supply. And as a result, an increased rate. Beginning specialists earn 20-30% more than ordinary designers.

Another significant plus is the possibility of remote work . A digital version of a piece of jewelry can easily be made by a performer, for example, from Yekaterinburg for a customer from Krasnodar. There are more than enough specialized freelance exchanges on the Internet.

One of the significant disadvantages of the profession is the customer’s capriciousness and excessive demands. Sometimes he himself doesn’t know what he wants, sifting out option after option. That is, the performer often has to guess the customer’s wishes, taking into account his intuition and experience rather than the meager wishes of the latter.

Jewelry Art Education

Website: https://jewelryart.education Phone: +3 809 795 45966 Cost: free

FREE practical Online course “Jewelry.Start” 10 practical lessons

10-week practical Online course “Profession of a jeweler. Beginning". How to learn the basics of metalworking and make your first 6 products. Details and Payment for the course. Enrollment for the course is open! Details in the video and the button below. New Year's discounts!

Founder of Jewelry Art Education:

  • Jeweler artist, enamel artist
  • Honored Artist of Ukraine
  • 40 years of experience in the profession
  • 25 years in a jewelry workshop
  • 17 years Associate Professor of the Department of Metal Art at the Lviv National Academy of Arts

Lecture hall

Website: https://online.artforintrovert.ru Phone: Cost: 2170 rub. per course

Jewelry Art

You will study the history of the most expensive fashion industry - jewelry. You will find out what kind of jewelry was worn at court, how jewelry houses arose, and which famous artists created jewelry.

Who is this course suitable for?

  • For everyone who is interested in fashion. Let's show the history of the most beautiful fashion industry. Let us explain how and why the fashion for jewelry changed.
  • To everyone who studies art. Let us explain how the fashion for jewelry is connected with the world of high art and which of the great artists was fond of jewelry.
  • To everyone who works in the jewelry business. Let's talk about the great masters of the past and present. Let's share the secrets of jewelry making and the history of the most famous jewelry.

Art Clay Russia

Website: https://artclayrussia.ru Phone: Cost: not specified

Individual Master Classes via Skype are conducted on a regular basis by prior arrangement with the school’s leading instructor for the distance learning program, Anastasia Podkolzina.

In order for the instructor to be able to evaluate the upcoming master class in terms of complexity and time, you need to provide a photograph or sketch of the product that you would like to implement in the class. After the instructor receives your sketch, he will make a list of the tools you will need for the master class, as well as the volume and types of jewelry clay needed for this product.

Having received your order from us, you set the date and time of the lesson together with the instructor.

Veronica Kalacheva School

Website: https://kalachevaschool.ru Phone: +7 495 109-0-600 Cost: 2990 rub. per course

The “Jewelry” mini-course is several online lessons in which you will learn how to draw jewelry with markers.

All that glitters

In just a few lessons of the mini-course, you will understand the basic principles of transferring gold and silver with alcohol markers. Master the techniques of depicting precious stones: draw how light and color play intricately on each facet of a diamond.

Create a luxurious necklace, a rich ring with a precious stone and spectacular turquoise earrings on paper.

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