Capricorn sign for a woman and the most suitable gemstone talismans

How to recognize Capricorn among the zodiac signs. The most powerful amulet for women of this sign and how you can avoid failure by choosing the right stones.

Women, representatives of the Capricorn sign, often remain a mystery to others

If you see a purposeful woman who believes in herself and always achieves her goals, you can be sure that she is a Capricorn. The nature is prone to introspection, perhaps this helps to win over rivals and over oneself. When choosing a talisman stone for Capricorn, you should give preference to cool shades. The Capricorn talisman will bring maximum benefit if it is powerful and weighty. A woman of this sign will not be happy with a scattering of small pebbles; they will be of little use.

Characteristics of Capricorn and its talismans

Capricorn belongs to the earth element signs. That is why there is so much down to earth in his character. He is very stable, systematic and self-confident. Such people are not afraid of any work, are patient and with enviable persistence achieve their goals where others have already given up.

The patron planet of Capricorn is Saturn, personifying perseverance, perseverance and strict self-restraint in the name of a goal. This is why many Capricorns are endowed with consistency in their endeavors, a realistic view of the world, and self-demandingness.

All these qualities are certainly valuable for any person. But, at the same time, they take a lot of strength - endless self-control is impossible. That is why these strong and independent natures are recommended to use talismans - metal, flowers, trees and stones, suitable for Capricorns. The best metal for this sign is platinum, flowers are pansies, poppies and carnations, trees are apple, fir and elm.

Astrologers also advise giving the correct names to Capricorn children. For example, for boys born under this sign, the most suitable names are Arthur, Egor, Boris, Vasily and Maxim, and for girls Evgenia, Vera, Daria, Olga and Tatyana. You can often hear advice on using the most successful colors - green and dark brown. These colors are recommended for use in clothing, accessories and interior design.

But we will tell you about one of the most powerful talismans - the Capricorn stone. Properly selected, it can give its owner wisdom and tranquility, improve health and attract success in business, protect against external bad energy and build happy family relationships.

Of course, there is not only one such stone - many minerals are recommended for this sign. For example, bioenergy specialists select stones for chakras. The first chakra Muladhara (or Root), as well as the seventh chakra Sahasrara (or Crown), are associated with this sign; rock crystal, garnet and hematite are suitable for influencing them.

We will not limit ourselves only to this list, and consider which stones are suitable for Capricorn depending on various factors: year, decade and date of birth, by gender - for men and women, for the most important purpose - protection from the evil eye and damage, attraction love and wealth, improved health.

Zodiac stones of all Capricorns and their meaning

But first, we’ll tell you about the minerals recommended for all representatives of the sign.
Among them there are precious stones for Capricorn and semi-precious ones. They are universally suitable for men and women, and will be favorable in different circumstances and different life situations. Let's list which gemstones are suitable according to the Capricorn horoscope:

  • Pomegranate. It is also called a talisman of happiness - a pomegranate can attract great love, help find strong friendships and give its owner a positive mood. It is with pomegranate that serious and stern Capricorns become cheerful optimists.
  • Ruby. Brings happiness in love, and helps to achieve recognition and respect from others.
  • Sapphire. It is especially recommended for purposeful Capricorns - the mineral develops natural wisdom, intuition and foresight, which help to effectively solve assigned tasks.

If you can’t afford jewelry, don’t despair! The following semi-precious stones are suitable for representatives of the sign who want to strengthen family happiness, achieve career success or improve health:

  • Amethyst. The talisman enhances the creative abilities of its owner and helps make his life harmonious.
  • Nephritis. It is believed that if there are figurines made of this stone in the house, the marital relationship will be stronger.
  • Agate. The mineral has a beneficial effect on the health of its owner - in particular, it helps to cope with bronchopulmonary diseases and relieve sore throats. Moreover, if this agate is black, it will make its owner attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  • Obsidian. One of the most important stones for purposeful and persistent Capricorns. The mineral acts as a strong protection for its owner or mistress at significant moments - for example, during transactions or important negotiations.
  • Onyx. Capable of making its owner a true leader - at work and in the family.
  • Opal. Jewelry with it will make the too strict Capricorn more relaxed and peaceful.
  • Tourmaline. At the same time, this stone acts both as a powerful amulet that protects against negative energy and as a talisman that bestows health. Black or green tourmaline crystals have a particularly strong effect for Capricorns.

Scroll through the photos in the gallery:



Semi-precious agate for any Capricorn

Obsidian with snow flakes

Onyx. Photo: onesimo cordova,



Animal mascots

In order for things to go smoothly and insurmountable problems do not arise in the family, earth signs get an animal for good luck or purchase an item with its image. The animal talisman for Capricorn is made in the form of a figurine, prints on jewelry, stencils on mugs, and clothes.

Representatives of the animal world compatible with the zodiac sign:

  • The embodiment of Capricorn himself is a turtle , slowly crawling, but persistently moving forward. She is a symbol of wisdom, foundation, longevity and hard work, which will definitely receive a well-deserved reward. The amulet helps the owner not to lose composure and to be persistent. The turtle strengthens family relationships and improves financial situation.
  • The companion of the mysterious, an unchanging attribute of magic is the black cat , giving wealth and prosperity to Capricorns. An animal talisman increases self-esteem and eliminates excessive shyness. Only a black cat can absorb negative energy, protect against vampirism, the evil eye, damage, and warn of danger. The animal neutralizes the effects of stress, treats heart and vascular diseases.
  • The wise owl supports the desire of the intellectually developed Capricorn for knowledge and further realization. Teaches you to think outside the box, make informed decisions, and shows you the path that is easier to follow.
  • A pendant or pendant with the image of a goat , personifying the sign of Capricorn, brings prosperity and harmony to the family.

The turtle for Capricorn is a symbol of wisdom.

Choosing a Capricorn stone according to your horoscope

Now we propose to consider the recommended stones according to the Capricorn zodiac sign by year, decade and birthday.

By year

If you combine recommendations for choosing a talisman stone for Capricorn with recommendations for zodiac signs according to the eastern calendar, you will get the following results:

  • Rat. These Capricorns sometimes lack self-confidence. A red pomegranate will help solve this problem.
  • Bull. A stubborn and purposeful bull will be supported in all his endeavors by the tiger's eye.
  • Tiger. A tiger who dreams of attracting good luck can become happier if he wears jewelry with a ruby.
  • Rabbit. Rock crystal will help him protect himself from damage and the evil eye, as well as maintain his vitality.
  • The Dragon. A representative of the sign, born in the year of the Dragon, is recommended to wear opal, which reveals his natural abilities.
  • Snake. She often needs additional energy, which she can receive through a suitable talisman - heliotrope.
  • Horse. But for a horse, an amulet with the opposite effect is required. Dark obsidian will help the Horse to contain excess energy.
  • Goat. A universal mineral is garnet. A red garnet will help the Goat get out of conflicts without losing energy, and a green one will teach frugality.
  • Monkey. She is also recommended jewelry with pomegranate. It is believed that they will teach her constancy, reliability, and therefore make her happier.
  • Rooster. Natural stones for Capricorn the Rooster are onyx and ruby. Onyx will help you become more confident, and ruby ​​will make you more attractive to the opposite sex.
  • Dog. This Capricorn is recommended to wear carnelian. The stone will help develop communication skills and gain respect from others.
  • Pig. To improve intuition, the Pig is advised to wear jewelry with onyx. Also, this talisman will help to obtain leadership positions in society.

Scroll through the photos:


Eye of the Tiger. Photo: Bonnie Jordan,



Opal, Diane Rose,

Heliotrope, Jennifer Smith Follow,




By decade

The best patron stone for Capricorns can also be found by the decade in which the future owner of the talisman was born. Recommendations for representatives of different decades are taken from the book by F. K. Velichko “The Mystical Properties of Stones” (Bibliopolis Publishing House, 1995, p. 119).

I decade from December 22 to 31

These are careerists, purposeful, energetic and calculating. However, in love their self-control fails - when falling in love, such Capricorns become timid and shy. Another problem for Capricorns born in this decade is that they often lack luck. The best stones for them are onyx, malachite and star sapphire.

II decade from January 1 to January 10

The most persistent of all representatives of the sign. These are strong natures, prone to self-improvement and incredibly purposeful. Among the minerals they are recommended are black and dark blue sapphires, sardonyx, jade and dark chalcedony.

III decade from January 11 to 20

The main characteristic of these Capricorns is strong analytical thinking. Those born during this period are able to reach peaks in science, philosophy and other fields. Regardless of profession, these are often excellent psychologists. Dark amethyst, tiger's eye and moonstone suit them.

By day

To determine the talisman stone regarding the period of birth most accurately, you can consider the recommendations for dates. The most accurate correspondence of Capricorn stones by date of birth (by day) is presented in the book by S. M. Nikolaev “Stones: Myths, Legends, Superstitions...” (Novosibirsk, “Nauka”, 1995, p. 325). Data from this book:

Capricorn birth dateTalisman stone for this day
22.12Malachite, agate
23.12Jade, malachite
24.12Opal, jade
26.12Opal, andalusite
27.12Tourmaline, pearl
29.12Carnelian (aka carnelian), sapphire
30.12Jasper, turquoise
31.12Turquoise, topaz
1.01Malachite, amber
5.01Agate black and red
13.01Chrysoberyl, peridot
14.01Tourmaline, jasper
16.01Garnet, amethyst
17.01Garnet, lapis lazuli
18.01Opal, emerald
19.01Labradorite, aquamarine

Amulets colors

Protective colors for the sign of Capricorn should be an earthy palette: brown, coffee, sand, milk chocolate. The brown shade brings unprecedented luck. Gives you friendliness and practicality. More delicate tones are also suitable: cream, baked milk, champagne. They will give a person peace and self-confidence. They will help you focus on the main thing.

Brighter colors will help this sign attract luck: scarlet, orange, mint and turquoise. Purple color will cure physical and psychological problems. Indispensable in the treatment of eye and ear diseases.

Capricorn in a purple scarf

Stones for Capricorn woman

Often, talismans are chosen based on the gender of the future owner. Indeed, experts believe that the mineral will have specific properties depending on who wears it - a man or a woman. First, we’ll tell you what stones suit a Capricorn woman.

Representatives of this sign are very active in all areas. These are energetic students, careerists, owners of their own businesses and happy mothers of families. The Capricorn woman is prudent - she can even enter into marriage, sometimes guided by calculation, but she is happy in family life.

She seems too closed to others, which prevents her from making friends and creates other inconveniences. Properly selected talismans will help get rid of this - according to the horoscope, such stones are suitable for Capricorn women and girls:

  • Rhinestone. Softens the character of its owner, making her more open, easy to communicate and calm.
  • Pomegranate. This Capricorn woman’s stone is her universal assistant in love affairs and family relationships. An unmarried girl with him will feel attention from the opposite sex, a married lady will no longer fear her husband’s infidelity - all his attention will be focused exclusively on her.
  • Black Diamond. The mineral will be a powerful protection against the evil intentions of strangers, and it will protect its owner from bad desires.
  • Agate. A talisman for a Capricorn woman who dreams of becoming a mother. At the same time, agate is not only a symbol of fertility, but also a strong talisman that attracts material wealth.
  • Nephritis. A health stone for Capricorn women. Wearing it is beneficial for all body systems, and also helps to cope with melancholy and depression.
  • Cornelian. A talisman for young girls to help them find love. It is worth choosing for those who dream of meeting their destiny and getting married.

As for the very small representatives of this sign, they have their own talismans. A Capricorn girl can choose a suitable amulet from malachite, onyx or chalcedony.

Scroll through photos of stones for Capricorn women:




Jade Carnelian

Features of the zodiac sign

The zodiac sign of Capricorn comes into its own on December 21, and its reign ends on January 20. He can be considered the most prominent representative of his element.

Capricorns are distinguished by their resilience and desire for excellent results in all matters. The average representative of an earth sign is distinguished by a lively mind and perseverance in the development of intellectual abilities. Although Capricorns have a calm character, inside them lies a desire for leadership and power. If the desire for dominance cannot be realized, then this sign may harbor a grudge against the whole world due to the thought that it was underestimated.

The main representative of the Earth element is distinguished by independence and a narrow circle of friends. It is quite difficult for those born under the sign of Capricorn to establish relationships with people around them, because they are often distrustful and suspicious. Most of all, Capricorns prefer solitude rather than being in a crowd. However, they are not averse to spending a long time in the company of their closest friends.

Capricorn men are distinguished by a strong character, as well as a thirst for admiration and praise from others, although some timidity prevents them from admitting their desires. Sometimes representatives of the earth sign have a tendency to feel sorry for themselves, but they try to drown out this deficiency and cultivate a warlike spirit and an iron will in themselves.

Women of the winter sign are independent and independent. They persistently achieve their goals and constantly develop intellectually. Nature has endowed such women with incredible charm, which they often use to attract men. But Capricorns always keep within the bounds of decency and do not allow themselves to be completely surrendered to surging feelings. Representatives of this sign are also considered lovers of order and a comfortable atmosphere in the house.

Esotericists advise Capricorns to purchase talismans and amulets that will help them cope with character problems and attract luck and financial success into their lives. Properly selected magical objects and symbols will help restore inner harmony, enhance positive traits and get rid of negative ones.

Stones for Capricorn men

Now about the representatives of the stronger sex. A favorable talisman stone for a Capricorn man should be chosen from the following:

  • Chrysoprase. The mineral enhances the energy of its owner and protects him from negativity. It gives its owner self-confidence and gives decisiveness in significant situations.
  • Obsidian. It is recommended for businessmen, managers and all those who often make serious decisions. Obsidian helps develop a quick reaction and find the right path even in a difficult situation.
  • Rauchtopaz. Men are advised to wear this Capricorn stone to creative people. The mineral enhances creative abilities and helps to think outside the box. In addition, rauchtopaz reduces the egoistic character traits of its owner, and this allows you to build warmer and more trusting relationships with others.
  • Almandine. A talisman that can teach its owner to manage emotions. It helps to overcome anger and despondency and find joy.
  • Onyx. This gem is suitable for Capricorn men who want to achieve leadership positions. It strengthens positive connections with others, reduces the arrogance of its owner and makes him more open.
  • Tourmaline. A powerful amulet that protects from ill-wishers and envious people.

Men's rings

Men's onyx ring in steampunk style, Daniel Proulx, Tourmaline

If a talisman stone is chosen for boys, then it is recommended to have a talisman that feeds the curiosity of its little owner, to reveal his talent and protect his health. Jade has these properties.

Patron animals of Capricorn

Images of patrons can be placed either on a talisman or on a painting, mug or figurine. It is important that such an object is always in Capricorn’s field in order to feed its energy. Helping animals can be:

  • Black cat - will save you from illnesses, evil people and wrong decisions.

  • Goat - helps things at work go “uphill”.

  • Turtle – gives patience and teaches self-control.

  • Owl - improves intellectual abilities, develops innovative thinking.

Do you use an animal mascot?

Specific stones of Capricorn

If a future amulet is chosen for a specific purpose - to find love, achieve career success, attract good luck and wealth, then you should pay attention to the specific properties of the stones.


So, for the health of Capricorn, the best talismans are tourmaline and malachite. Black tourmaline improves heart function and increases overall vitality. Green tourmaline is recommended to be worn after injuries and surgeries for faster recovery. Malachite is recommended for problems with vision or joints.


Agate is the best amulet against damage and the evil eye. It protects against gossip and intrigues of ill-wishers, prevents troubles and smoothes out their consequences if troubles were inevitable. It is also a powerful amulet against witchcraft.


Capricorns often look for a mineral that attracts wealth. This is what turquoise is considered to be - it helps important transactions go well and makes investments profitable. Another money stone for this sign is chrysoprase, which increases the capital of its owner and brings him good luck in business.


For luck in love, Capricorns are recommended to wear a pomegranate. He will preserve warm feelings between spouses, and those free from marriage will quickly find personal happiness. The energy of ruby ​​is considered strong - a powerful love talisman for those who dream of mutual feelings. Among the sign’s heartfelt helpers is turquoise, which helps two lovers overcome all obstacles in order to be together.


Turquoise is also a lucky stone for Capricorn. It gives men courage and self-confidence, and women peace and harmony. Those representatives of the sign who were born in December are especially lucky with turquoise. The mineral helps them increase their wealth, make profitable deals and improve their status. Garnet is a source of luck, a positive attitude and Capricorn’s secret weapon in achieving goals. Another magnet for Capricorn’s luck is black quartz (morion). If you place a figurine or craft made from morion in your home, it will attract prosperity to it.


If Capricorn strives for power, he can find it with onyx. A piece of jewelry made from this mineral or just a stone processed into a cabochon will become a reliable companion for a leader, entrepreneur or politician. This gem will help its owner manage people, understand their intentions and always be ahead of competitors.

Plants and trees amulets

There are plants and trees that connect Capricorn with nature, acting as a strong amulet. These include the following varieties:

  • Apple tree. An amulet in the form of this tree can help in your work. A person under his influence easily starts new projects, becomes reasonable, and has peace of mind. In this state, he is able to take on any, even the most difficult, tasks.
  • Elm. Capricorns pay too much attention to activities to achieve their goals. As a result, they often suffer from depression and mental troubles. The tree will support you, help you not to break, and withstand the blows of fate. It will help to achieve balance in the soul and discover the creative inclinations within it.
  • Beech. It will attract good luck in career growth and obtaining material wealth. The beech will help a person achieve his intended goal, despite all kinds of obstacles that arise along the way. Carrying this amulet with him, the owner acquires dexterity, resourcefulness and the ability to reason sensibly.
  • Fir. This is a strong amulet against various ailments. Instills confidence in a person and helps them achieve what they want.
  • Money Tree. A houseplant attracts financial success, luck in business, and gives the owner confidence in the future.
  • Ficus is elastic. It strengthens the spirit of Capricorn, whose opinion is often dependent on others. Gives him a tough character, preventing him from showing excessive sensitivity.
  • Yucca elephant. Gives the owner fortitude, determination, and correct thinking. Promotes quick and correct resolution of difficult moments.

Ficus elastica for Capricorn
It is recommended to purchase live plants as a talisman. There is no need to carry them with you all the time. Their exposure at home is enough.

What strengthens the stone

It is believed that the natural properties of minerals are much stronger if they are given as a gift. Jewelry with stones, passed down by inheritance, is especially powerful.

Also, the influence of talisman stones increases if you almost never separate from the product, wear it constantly for many years or regularly (as often as possible). Large gems become especially powerful in 7-12 years. Small amulets most clearly manifest their properties earlier.

It is important to remember that here, firstly, natural stones are needed. Secondly, they must most harmoniously correlate with the energy of the Capricorn owner.

Rules for choosing amulets

When choosing an amulet, it is important to pay attention to your own intuition. If you like the item and evoke only pleasant emotions, you need to pick it up and hold it for a few minutes. If the amulet fits, then you will feel warmth in your palms, and peace in your soul.

Items that provoke feelings such as fear, disgust or trembling should not be purchased. If the item does not evoke any emotions, then you should also refuse the purchase.

The talisman itself must be new. Someone else's will not bring happiness, adding more problems. The amulet should not have chips, cracks or other defects. They reduce the magical power of the amulet.

How to communicate with stones

Using this or that talisman, we often forget about its unique energy, which requires special treatment.
It is important to handle your personal amulet with care - wear and store it carefully, hold it in your hands more often, and wash it periodically. You can even talk to him - thank him for his protection, but ask for a solution to a specific problem, because he cannot do everything for you. To solve all problems, especially stubborn Capricorns should rely on God, science, themselves, the Universe, nature, in any case, do not rely on the stone with all your essence, but continue to search for the Truth, the meaning of life, God, in general - spirituality. Talisman stones can help you along the way, but they should not be the purpose of existence, they should not take away their soul from people!

Magic numbers and colors

For Capricorns, days falling on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 8th of the month are considered lucky. If one of them falls on a birthday, this day is celebrated with an extraordinary, pleasant event.

Capricorn's lucky colors are brown, its warm shades, scarlet, mint, orange. Brown symbolizes wisdom, warmth, goodwill, stability. Thanks to business clothes in calm, dark tones, representatives of this sign tolerate physical activity more easily and get tired less.

Shades of red bring good luck to Capricorns and share positive energy with them.

These stones should not be worn by Capricorns

So, now it has become clear what stones Capricorns can wear. But there are a number of recommendations regarding gems that representatives of the sign are prohibited from using. In particular, pearls, citrine and emerald are mentioned. They say that such stones are not suitable for Capricorns.

However, there are only one clear prohibitions regarding the choice of a specific mineral for any zodiac sign - the damaged integrity of the stone. If cracks appear on the gem, then you can no longer wear it. It has absorbed negative energy, which destroyed it, and will not be able to become a reliable protection for its owner.

Therefore, Capricorn’s personal talisman can sometimes even be a contraindicated stone with pleasant energy. If, upon tactile contact with the mineral, a pleasant warmth emanates from it and positive sensations appear, it will be able to protect its owner from negativity and bring him good luck.

We are sure that our detailed recommendations helped you learn more about talismans for Capricorn. Calculate the ideal amulet according to all the criteria or choose it with your heart - in any case, this will be the very stone that will make you happy!

How to make a talisman from a mineral

In order for the amulet to protect Capricorn from flows of evil energy and become a real amulet with enormous potential, you need to believe in its magical properties. If you consider the stone to be a simple decoration, it will not work.

In order for the amulet to receive a positive charge from the owner, you need to:

  • You should always have it with you. It is not recommended to transfer the amulet into the wrong hands, because it is a person’s personal thing.
  • To enhance the magical properties, it is better to cut the stone into metal. For this sign it is cupronickel or lead.
  • In order for the talisman to start working in full force, it must be cleansed of foreign energy: the manufacturer, seller and other people. To clean, you need to put the amulet in a bowl with salt and leave it for a couple of days.
  • Then it needs to be charged. The power of the elements is often used: fire, earth, air or water. You can charge the energy of the luminaries: place the amulet on the windowsill so that it is under the rays of the Sun or the light of the Moon and say the words: “Feed on the energy of the day and night luminaries, recharge.” It should lie on the windowsill for 8-10 hours. If it loses power over time, it needs to be recharged again.
  • The amulet must be customized to the owner. To do this, take it in your palm, squeeze it and try to feel the connection with it. There can be any sensation: warmth, burning, coolness, etc. Mentally you need to say what you want to get from the amulet.

Black onyx with white veins for authority at work

Important ! If over time the amulet cracks or bursts, it means that it has exhausted its capabilities. Such an amulet is buried in a deserted place and you can buy a new one.

The influence of the eastern calendar on the choice of a talisman for Capricorn

The year of birth has a great influence on the character and destiny of Capricorn. According to the Chinese horoscope, there are 4 triads of the Capricorn sign.

Representatives of each triad have their own character traits. If you choose the right stone, taking into account the year of birth, you can neutralize negative traits and enhance positive qualities.

First triad

The first group includes Capricorns born in the years of the Rat, Dragon, and Monkey. They are distinguished by determination, activity, and a tendency to go to extremes.

  • Capricorn-Rat: he is characterized by pedantry, conservatism, calmness, and good intuition. Appreciates home comfort and treats family and loved ones with respect. A career is not their life goal. Garnet and amber will help add flexibility to the character of such a Capricorn.
  • Capricorn-Dragon: ambitious, purposeful, sometimes too arrogant. In case of failure, he falls into despair. Professional self-realization is important to him. The chrysolite stone will help you become more mature and look at things soberly.
  • Capricorn-Monkey: freedom-loving, purposeful and creative person. He is loved by the opposite sex for his charisma and bright personality. Often becomes an object of envy. To protect themselves from negative influences and the evil eye, Capricorns need to wear garnet and ruby.

Garnet stone decoration

Second triad

The second triad includes Capricorns born in the years of the Ox, Snake and Rooster. A penchant for analysis and planning allows them to achieve great success in the exact sciences.

  • Capricorn-Ox: he is characterized by endurance, will, fortitude and ambition. But he is often afraid of the unknown, which is why he misses great opportunities. Moonstone will help you get out of your comfort zone and become more decisive.
  • Capricorn-Snake: a person with an analytical mind, excellent intuition, and cunning. Loves solitude, fears defeat, gives up in front of difficult goals. Capricorn will be able to gain confidence if he wears opal or jasper.
  • Capricorn-Rooster: a serious, reliable, responsible person, but has difficulty adapting to new circumstances. Agate and topaz will allow it to become more flexible.

You may be interested in: Gemini: Stones and talismans of the zodiac sign for women and men

Third triad

Astrologers united Capricorns, who were born in the years of the Tiger, Horse and Dog, into this triad. They are distinguished by their ability to win people over and their openness.

  • Capricorn-Tiger: restraint, organizational skills, flexibility, desire for leadership are his main qualities. They are capable of making a successful career, especially if they wear carnelian as a talisman.
  • Capricorn-Horse: very purposeful, achieves his goals, overcoming all obstacles. But due to excessive gullibility, they are often deceived and disappointed in people. Turquoise, garnet, obsidian and onyx will help avoid this.
  • Capricorn-Dog: responsible, serious, demanding person towards himself and other people, denies compromises, forgives mistakes with difficulty. Carnelian, black pearls, amber and jasper will add gentleness and mercy to his character.

Fourth triad

This triad includes representatives of the sign born in the years of the Cat, Goat and Pig. Sublime, creative and artistic natures.

  • Capricorn-Cat: romantic, family comes first for him. At the same time, self-sufficient and purposeful, demanding of other people, can often offend with words. To reduce expectations from others, he should wear rhinestones and pearls.
  • Capricorn-the-Goat: Most of his actions are dictated by impulsiveness and spontaneity. Due to the lack of a clear plan, he often fails to achieve his goals. Jade, carnelian and amber will help you become wiser and more serious.
  • Capricorn-Pig: characterized by honesty and slowness. He is afraid of adventures, meeting new people, prefers to be alone with himself. To increase the level of communication, it is recommended to wear lapis lazuli or moonstone.

Ruby stone decoration

Connection with chakras, metals, trees, names

There are two chakras associated with the Capricorn symbol: the first Muladhara (Root) and the seventh Sahasrara (Crown). Stones used in chakra manipulations are garnet, hematite, rock crystal, diamond.

The zodiac metal of Capricorn is platinum. The noble material does not interact with almost anything. Capricorn is like that: resistant to outside influence, wise, true to himself.

As an addition to stone magical tools, you can choose a tree recommended by the Druid horoscope:

  • apple tree: December 23 – January 1;
  • fir: January 2–11;
  • elm: January 12–20.

For December 22, the winter solstice, a beech tree is highlighted.

Minerals are also selected by name. That is, in the general list they find options that match the zodiac sign. For example, ruby, carnelian, tiger's eye, amber, and citrine are considered favorable for Anna. Of these, the first three correspond to the constellation. The choice is made taking into account personal preferences and financial capabilities.

How to clean and activate

You can activate the purchased talisman by placing it under your pillow for several days. During this time, he will get used to the owner’s energy and adapt to it.

To cleanse an object of negative energy, place it in water with salt for 3 days, after reading a prayer.

If this is not possible, proceed as follows:

  1. The amulets of earthly poetry are recharged in nature. To do this, the item is placed on the ground or buried. Another option is to sprinkle the product with salt.
  2. The sun is a universal source of charging, so you can place the item on the windowsill so that the sun's rays fall on it.

Where can I buy amulets?

Amulets can be purchased in stores, antique shops, fairs and other places where talismans for representatives of the earthly element are sold. It is important not to buy used items - they retain the energy of the former owner, which can negatively affect well-being and mood.

Some of the amulets are easy to make with your own hands: make a beautiful cup or plate from clay, or grow red poppies at home that will please the eye. Such objects have special power, since they are initially charged with the energy of the owner.

Based on year of birth

You can also choose a stone for a Capricorn man or woman according to the eastern horoscope. Such a choice will be even more constructive. Rats are better off choosing pomegranate. It will bring clarity and eliminate internal contradictions. The gem will make the owner more self-confident.

Oxen do not always have enough energy to complete their goal. Therefore, the tiger's eye will help them shorten the path and reduce the amount of effort. Tigers can wear ruby. The latter will make them luckier. Relationships with loved ones and friends will become warmer, and your internal balance will stabilize.

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