Howlite - stone of Indian shamans: properties and meaning

CategoryBorates (minerals)
Title in EnglishHowlite
GroupGroup of Gems
ColorWhite, Colorless, Yellow, Brown
Stroke colorWhite
ShineGlass, Silky
TransparencyOpaque, Transparent
Density, g/cm³2,5 — 2,6
origin of nameThe man who discovered the Howlite mineral was a Canadian-born geologist, Henry Gove. The word howlite itself is formed from the surname of the geologist Gov and the Greek word λίθος is added to it, which translates as “stone”. It turns out to be “Gova stone”. By nature, the mineral has a characteristic white color, but if you paint it blue, you get an imitation of turquoise. Thanks to this, howlite received another name - pressed turquoise.
MorphologyHowlite crystals have a tabular appearance. Most often, the mineral is found in the form of radial aggregates, nodules and porcelain-like nodules.

The mineral howlite is also known in mineralogy under such names as silicoborocalcite, caulite, turquenite or turkenite. Today it is a rare, but still affordable and quite popular stone in jewelry. He is also the patron saint of all students. Its natural specimens are quite inconspicuous - painted white, gray or black, but howlite is often given an artificial color, and in this form the gem is even used as an imitation for more expensive precious and semi-precious stones.

Howlite deposits

In nature, howlite deposits are quite rare. The process of formation of this mineral takes place in special pools during the precipitation of salt solutions that contain a high percentage of calcium and boron. Its largest deposits are located in the USA and California. Deposits of howlite of medium size are found in mines in Serbia and Germany. Clusters of plate-shaped howlite crystals were discovered in Canada.


The mineral is formed in evaporites. These are precipitated salts formed in distant geological periods during the evaporation of water from salt lakes. In addition to howlite, gypsum, rock salt, borates, sulfides, carbonates and nitrates of elements are found in evaporites.

Collected howlite, Southern California

History of howlite

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The howlite mineral was first discovered in eastern Canada (Nova Scotia Peninsula). This unusual name was given to the stone after its discoverer, geologist G. Gova.

In modern mineralogy, howlite is also found under the names “caulite” and “turquenite”. The last of these appeared about half a century ago and is usually used as a designation for blue-blue howlite. Very often, this mineral is also called “pressed turquoise,” especially when used in the manufacture of jewelry. But howlite has nothing to do with natural turquoise.

Caring for Howlite Products

There are strong and unpretentious stones that do not require special storage rules. Howlit, unfortunately, is not one of those. It is fragile, easily deformed, breaks, and is afraid of aggressive liquids. So if you need a long-lasting amulet, follow these rules:

  • Store the gem in a warm and dry place out of direct sunlight.
  • If you need to clean howlite, simply rinse it in warm water.
  • Remove jewelry with stones when you get ready to clean. Chemical cleaners can damage the stone, even change its shape.
  • Protect white howlite from direct sunlight. Painted stones tolerate them a little better.
  • Of course, carefully protect the talisman from falls, impacts, and temperature changes.

In fact, howlite is not as fragile and short-lived as it might seem. In any case, magic stones do not like to be neglected. The benefits they bring are definitely worth following the simple rules.

Physico-chemical characteristics of howlite

According to the characteristics of the chemical composition, howlite is calcium borosilicate. The most common crystal colors include white and shades of gray. In addition, there are specimens decorated with inclusions and veins of black and brown shades. It is easy to artificially give howlite a blue color. Howlite crystals have a silky shine. Their hardness on the Mohs scale is 3.5, specific gravity is 2.5-2.6 g/cm3.

Jewelry with mineral

Howlite is a jewelry stone from which talismans and amulets are made. It is worn by people who respect the good qualities in themselves. Under any circumstances, it helps to maintain dignity, and also supports the owner’s character and gives the individual self-confidence.

Jewelry - talismans are made from a white variety of natural mineral. Once sanded and shaped into the desired shape, it is ready to be carried in your bag, pocket, or to decorate your desk.

In particular, this is an amulet for dentists who keep stones in their office. It is believed that it makes the speech kind and the hand light, which is important for a specialist of this profile. And also professionalism is constantly improving. People of many other professions also purchase Howlite as their amulet.

The use of gems in jewelry involves the creation of a variety of crafts. The price of products made from this semi-precious stone is not very high and is available to everyone. The white variety is a material for creating luxurious jewelry.

Also read: Kunzite - the magic of purple stone

The compatibility of the mineral with metals: silver, gold allows you to make original jewelry for all occasions. Jewelers love Howlite, which is combined in various colors and shades in costume jewelry. It is used to make beads, bracelets, decorative items for interiors, and figurines.

Thus, jewelry made from natural stones (Howlita) costs from 400 rubles for earrings to 1,500 rubles for bracelets. Items with ion plating made of rose gold can cost up to 8,000 rubles.

Magical properties of howlite

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Howlite, painted pure white, is a symbol of purity and innocence. At the same time, it also personifies strength and human dignity. Jewelry containing elements made of white howlite softens anger, eliminates anxiety and fear, bad thoughts and feelings.

In addition, howlite is widely popular among those involved in dream interpretation. The stone itself helps to remember dreams.

But its main advantage and feature is considered to be powerful support in acquiring various skills and knowledge. No wonder howlite is known as the patron saint of students. The mineral promotes concentration in the study of sciences, helps to master them easily and comfortably. It perfectly helps its owners during interviews, tests and exams. It makes it easy to make a good impression on examiners or employers. This stone also promotes the owner’s desire for constant self-improvement. Those who use howlite jewelry and talismans become a kind of “eternal students”, intellectuals, and constantly strive to gain new knowledge in all industries and fields of activity.


Like the Christian image of Saint Tatiana, Govlit is the patron saint of students. Helps develop a passion for science, master the material, and concentrates.

It also enhances the charm of the owner. It's not just about how the stone looks. It can be carried in your pocket. At the same time, it makes a person sociable that it helps to establish educational contact. The mineral constantly stimulates a person to improve.

Treating the mineral with love, jewelers added some properties to natural samples, giving them a magnificent color. You can take magical qualities seriously or not. But if you like Howlite jewelry, you should buy it.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

The healing properties of howlite

The mineral howlite has a good effect on the condition of bones and joints.
This is due to the fact that it contains a high percentage of calcium. With the help of the stone, the healing of fractures is accelerated, and an optimal level of calcium is maintained in the body. For this reason, howlite jewelry and talismans are recommended for all pregnant women to prevent the occurrence of a deficiency of this element. In addition, howlite promotes dental health and helps in eliminating toothache. Beads and necklaces made of howlite have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and increase resistance in stressful situations.

Howlite has also found use among massage therapists due to its high heat capacity. Massages are performed with it to get rid of cellulite, varicose veins and various joint diseases.


Russian online stores offer to buy howlite and products with it at the following cost (RUB):

  • egg (25, 50 mm) – 480, 780;
  • bracelet (beads diameter 6–10 mm) – 740–970;
  • thread of beads for needlework (6–9 mm) – 420–580;
  • pyramid (50x50x35 mm) – 1,280;
  • keychain – 1,350;
  • horse figurine – 3,560.

Material from the USA and Zimbabwe.

How to distinguish real howlite from a fake

Howlite is not faked, since this stone is inexpensive, despite its rarity. But the mineral itself can be painted in other colors, and such specimens are used as an imitation for other stones. For example, blue and blue-green howlites are used as a counterfeit of turquoise. It is extremely difficult to distinguish it and is only possible in a specialized laboratory. When howlite is painted in shades of red, it closely resembles expensive corals.


The types of stone are determined by color. Natural specimens are more likely to be gray in color with black, gray, and brown veins. Some of the samples take on a yellow tint under ultraviolet light. The radiance has the shine of the sun. But in most cases, natural coloring is not very good.

Attention! To make Howlite attractive and beautiful, it is painted with turquoise or coral.

Sky blue artificial coloring can teach a person to love beauty. The color can be so flawless and magnificent that it makes the mood sunny and sublime. At the edges of the sample, the mineral shows through because it is transparent.

When making jewelry, the stone is first ground to a pebble state. They are then painted, which is done simply because of their porous structure. The paint cannot penetrate far into the interior, so specimens are no longer processed. In addition to the heavenly color, Howlite is given a greenish tint.

Howlite and zodiac sign

Astrologers identify the following zodiac signs for which howlite is recommended as a talisman: Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo and Capricorn.
All these zodiac signs immediately begin to feel the positive influence of the mineral. It is manifested by the development of perseverance in achieving desired goals and patience towards others. It is also important to remember that there are zodiac signs for whom howlite gem is categorically contraindicated. These include Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. For them, the mineral can only bring sadness and disappointment.

Representatives of other zodiac signs can use howlite without fear of negative consequences. This generally calm mineral rarely causes harm, and even if it does not help, it remains neutral towards its owner.

Interesting facts about howlite

The mineral, rare in origin, exceeds some of its fossil counterparts in size. The most ancient specimens reach incredible sizes. Thus, a stone discovered in a California deposit weighs half a ton.

Any natural object is endowed with the energy of the Sun, Water, Air or Earth. This also applies to howlite, which can become a powerful protection and inspiration for someone. But for some this stone will bring nothing but disappointment and physical weakness. When choosing a mineral talisman for yourself, inquire about its origin and compatibility with it.


We could have missed a lot. Given the rarity and youth of the stone, much can still be learned about it.

How to distinguish a fake?

Howlite as such is not counterfeited. Few people know the stone, and if there is no demand, there is no supply.

Howlite itself is used to imitate more expensive stones - corals and turquoise.

The mineral has a porous structure, so it easily absorbs paint. It is difficult to distinguish such fakes from natural stones, because the very “look” of the gem without paint often looks like bleached turquoise. The same veins, stripes, even cracks.

Grayish howlite can be passed off as white turquoise even without coloring.

How to care?

The hardness of howlite is scanty. Therefore, do not subject it to any mechanical stress.

The structure of the mineral is matted and fibrous, which provides it with some guarantees against splitting.

Wash with warm soapy water, rinse with plenty of cool water.

Be sure to store in a separate case. With low hardness of howlite, this is a necessity.

Who should wear it?

People with self-esteem. Howlite will help you “keep your mark,” and at the same time give you confidence in difficult situations.

Dentists. Most patients are afraid of them. Therefore, a doctor of this profile needs a light hand and a speech that calms the patient.

Depression, stress? Wear howlite beads. They will relieve stress and help you switch to something pleasant.

What is the price?

We look at the price of “honest howlite” - unpainted.

ProductPrice in rubles
Heart (talisman)430

Stone tumbling costs from 180 to 380 rubles.

For those who like to work with their hands, threads with beads are offered. 10 beads will cost 420-790 rubles (the price depends on the size of the beads).

What colors are there?

Unpresentable in appearance. For those who like brighter stones, it is better to buy colored howlites. Howlite can be colorless, white, off-white to gray. Some specimens are pale blue. The veins of brown, dark brown and black colors give the mineral its zest.

Where can I buy?

There is no howlite in Russia. All products and decorations are made from imported stone.

Things made of howlite are available in online stores and hand makers. May be at gem fairs and exhibitions.

What stones does it go with?

Esotericists say that howlite combines harmoniously with:

  • aquamarine;
  • peridot;
  • amethyst;
  • chrysoprase;
  • red garnet.

Not a very good combination of howlite and malachite.

How to cleanse a stone of energetic dirt?

There are several ways to cleanse energy negativity.

  1. Standard - hold the gem for 20-30 minutes under running water.
  2. Soak the howlite in a bowl of brown rice.
  3. Moonlight cleanses and charges the gem. Therefore, on moonlit nights, help howlite take moonlight baths.

Howlite in astrology

Astrologers studied the properties of the stone and came to the conclusion that howlite is ideal for earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The caustic, self-confident Scorpio also found himself in the same company. Howlite softens the natural stubbornness, criticality and intolerance characteristic of representatives of these signs.

It is strictly not recommended for Sagittarius, Leo and Aries to wear howlite products.

The stone will not harm the rest of the zodiac signs. On the contrary, it will help you become calmer, more tolerant, and receptive to new knowledge.

If you have difficulties in your studies or at work, this is a reason to purchase a howlite product. It will fill you with cheerfulness, calm strength, and help you overcome all difficulties with dignity.

Areas of application

Not used in industry. There is simply too little mineral on Earth.

In its natural form, the stone is “not for everybody.” The bulk of the stones are used to imitate turquoise and coral. Porous stones are easy to paint and the results are amazing.

Howlite, artificially colored blue, is sold under the name Turquenite

Expert opinion

Semenishcheva Polina

Specialist in mineralogy. Graduated from St. Petersburg Mining University.

Only a good mineralogist or jeweler can distinguish “pressed turquoise” from natural one.


Flint varieties are formed by shade. Natural samples contain a grayer element with black, gray and brown layers. Some samples have a yellow tint, close to ultraviolet radiation. The glow contains a bright shine. However, first of all, natural dye is not optimal.

The tone is so perfect that it creates a good and sunny mood. At the edges of the sample, the solid body is illuminated due to the fact that it contains transparency.

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