Citrine stone - varieties, meaning, who it is suitable for, magical properties (69 photos)

Citrine is a yellow stone with a so-called citrus tint. It belongs to the quartz family, although for a long time it was confused with topaz due to the fact that they are very similar.
The gem is loved by jewelers and jewelry lovers. The hardness of the mineral makes it easy to process, and the pretty shade looks equally good with both silver and gold. As a result, buyers are happy to snap up elegant jewelry, replenishing their boxes with them.

Citrine has its own characteristics and secrets. We will share with you all its secrets and tell you who suits citrine according to the horoscope.

Origin of the stone

The golden gem has been known to mankind for a very long time, but it received its known name relatively recently. Historical sources contradict each other, claiming that the citrus name took root either in the 16th or 18th centuries.

In the Middle Ages, a citrine amulet was used to protect against plague and witchcraft.

Before this, citrine was considered topaz, and therefore was called accordingly - Spanish topaz. Sometimes the names “bohemian topaz” or “western topaz” were found. However, people more often called it “the gem of merchants.”

In those days, people believed that this stone could attract wealth. Therefore, merchants used the mineral as a talisman. This is what influenced the appearance of such an unusual unofficial name.

The mineral was held in high esteem in Ancient Greece and Rome. It was considered almost a philosopher's stone; they believed that the gem brings good luck, fame and wealth. Then only rich people wore jewelry with gold stones - merchants, speakers, officials, nobility, but now it is available to almost everyone.

The magical properties of citrine stone have been noticed for a very long time. Ancient peoples healed with the touch of the gem, and in the Middle Ages, citrine was used to protect against plague and witchcraft.

Healing influence

  1. Good for blood circulation.
  2. Improves the removal of toxins from the body. Cleanses the digestive system, especially the liver and pancreas.
  3. Activates the work of the thymus and thyroid gland.
  4. Strengthens the immune system and eliminates chronic fatigue syndrome.
  5. Normalizes sleep.
  6. Makes menopause symptoms less pronounced.

Attention! The stone cannot be used to treat serious ailments, since its beneficial effect on the body has no scientific evidence. Therefore, you cannot rely on it fully.

Where is citrine mined?

Citrine is a mineral whose deposits can be found in many countries around the world. The richest deposits are in Brazil, India and Madagascar. The gem is also mined in the USA, France and Scotland.

There are also deposits of citrine in Russia.

In the past, Spain mined citrine on an industrial scale, but soon the reserves were depleted and now there are only crumbs left. The same small volume of crystal is mined in Argentina and Myanmar.

Russia also has deposits of this stone. Its production is carried out in the Urals. It is known that Ural samples ended up in the palace of Catherine II herself.

Physical and chemical properties

Yellow citrine is one of the varieties of quartz. Therefore, the chemical and physical properties of citrine are not too different:

  • the stone has a characteristic glassy luster;
  • it is transparent;
  • above average hardness (7 out of 10 on the mineralogical scale);
  • the stones are transparent, but there are opacities in them;
  • fade when heated (faded samples become worthless);
  • density 2.65 g/cm³.

According to one version, the name of the stone comes from the French “citron”, which means “lemon yellow”. But the color of citrine can be not only lemon - it is many shades of yellow, including the same lemon, honey, amber. This is probably where the second theory came from. According to her, “citrus” means yellow in Latin.

Colors and varieties

The color scheme of true citrine tends to be lemon yellow. In gemology, there is an established tradition of calling brownish-honey specimens “Spanish topaz” and lighter ones – “Bohemian”. Citrine shades can range from completely light to amber, although annealed former quartz gemstones usually have a rich orange-gold or honey tone.

There is a rare type of stone - ametrine, a “cross” of citrine and amethyst. It is a mineral with alternating stripes of light yellow and lilac shades. It is mined mainly in Brazil as a companion rock.

Green citrine, or false emerald, has no jewelry value, since it quickly loses color in the light.

Application of the mineral

Some precious and semi-precious stones are used in industry, but this is not one of them. The niche of citrine is jewelry making.

The mineral is used in the manufacture of many jewelry:

  • rings;
  • bracelets;
  • beads;
  • necklaces;
  • pendants;
  • brooches;
  • hairpin

The mineral is widely used in the jewelry industry.
Among them there are both fairly budget options (small pins, brooches, studs) and expensive sets. The price of citrine depends not only on the number of stones, but also on the metal in which they are framed.

Gold sets will cost more than silver sets. The shape of the decoration also affects the price. A necklace is considered the most elite, but beads are several times cheaper, not to mention bracelets.

Because of its magical properties, citrine has become popular among adherents of esoteric teachings. It is used during magical rituals, for meditation, and also for stone therapy sessions.

Price. How not to pay for a fake?

The price of citrine stone as such is quite low. You can verify this by visiting any mineralogical fair: the cost of citrine bracelets and beads will not hurt your wallet. Crystals of this gem are also used as decoration for silver and gold (less commonly) jewelry: rings, earrings, pendants. Of course, jewelry made of precious metals is more expensive.

When buying jewelry with the coveted golden mineral, you should keep in mind that quite often refined quartz, in particular smoky, or amethyst, is sold under the guise of citrine. Manufacturers achieve a specific yellow tint by calcining stones at a temperature of 500-700 degrees Celsius.

The good news is that you can spot a fake with the naked eye. Fired crystals typically have an opaque brown-honey or amber color with a reddish undertone, which is never found in natural citrine. Natural stone changes its shade depending on the viewing angle, and heat-treated quartz is the same no matter where you look. Another characteristic feature of refined quartz is a white matte base, stretching, like a trail, to the top of the crystal.

True, it would not be entirely correct to call fired quartz a fake. It's more of an imitation. A different matter is linden made of glass and plastic. Moreover, even ametrine is falsified. The glass gives clarity in demarcating the stripes. Natural minerals are characterized by smooth transitions from one color to another. In addition, glass is not characterized by dichroism: a sunbeam will split into two when passing through a natural crystal.

Green citrine is sometimes sold as an emerald. In this case, only a jewelry maker can identify a fake.

Caring for citrine products

Most jewelry lovers are not familiar with jewelry making. Knowing nothing about caring for jewelry, they make irreparable mistakes.

Do not use aggressive chemicals to clean items with stones.

To prevent you from ruining your favorite talisman, we will share tips on how to wear citrine:

  • The stone can fade in the sun. When heading to the beach, leave your favorite jewelry at home.
  • All kinds of chemicals used when cleaning the premises are very dangerous for this mineral. Hiding them under gloves is not a solution, because they can tear at any moment and then contact with chemicals cannot be avoided.
  • To prevent the crystal from losing its beauty, do not forget to wash it with soap. Use mild hand soap. During the warm season, our skin produces more oil, so it is recommended to carry out the cleansing procedure more often.
  • Even ordinary women's perfume can spoil the appearance of jewelry with citrine. If you don't feel at your best without them, try to spray the liquid so that it doesn't get on the stone.
  • On the Mohs scale, which determines the hardness of minerals, it has a whopping 7 points. But if dropped regularly from a height, the stone can break.

If the talisman shattered into pieces the first time, most likely it was a fake - don’t worry about the loss, but buy a new amulet in a more reputable store.

As you can see, the rules of care are very simple. These guidelines are easy to remember. In addition, they can be applied not only to former Spanish topaz, but also to jewelry with other stones.

Wearing and care

You can buy citrine at any time: the rules of the lunar calendar in no way prevent this.

In order for jewelry made from golden gems to please the eye for as long as possible, it is worth, if possible, hiding them from direct sunlight, since the stone will lose its brightness. But under artificial lighting, citrine looks as good as possible.

There are no specific rules for caring for such jewelry: the main thing is to avoid mechanical damage. Wash, if necessary, with a soft sponge in warm soapy water.

Citrine looks best on those with a warm color type - it looks advantageous in a combination of brown-haired, blond and red-haired with green or brown eyes.

As for the color scheme of clothing, citrine is almost universal: it goes well with any shades of yellow and brown, as well as blue, white, black and green.

Thus, citrine jewelry is an ideal gift that will not disappoint any representative of the fair sex.

How to distinguish citrine from a fake

Citrine is a semi-precious stone. This is what makes people think that it is not counterfeited. But practice shows that in the jewelry market even the cheapest stones are replaced with surrogates.

Real stone cannot be perfectly smooth and has microcracks and irregularities on the surface.

Natural citrine can be easily distinguished from imitation if you know what to look for:

  1. Small inclusions, refractions and irregularities indicate the natural origin of the stone.
  2. Counterfeits usually have a more flashy tone. But you can only understand how bright this color is if you know exactly what citrine looks like. Then it’s easy to mentally make a comparison and draw a conclusion.
  3. The color of the original changes slightly as the viewing angle changes. The absence of changes in color when turning the product means only one thing - they are trying to deceive you!

Of course, even knowing these subtleties, it is not always possible to distinguish a laboratory product from a natural mineral. Therefore, if possible, try to play it safe and arrange a trip to a jewelry store with a specialist. After all, the point is not at all that you will waste your money, but that the amulet will not work.

How to choose, wear

The usefulness of the gem does not depend on the time of purchase. This stone is not affected by lunar cycles or other astrological phenomena. You need to pay attention to who citrine is suitable for according to their zodiac sign. However, other factors are also at play. These are internal sensations, compatibility with the name.

The gem is suitable for people named Angela, Stella, Daria and Oksana. Among men, it is recommended for Georgii to wear the mineral.

Wearing recommendations:

  1. do not expose to direct sunlight - the mineral loses color;
  2. wear jewelry with clothes in lemon, brown, blue and green, basic (black or white) shades;
  3. do not combine with things in a red color palette;
  4. brown-haired women, blondes, and girls with red hair should pay attention to the stone.

The rules also apply to storage and care. It is recommended to periodically wipe the mineral with a sponge moistened with soapy water. Jewelry or single pieces should be kept separately, in a soft bag.

You cannot wear the mineral with sapphire, chrysolite, emeralds, pearls, or opals. Combination with zircon, aventurines or melanite is also not recommended. The gem combines well with amethyst, topaz and beryl, as well as with spinel, agate, jasper or amber.

Medicinal properties

Citrine is a sun stone, and the sun is known to give strength and energy to all living things. It is thanks to its powerful energy that it is able to bring positive changes to the life of its owner.

The crystal lifts your spirits, improves your well-being and even heals.

Properties of citrine for humans:

  • helps with headaches;
  • helps increase concentration, improves memory;
  • affects the quality and quantity of sleep - a person falls asleep faster, wakes up alert, forgets about nightmares;
  • relieves speech defects;
  • has a healing effect on internal organs - fights kidney and liver diseases;
  • accelerates the healing process of wounds.

In India it is used to work with the Manipura chakra. The invisible energy center is located at the level of the solar plexus. If there are problems with this point, healers conduct meditation sessions with the mineral or offer the patient to wear it daily. Druze citrine is also good for meditation.

Lithotherapists recommend wearing jewelry with Spanish topaz after major operations. The energy of the stone influences a person’s biofield, helping him to restore strength and come to his senses more quickly.

Magic properties

Citrine is one of the universal minerals. It seems that a citrine crystal is capable of almost anything. And this is not far from the truth, because it affects everything a person does: improves well-being, treats diseases, promotes good sleep, brings inspiration, helps develop on a spiritual level.

But jokes aside, the stone is really capable of something more than eliminating headaches.

Magical properties of citrine:

  • The solar energy of the jewelry attracts wealth to its owner. It is often worn by gamblers. All because of the belief that citrine brings good luck.
  • The gem helps develop cunning and dexterity. This property applies not only to honest people, but also to scammers who willingly use such a talisman. Take a closer look at the owners of the golden gem.
  • But the one who wears it is not always the villain. The mineral provides patronage to business people - businessmen, brokers, traders. Therefore, do not rush to draw premature conclusions.
  • The stone will be useful to those who practice magic. It sharpens intuition and increases magical power.
  • Very often, public people such as speakers and politicians wear Spanish topaz. It is believed that the mineral helps to capture the attention of the audience and enhances its influence on it.
  • The favor of the crystal is shown not only to businessmen, but also to ordinary people who work with their hands. Manual labor takes a lot of strength and energy, and jewelry with citrine makes up for it. Manual labor includes not only wood carving or working with clay, but also painting. Painters believe that the solar gem helps them find inspiration.

Citrine envelops its owner in invisible sunlight, wards off the evil eye, and protects him from enemies and sorcerers.

Who is citrine suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Before buying jewelry, people often ask whether it will suit their horoscope. Some do it out of interest, while others are firmly convinced that you should only wear what astrologers recommend.

Citrine is almost a win-win option, because it suits all zodiac signs.

Citrine: meaning for zodiac signs:

  • Aries. The stone awakens oratorical abilities in Aries and makes them more persistent. But you need to be careful with the latter. Sometimes persistence only makes things worse. If you notice negative changes in your life, stop using the talisman for a while.
  • Calf. Taurus have good potential, but do not like to lead. The mineral disciplines this sign and enhances its organizational abilities.
  • Twins. In their hands, Bohemian topaz turns into an amulet of happiness. But when wearing the stone for a long time, Gemini awakens a craving for various tricks and adventures. Therefore, it is important to be careful.
  • Cancer. For stay-at-home Cancers, the mineral adds activity. But not everyone will like this. If you like comfort and peace more, choose a different talisman.
  • A lion. Those around career-focused Leos often suffer from their greed and pride. The yellow crystal can smooth out unpleasant corners and help Leos grow spiritually.
  • Virgo. This gem sign will enrich merchants. But there are pitfalls here - in order not to lose what you have accumulated, you need to generously share your goodness with others.
  • Scales. The mineral will help you make profitable contacts. Having received influential friends and a promotion, Libra needs to stop in time so as not to spoil relationships with loved ones.
  • Scorpion. The stone helps control their explosive temperament. But constant suppression of emotions can lead to mental disorders, so do not abuse it.
  • Sagittarius. The influence of the mineral on Sagittarius and Libra is not much different. Sagittarius can also expect profitable acquaintances. In addition, the talisman helps them feel cheerful and full of energy. Please note that many astrologers still do not recommend the gem to representatives of this sign.
  • Capricorn. This sign is famous for its persistence. But what is the use of such power if you don’t know where to direct it? Spanish topaz helps Capricorns find their path and makes them more optimistic.
  • Aquarius. For Aquarius, the solar amulet will give a real miracle. Even the incorrect distribution of energy and resources will turn into a successful enterprise. But everything has its limit, so it is better not to use the power of the amulet for trifles, so as not to find yourself without support at the right time.
  • Fish. For us, the gem turns into a source of vitality. The best time to use it is during difficult life periods (entering a university or passing exams, a large-scale project at work).

The stone is not too picky in its relationships.
He will gladly help both good and bad people. Even if you use it solely for good, track the changes in your life when you wear the jewelry. Citrine is too good at blurring the lines between good and evil. Did you like citrine? These stones will also be of interest to you: amethyst, agate, tanzanite. Enjoy reading!

Astrological aspect

The citrine stone correlates with the zodiac sign Gemini, which is under the patronage of the air element, therefore the yellow nugget feels most organically surrounded by stones that also belong to Air, including:

  • any quartz, with the exception of Morion;
  • chrysoprase;
  • tourmaline;
  • uvarovite;
  • amethyst;
  • beryl;
  • topaz;
  • amazonite;
  • demantoid.

The union of citrine with gems of the fire element, such as:

  • amber;
  • cornelian;
  • charoite;
  • spinel;
  • hematite.

In stones, citrine feels absolutely neutral. Airy and earthly minerals do not enhance each other, nor do they confront each other, so you can safely combine golden crystals with turquoise, jasper, jade, jadeite, labradorite, cacholong, obsidian, agate, crocodile, and morion.

As for “water” stones, such as sapphire, peridot, alexandrite, topaz, opal, etc., they absolutely do not like the company of “air” minerals. Let's just say that for citrine, the “water environment” will be aggressive and completely deprive it of its energy charge.

Who else, besides Gemini, is suitable for the citrine stone? There are no contraindications according to the horoscope! This gem has universal compatibility with all signs. Well, perhaps Scorpios should show some caution.

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