Silver chains for men: types of weaving, how to care

But jewelry of inappropriate length can visually shorten the neck, enlarge the chin, emphasize age, and more. Let's talk about how to choose the length of a chain for a man's neck and not make a mistake.

The optimal length of a chain for a man’s neck is considered to be 50-60 cm. But this is too general a recommendation - the approach to choosing jewelry should be individual, because each person is unique and has his own taste and preferences.

Traditionally, chains for men look more solid and massive than women's ones. There is a simple explanation for this: jewelers strive to create jewelry that will emphasize masculinity.

How to choose a chain as a gift for a man

If the gift is for the man you love, of course, choose with your heart and follow your intuition! But it won’t hurt to arm yourself with our recommendations - what if they come in handy?

  • If a man is thin and wears size 44-46

Thin men and teenagers should try on chains 40 cm long. If the jewelry seems a little short, choose a length of 45 cm - this will be enough.

  • If a man is of average build and wears size 48-52

For men of average build, neck jewelry with a length of 45 cm is usually suitable if the chain needs to be precisely sized. In order for the chain to hang slightly below the neck, but not lie too loosely, you need to choose a size of 50 cm.

  • If a man is fat

For large men with thick necks, we recommend choosing chains longer than 55 cm. Elongated jewelry visually “stretches” the neck and narrows the face.

  • If a man is muscular

For a guy with a muscular figure and a wide neck, it is worth buying chains with a length of 55 cm or more. Products of shorter length will look ridiculous and may simply be too small.

  • If the man is still small

For children, we recommend short and thick chains that will be difficult to get tangled in or break. Typically, children's chains are made 30-35 cm long, but there are other options.

A few more tips:

  • Chubby people should avoid short chains - they make the face wider;
  • When choosing neck jewelry, you should take into account the man’s height. Short people are better suited to chains 40-50 cm long, and tall guys can safely wear chains 50-60 cm long or even longer;
  • Are you planning to add a pendant to the chain? Choose products that are proportional to each other. A miniature cross on a massive chain will look inharmonious, just as large pendants do not go well with thin chains.

The appropriate type of weaving is usually chosen based on one’s own taste and preferences. However, there are types of weaving that are more suitable for men than others - these are “bismarck”, anchor, “diamond”, armored.

Types of weaving

Men's chains are less varied in design than women's. Men's models are distinguished by a small number or complete absence of decorative elements, conciseness, and ease of weaving. The most popular is the Bismarck weave - the densest weave, when the links of the chain sections are connected at different angles. Traditionally, men's weaves are also considered to be distinguished by their brevity and a minimum of elements: “armored”, “diamond”, “anchor” .

Gold chain, DARINA (price on the link)

If you want to choose something original, then pay attention to the more fanciful “Byzantine” weaving . Anchor and armor types of weaving are the most common, but combined models with a cross section - square, round, etc. are also interesting. Such chains look very original.

When choosing jewelry, it is important to focus not only on the appearance of the product, but also on the quality

Be sure to check the quality of the fastenings, for which the chain should be pulled between your fingers. Take a closer look at the joints: they should be evenly polished, identical in size and shape (except for fancy weaves). Please ensure that the links do not get stuck or sag - this also indicates the quality of the product.

Jewelry can be made by hand or by machine . Hand weaving is considered the most durable, since each link is sharpened by hand. Machine knitting also allows you to create strong and durable jewelry. In general, the choice of how to make a product depends on your personal tastes.

Machine knitting of chains, like hand knitting, allows you to create strong jewelry

Silver or gold?

Gold chains are undoubtedly the leaders in the jewelry market. Products made from this precious metal are suitable for men of all ages; they are even given to babies. If you are choosing jewelry as a gift and don’t know what metal a man prefers, take gold, it’s a win-win!

Silver is cheaper, and therefore the demand for it is higher. Silver chains with their cool shine suit men and harmonize with any skin and hair color. Perhaps, only in rare cases may a silver chain not be suitable - if a man does not like this metal or if he constantly wears other gold jewelry (for example, a bracelet).

How to determine the optimal length of a chain for a man’s neck yourself

  1. Take the lace and wrap it around your neck so that it fits snugly, but does not dangle or put pressure on you. Remove the lace and measure the resulting length. Multiply the result by 2 - this will be the optimal chain length for you if you wear it as a separate piece of jewelry. If you want to wear a cross or pendant on a chain, add 5-10 cm to the resulting value.
  2. Stand in front of a mirror, take the lace and wrap it around your neck so that it lies as you like. Do you want the chain to be just below the neck? Tie the string at this height. Do you like longer jewelry? Secure the lace below. Then remove the lace and measure the resulting length - take this into account when choosing a chain in the store.
  3. You can measure the length of the finished product if you like how it looks on you. A soft tape measure or regular tape is suitable for measuring - whatever you have on hand. Important: when measuring the length, do not take into account the lock.

How long is the accessory?

Everyone chooses the length of the accessory that he likes. Everyone has different tastes, some like the chain to fit tightly to the neck, while others, on the contrary, want it to hang on the chest. Basically, all manufacturers adhere to standard decoration length systems. The chain length must always be a multiple of five. This does not depend on what material the product is made from.

The length of the jewelry starts from 40 cm. The smallest sizes are 40, 45 cm. The next length reaches 50, 55 cm, this is considered the most universal size for any man. Even overweight men can choose this size. Longer chains have a length of 60, 65, 70, 75 cm. Such options are very rare in stores, since few people like to wear a very long accessory.

For reference! Long chains are suitable for those guys who want to wear amulets or talismans.

What chain thickness should I choose?

You should not rely solely on the “like/dislike” principle when choosing the thickness of the chain. The thickness of the jewelry varies from 2 to 20 mm - from the thinnest to solid, massive chains.

  • 2-3 mm. Thin, almost weightless jewelry that should not be worn with pendants - they are not designed for that. Exceptions are possible: there are miniature pendants for thin chains. Just remember that ideally the weight of the pendant should be no more than 50% of the weight of the chain. Such products are suitable for children, teenagers, and thin, short men.
  • 4-5 mm. These are chains of medium thickness, the most common and practical. Pendants, pendants, and crosses are put on such products. Jewelry of this thickness is universal and will suit almost every person.
  • 6-20 mm. Products of this thickness are considered massive and are worn as solo jewelry. As a rule, they have large links and voluminous weaving. We recommend choosing thick chains for men of large build.

Lock selection

If the product has a bad lock, then the strength of the chain itself is not a guarantee of reliable wear. When choosing a product, check that the clasp is easy to fasten and unfasten, but the lock must be strong. Typically, a carbine lock, clock mechanism or box lock is installed on a medium-thick chain. The carabiner clicks into place and is very easy to fasten and unfasten. The clock mechanism allows you to adjust the length of the chain. Massive products are usually equipped with a box lock, which is considered the strongest.

How men wear a chain

There is no unanimity among men in this matter. Some people wear voluminous gold chains as an independent decoration, others prefer medium-thick chains, and young people often prefer thin items. Putting crosses or pendants on them is a personal matter for everyone; there are no prohibitions for men in this.

There are also no restrictions on clothing - men wear chains with a T-shirt or a shirt unbuttoned a couple of buttons, wear jewelry over jumpers, and combine gold and silver chains with clothes of different styles. But do not forget about the dress code - in some situations it will be inappropriate to show jewelry.

The difference between men's chains and women's ones

Gold men's chain with sportswear style
Of course, there are unisex products that can be worn by both women and men, but most models have significant differences. Men's chains can be immediately identified externally: they are more laconic and strict, without enamel or inlays, and are usually made with a classic rather than fancy type of weaving.

The differences also concern sizes . Men's chains can be short (but not shorter than 50 cm) or medium length. But long products that fall along the torso cannot be found on sale. Typically, chains for representatives of the stronger half of humanity are thick or of medium thickness - thin, elegant jewelry is designed exclusively for women.

The most universal model for men is considered to be a chain of medium length and thickness.

Should I rent at night or not?

Depends on how comfortable the guy is sleeping in jewelry. If the chain is thin (up to 5 mm thick), then it is unlikely to create any inconvenience, so you can leave it on your neck overnight. The same goes for thick chains: if a man is comfortable and doesn’t want to take off the jewelry, then why not?

Do not forget to arrange preventive cleanings for your jewelry (about once every 1.5-2 months). You can clean your jewelry from dirt yourself or take it to a jeweler - do as you wish. When you do remove the chain, do not throw it on the table or store it on a shelf - use special bags, boxes or tree stands to store your jewelry.

Famous brands

The cost and design of the accessory depends on the brand. Products from well-known companies are much more expensive than similar models from the mass market. Today, men's chains are produced by many famous companies.


Men's chains of this brand have a special, recognizable weave. First there are several small links that are fastened to each other. They are then attached to a longer piece. The products also have a magnificent diamond cut, which gives them a stunning shine.


This Italian brand offers popular products. This company has stores in many cities. They offer accessories for every taste.


This famous Italian company has a rich history. Today it is one of the largest jewelry manufacturers. They are distinguished by their attractive appearance and exclusivity. Such products help to emphasize the individuality and impeccable taste of their owners.


This is an American brand that makes its products using titanium and medical steel. The company also uses tungsten carbide for chains. The brand's products are characterized by affordable prices and amazing wear resistance. Such products look incredibly stylish and expensive.

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