Phenacite stone: properties, meaning and influence on different zodiac signs

Phenakite is a rare mineral known to stone connoisseurs for its brilliant shine. For the purity of its processed edges and amazing optical properties, jewelers call phenakite a Ural diamond.

The history of the formation of phenacite in the bowels of the earth goes back hundreds of years, but it was first discovered as an independent mineral only in the 19th century. At the beginning of the century, Yakov Kokovin, a serf of Count Stroganov, was the first to discover deposits of a mineral in the Ural Mountains, which was later named after him - cokovinite.

In 1833, the Finnish scientist Nordenskiöld, who served in Russia, studied cocowinite in detail and introduced it to the public under the name “phenakite,” which translated from Greek means “liar” or “deceiver.” The stone was named this way because for a long time it was confused with other gems (for example, quartz). The mineral also has a changeable nature - it can completely lose its color.


The mineral is formed during the cooling of lava near geothermal springs. The crystals are flat and elongated, reminiscent of lentils. Hatching patterns are visible on the edges. Most natural specimens are colorless. Yellowish, pink, greenish, brown - rare.

It is characterized by color instability. A classic example is a richly colored Madeira specimen exhibited at the World Exhibition in Paris (1867). After eight weeks in the display case, the pebble became discolored.

If the color of phenacite was stable, then its value and cost would be comparable to elite alexandrite.

It turned out that the sun was to blame. In addition, ultraviolet light causes the stone to fluoresce in different shades. Electromagnetic radiation produces a turquoise glow, gamma rays produce a yellowish glow.

Physico-chemical characteristics

Phenakite is a beryllium silicate.

The color is created by impurities of magnesium, boron, iron, and muscovite. But their share is tiny.

ColorColorless, wine yellow, pink, brown
Stroke colorWhite
Hardness7,5 — 8,0
Density2.96 - 3.0 g/cm³

Phenakite is a mineral that changes color under external influence.


Phenakite is not mentioned in mineralogical or chemical treatises of past centuries: due to its external similarity, it was mistaken for quartz. Only at the dawn of the 19th century, the Russian ore explorer Yakov Kokovin (from the serfs of Count Stroganov), having discovered a yellowish pebble, began to examine it. It turned out that this is a new mineral. It was named after the discoverer, and the Urals became the place where the world's first Cocowinites were found.

Further, the properties of the stone were comprehensively studied in the capital of the Russian Empire. St. Petersburg chemist N. G. Nordenskiöld proposed a term for the mineral that is more understandable to the rest of the world - phenacite. This name with Greek roots has become international.

Artificial acquisition

Synthesized from a mixture of BeO, SiO2, BeF2 (very pure), NaF and fluoroberyllates Li, Na, Cs. The size of the resulting crystals is up to several millimeters, their appearance is rhombohedral or prismatic. With the addition of BeF2 (in the absence of another mineralizer), phenacite is formed at a temperature of about 1200°, without BeF2 - above 1300°, and with the addition of MnO2 and BeF2 - at 700°. Hydrothermal synthesis of phenacite was carried out using solutions of Be (OH)2, Be (Mo8)2, BeCl2, NaCl, NaOH, HO and amorphous SiO2 (temperatures 300, 400 and 500°; pH 4.8-8.3); formed together with bertrandite and epididymitis. Budnikov and Cherepanov obtained phenacite in a mixture with other compounds from BeO and SiO2 with a MnO2 mineralizer at temperatures above 1300°.

Diagnostic signs

Similar minerals. Quartz

It differs from quartz, which it is very similar to, in its high density and high refractive indices.

Associated minerals. Morion, albite, topaz, beryl, feldspars (potassium feldspar), phlogopite, aquamarine, quartz, microcline.

Place of Birth

In nature, phenacite is almost always found next to elite alexandrite. The similarity of chemical composition makes them “relatives”. Mica and fluorite are also included here.

Deposits are formed in hydrothermal formations or granite pegmatites.

Mineral phenacite

In addition to the Urals, deposits have been found in Africa, Europe (Alps, Scandinavian Peninsula, Ukraine), Asia (Sri Lanka, India).

But the total amount of raw materials is small.

Large Brazilian phenacite


The property of museums and private collections are specimens of outstanding dimensions:

  • The Ural Museum of Geology owns seven kilograms of phenacite.
  • The Smithsonian Institution in the USA is proud of this colorless crystal from Sri Lanka. This is the world's largest faceted crystal. Moreover, such a mass - almost 570 carats - is only a third of the original one in 294 g.
  • Royal phenacites with dolomite fragments are supplied by the African state of Namibia.

At the everyday level, the most valuable and in demand are samples of the pink range.


Although not formally considered elite, phenacite is a rare stone. Over the entire period, only a few hundredweight of raw materials were extracted.

Therefore, the price is appropriate (thousand rubles):

  • cut stone (7.3 carats, 12x12x8.5 mm) – 39.6;
  • cabochon (14x9x6 mm) – 10.3;
  • nugget 11x8x8 mm – 0.78;
  • pendant (nickel silver) – 1.7;
  • pendant (silver) – 2.4;
  • ring (nickel silver) – 2.7.

Ring with phenacite
Buying a nugget or a cut stone is good luck. There are few offers, the goods are not stored.

Products with phenacite

Gold ring with phenacite
Amazing jewelry is made from phenacite, which, due to the rarity of the stone, in most cases is created in a single copy. The mineral's crystals, which usually do not exceed five carats, are cut into brilliant, step or emerald cuts. The frame is nickel silver, silver or gold.

Phenakite is inserted into all types of jewelry - earrings, rings, necklaces, pendants, brooches and bracelets. Most often, products with this gem are made to order.

The gem has amazing optical properties and is rarely found in nature. These factors increase the cost of phenacite, which, in fact, is not an elite stone.

The price of jewelry with phenacite is more affordable when compared with the cost of collectible samples:

  • $20-25 - for a pendant set in cupronickel;
  • $33-35 – for a pendant in a silver frame;
  • $35 – for a silver ring with a small stone;
  • from $390 – for jewelry in gold frames.

Collectible samples are more expensive. For example, a cut phenacite weighing 7 carats costs around $530.

Areas of application

Phenakite is used by jewelers, stone-cutters, and is purchased by collectors of mineralogical collections:

  • Jewelers love this stone: thanks to the high refractive index of light, the transparent crystal sparkles like a diamond. However, jewelry made from phenacite is created only in very few cases; such inserts do not always appear in the catalogs of domestic brands.

Unscrupulous people substitute phenacite for small diamonds or diamond placers. The diamond cut adds similarity.

  • Single craftsmen offer pendants or rings with stones up to 3–4 carats. More often it is yellow-brown (that is, ennobled) or transparent.
  • The stone has found wider use as a collection material.
  • Balls and pyramids carved from phenacite are popular: they are sold out for esoteric practices.

A technology for producing artificial phenacite has been developed.

How to recognize a fake

Products with phenacite are almost impossible to find on the shelves of jewelry stores in the public domain. In most cases, they are exhibited in single copies by well-known jewelry brands.

If we are talking about buying phenacite, then you should be extremely careful not to buy a fake instead of a genuine stone. Currently, the production of synthetic phenacite has been established, which is completely identical in properties to the real thing, so only an experienced gemologist or jeweler can confirm the authenticity of a natural stone.

If it is not possible to attract a specialist to examine the stone, then you should pay attention to two distinctive features of natural phenacite:

  1. Instability of color under the influence of ultraviolet rays - real phenacite will discolor even with short contact with sunlight.
  2. At the same time, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, a luminescence effect appears - the crystal glows with lilac-blue shades.

Phenacite crystals are often used to replace diamonds. Diamond-cut stones are set into jewelry or used for inlay.

Therapeutic effect

Yoga practitioners have found that phenacite activates the crown chakra. And through it it has a beneficial effect on all energy centers of the human body.

Phenacite has a beneficial effect on all parts of the body, neutralizing diseases and helping the body recover.

The following medicinal properties of the stone have been revealed:

  • It is recommended to wear it for injuries, long-term non-healing wounds, and skin diseases.
  • The stone calms the nerves.
  • Constant human contact with stone helps the brain work more efficiently.
  • Short beads or a yellow pendant improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Passions are revived even among “experienced” couples.
  • Pink gems help men and women who want but are unable to have children.

The stone generously shares strong positive energy with a person.

Varieties and colors

Most of the mined minerals are colorless and transparent . Minor impurities allow you to find stones of green, pink, white and yellow shades.

The category of rare finds includes crystals of brown or dark red color.

This is interesting! The color of phenacite affects its magical properties.

Transparent instances

Transparent phenakites are valued by magicians and psychics. They enhance their abilities and awaken clairvoyance, making it easier to establish connections with spirits.

Yellow samples

Yellow specimens help in meditation, allow you to dive deeper into your consciousness, feel close unity with the forces of the universe, and realize your purpose.

Skillfully cleanse the body of negative energy. They benefit those people who suffer from obsessive fears and dark thoughts .

If yellow phenacite contains an admixture of seraphinite, it can be used as a talisman to bring good luck.

Burmese crystals

Burmese stones are distinguished by their most powerful energy; they are capable of opening the third eye. Under their influence, internal vision improves and the right decisions are found faster .

The magical effect of Burmese gems is felt even by ordinary people who are in no way connected with esotericism or extrasensory perception.

White stones

Stones with a white tint have an increased psychotherapeutic effect . They are capable of relieving stress, relieving signs of depression, and stabilizing the emotional background.

Contacting the energy of the mineral, people feel a surge of strength, are filled with positivity, and become optimistic.

For magicians, white phenacite helps strengthen the gift of clairvoyance and supports meditation.

Pink stones

Pink gems have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, remove irritability and soften emotional outbursts.

Magic properties

The magical community claims that the superpowers of the stone are created by its energy. Science has confirmed: the mineral emits high-frequency vibrations. That is, the “magic” happens on the physical, quantum level.

The high-frequency vibrations of phenacite are universal, but are in demand primarily on the magical front:

  • The stone is suitable for spiritualistic “communication sessions”. You can contact light and dark forces.
  • Serves as an amulet against attacks from otherworldly entities or human negativity.

A pendant, ball or pyramid made of phenacite will be useful for beginners who want to learn the secrets of magic.

  • Vibrations favor spiritual progress, which is why stones are used in meditation and similar practices.
  • To have a prophetic dream, place a phenacite nugget under the pillow and clearly formulate the question. The answer will come in a dream.
  • Stones in jewelry enhance the influence of other gems.

The magical properties of phenacite are also useful for earthly purposes. This is a money magnet and a talisman for those who want to get rich quickly.

The location of extraction and the color of the mineral matter:

  • Yellow specimens are taken for meditation or worn to overcome the fear of change.
  • Transparent or milky-white stones are the choice of those wishing to become a magician, spiritualist or clairvoyant.
  • Stones from Myanmar (Burma) are designed to open the “third eye”. At the everyday level, they help get help in case of a problem.

Burmese samples are the most powerful magically.

Healing energy of the stone

Lithotherapists claim that phenacite crystals are endowed with healing properties even for very serious diseases. Its high vibrations magically have a beneficial effect on cell regeneration. The stone also functions in the following directions:

  • normalizes metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminates hormonal imbalances in women;
  • improves the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • activates the immune system.

A person who wears jewelry with phenacite feels frequent bursts of energy and a high charge of vigor throughout the day. If a girl has problems getting pregnant, the stone promotes a speedy recovery and provides a chance to have children as soon as possible.

For those who often experience stress and are depressed, the presence of a Ural diamond will improve their mood and set them up for positive emotions. Such a person will look at life optimistically and enjoy it.

The transparent color of the stone determined its influence on the natural element Air. Based on this, phenacite affects the activities of some signs of the Zodiac:

  1. Libras begin to make quick decisions even in difficult situations. They gain the ability to prioritize correctly.
  2. It becomes easier for Aquarians to manage their emotions. Owners of this zodiac sign make a choice in favor of reason, paying less attention to instincts.
  3. Geminis are less susceptible to negative energy around them. When wearing jewelry with phenacite, they notice a softening of sudden mood swings and become more clear in their decisions.

Who this stone is not suitable for is Virgos. Representatives of this sign have a modest nature, which the mineral can spoil. By purchasing phenacite, Virgos become more withdrawn, have problems communicating with others, and cannot establish communication channels with colleagues.

Can other zodiac signs wear items with Ural diamonds? According to astrologers, if desired, there is nothing wrong with this. If any piece of jewelry has sunk into your soul and there is an opportunity to purchase it, then you can take advantage of this chance.

Properties of phenacite:

Phenakite is a rare mineral with the chemical formula Be2SiO4, which is traditionally used as a gemstone. For the first time, it was discovered in Russia in the Urals in the 19th century in the form of large crystals embedded in mica. Later, phenacite deposits were discovered in the USA (Colorado), Madagascar, Norway, Brazil and other regions of the world. Its name comes from the Greek word, "phenakos", which means - liar, deceiver. It is often confused with, or even. The phenacite deposit is represented by crystals of trigonal symmetry, large prisms or small prismatic rods. Very often these are colorless crystals, but their color can also be white, yellow, pink, light red or even brown. Its clarity and brightness are much higher than quartz, making phenacite more valuable. The best examples of phenacite are rarely found outside of museums and private collections.

Phenacite jewelry and its prices:

Jewelry with phenacite contributes to the prosperity and financial wealth of the owner; they are also preferred by people striving for spiritual growth and wanting to expand their abilities to perceive this world. Jewelry with tiny phenacite crystals is relatively inexpensive, yet they have high energy and powerful healing properties, and in this regard are in no way inferior to large-sized samples.

Medicinal properties of phenacite:

Despite its unobtrusive beauty, the healing effects of phenacite cannot be underestimated. Phenakite is considered one of the most powerful minerals used in healing, including in conjunction with other crystals. Phenakite is called a carrier of extremely high vibrations, compared to other known crystals. This is a powerful tool for activating the upper energy centers, especially the crown chakra. Phenakite is able to cleanse all chakras of the body, increasing vibrational energy and thereby promoting the restoration of body cells. Healing happens on a quantum level and there is nothing magical about it. Phenacite is used to normalize the functioning of nerve cells, in the treatment of nervous diseases and brain imbalances. It activates the third eye chakra and helps clear the mind and increase focus. The mineral carries love and positive energy. Phenacite promotes meditation and provides access to levels of perception that go beyond intuition.

Magical properties of phenacite:

The magical properties of phenacite are associated with the parietal chakra. It is believed that the stone promotes the development of higher consciousness and enlightenment. The stone has the ability to induce powerful dreams and visions. Sensitive people may experience an increase in psychic abilities. This stone is used to cleanse the aura, develop connections with angels, spiritual guides and other higher powers. Phenacites mined from different regions of the world usually have different and characteristic energy vibrations.

Transparent phenacite

- Includes crystals ranging from milky white to clear. Transparent crystals promote the opening of the third eye, which can be expressed in clairvoyance, spiritual communication with higher powers, meditation, and travel in the astral body. Helps enhance the healing effects of other crystals.

Yellow Phenakite

— Helps to go deeper into the process of meditation, and gives a deep awareness of one’s inner essence.
Yellow Phenacite can be used to relieve despair and fear of change. Yellow phenacites found in Russia have cleansing energies, some of them contain inclusions of another gemstone - bringing positive changes in the life of its owner. It can also help a person contact the Angels. Burma Phenacite Crystals
- Phenacite crystals from Burma vibrate at the highest and most intense frequencies. They powerfully stimulate the third eye chakra, causing pulsations and internal images almost immediately. The effects of Burmese phenakites can be felt even by those people who have no idea that this crystal activates the circulation of internal energy.

Phenacite Astrology:

An exact connection between phenacite and a specific zodiac sign has not been identified.

Interesting fact:

When cut, phenacite takes on the appearance of a multifaceted diamond and can be mistaken for

The mineral is a rare stone with amazing optical properties and purity of edges. It is not so easy to buy products with inserts made from it on the market. Phenacite stone has various properties, the meaning and influence on the signs of the Zodiac should be taken into account when choosing jewelry with it. From Greek, the mineral is translated as a liar and deceiver.

The components of the mineral include a very small amount of impurities. Among them are magnesium, boron and iron. There are also inclusions of aiknite and muscovite.

Phenacite formations occur as flat and elongated crystals. Its prismatic edges are covered with shading, which sometimes forms simple patterns, like a triangle.

More often in nature, unpainted stone samples are found. But in rare cases, yellowish, pink and green specimens are found. Brown minerals are very rare guests in mines. But the color of the stone may be unstable. There is a known case when a richly colored phenacite was at an exhibition in Paris, and after a few weeks lost its appearance. Later, scientists discovered that this property appears due to exposure to ultraviolet rays. In addition, in the rays of the sun, the edges of the stone fluoresce in different shades. When the electron flow influences the stone, you can see a turquoise glow.

Density3 g
Thermal propertiesRefractory
Maximum birefringenceδ = 0.017
Refractive indicesnω = 1.650 - 1.656 nε = 1.667 - 1.670
Typeuniaxial (+)
Cell Optionsa = 12.438Å, c = 8.231Å

If you place the mineral in a dark, dry place, after a while it will restore its color. To completely restore its rich color, it is exposed to intense x-ray radiation. With a long procedure, it changes color to pink.

Irradiation of the crystal with gamma rays leads to a yellowish glow.

Chemical formula Be 2 SiO 4.

The mineral is immune to acids.

The formation of minerals is complex and occurs under conditions of geothermal activity, at one of the stages of lava cooling.

Transparent instances

The formed crystals are milky white. Transparent samples help to reveal magical abilities and the gift of clairvoyance. Suitable for practitioners and magicians working with spirits.

Yellow samples

An excellent option for meditation, it helps you go deeper into the process and realize your inner self. It should be worn by those who feel fear of changes in life. Specimens found in Russia have cleansing vibrations. Some samples are found with inclusions of seraphinite, which also changes the owner’s life for the better and promises positive changes in all areas.

Burmese specimens

These phenakites have the most powerful energy; their vibrations perfectly stimulate the work of the third eye area, which manifests itself in the emergence of internal images and solving complex problems. At the same time, its effect is noticed even by those people who are not associated with magic.

Phenakite and Zodiac

Phenakite is the stone of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They will become healthier, more optimistic, richer, more successful.

The only zodiac sign that is contraindicated from contact with the stone is Virgo. A piece of jewelry or a nugget in a pocket or on a table will make them gloomy and unsociable.

Compatibility table of fecanite with zodiac signs (“+++” – fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated).

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

For others, the stone is suitable according to the horoscope as a safe decoration.

Influence on Zodiac signs

In astrology, phenacite belongs to the element of Air, so wearing the mineral is especially recommended for Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. According to astrologers, representatives of these signs, possessing the stone, will experience the following changes:

  • Libra - will learn to make decisions quickly and thoughtfully, getting out of difficult situations with brilliance.
  • Aquarius - the mineral will help representatives of this sign control emotions, reason calmly and calmly.
  • Gemini - will become more decisive, in the person of the stone they will acquire a strong defender from enemies.

Wearing phenacite is not contraindicated for other zodiac signs.

Only representatives of the Virgo sign should beware of the mineral, since with it they will become withdrawn and unsociable, as a result of which they will have difficulty communicating with friends and colleagues.

Shining transparent phenacite is a special stone that, despite its similarity to quartz, has individual properties and composition. The rarity, beauty and healing effects of the mineral have given phenacite the love and recognition of collectors, mineralogists and esotericists, because the stone can become not just a decoration, but also a faithful assistant, a source of pride for the owner.

Features of use

Phenakite is durable, its use has only one feature.

Phenakite crystal from the Urals

Jewelry with stones should not be worn on long summer walks or on the beach: even rich natural inserts will become discolored. Jewelry should be stored in a light-proof and tightly closed box.

If the mineral has become discolored, the shade can be partially restored by placing the jewelry in a dark place for a long time.

Only hard x-rays can do this completely and quickly. If you want to get a pink pebble, the irradiation procedure is extended.

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