How to determine your birthstone from your date of birth and zodiac sign

Almost any object can be used as a talisman that protects against adversity and brings good luck, if it has not previously been influenced by dark magical forces. Strong amulets include natural minerals, precious or semi-precious types. To obtain protective and positive properties, you can use various jewelry with them - beads, rings, pendants, bracelets. Before purchasing, you need to determine your stone by date of birth, year and name, and only then look for a suitable option.

How to identify a stone by date of birth and name

Personal codes for a person that are given to him by higher powers include his date of birth. The encoding is not influenced by parents or the birthday person himself.

How to recognize your stone? There are several ways to determine the presented ones:

  • month of birth;
  • number;
  • full date;
  • name.

Adherents of occult practices use these numbers to search for magical allies and determine important points on his life path.
How to determine your birthstone by month of birth:

  • January - sympathizes with pomegranates, hyacinths, turquoise, cat's eye;
  • February - amethysts, pearls, hyacinths, rock crystal, hawk's eye;
  • March - aquamarines, heliotropes, jasper, rubies, tourmalines;
  • April - diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, agates;
  • May - emeralds, agates, carnelian, chalcedony, chrysoprase, tiger's eye;
  • June - pearls, alexandrite, agate, turquoise, emerald, aquamarine, chalcedony, cat's eye;
  • July - rubies, carnelian, onyx, sardonyx, aventurine, chrysolite;
  • August - peridot, alexandrite, sardonyx, topaz, carnelian, moonstone, rubies, citrines;
  • September - sapphires, sardonyx, peridot, agate, smoky quartz;
  • October - tourmaline, opals, aquamarines, beryls, lapis lazuli, garnets;
  • November - topaz, pearls, corals, chrysolites;
  • December - zircons, turquoise, heliotropes, rubies, agates, amethysts, chrysoprases.

Minerals by 12 time periods
How to find out what exactly your birthstone is? The search is carried out only by number:

1, 10, 19, 28coral, opal, topaz, ruby
2, 11, 20, 29cat's or tiger's eye, jade, opal, pearl
3, 12, 21, 30amethyst, emerald, topaz, coral
4, 13, 22, 31aquamarine, garnet, diamond, sapphire, opal
5, 14, 23diamond, zircon, light sapphire
6, 15, 24beryl, aquamarine, green opal, emerald, peridot
7, 16, 25pearl, moonstone, opal, tiger eye
8, 17, 26lapis lazuli, opal, sapphire
9, 18, 27Coral, garnet, ruby, red opal

When searching for stones, they are guided by their zodiac sign, date of birth and name.

According to zodiac signs

Bottom line

Ayurveda attributes healing properties to stones. This is due to the fact that all minerals are considered by ancient science as the quintessence of light flux. They directly absorb the energy of the planets, and then are able to share it with the host. Each zodiac sign is protected by its own planet, so it is important to choose a mineral according to these parameters. An astrologer can come to the rescue, who will not only point out a suitable stone, but also select a metal frame, its weight and type, and tell you at what time it is necessary to purchase and wear a natural therapist in order to achieve maximum effect.

Algorithm and decoding of calculations

How can you determine a person’s stone by the key number of fate? To calculate it, a special formula is used: “birthday + month + year”. All values ​​are summed up; in practice, the process looks like adding each of the available numbers.

For people born on April 24, 1979:

  1. 2+4+0+4+1+9+7+9 = 36;
  2. The resulting result is additionally added up: 3+6=9;
  3. the number of fate is 9.

Each value from 1 to 9 has its own natural minerals that form a magical bond with it. They can be calculated using the above algorithm.

NumberStone and purpose
1sapphires - to achieve goals;
aventurines - for ardent, passionate love;

carnelian, obsidian for protection.

2pearls - to activate personal potential;
sapphire, citrine - will clear the mind of extraneous thoughts, tell you where it is better to move;

moonstone - will increase self-confidence.

3turquoise, chrysolite - improve mood;
corals, rubies, bloody jasper, obsidian - restore physical and mental health.
4emerald, sapphire, jade - will protect you from the evil eye, envy, the influence of dark forces, attract good luck, and get rid of bad thoughts.
5tiger's eye - will calm people with pathological jealousy, add intellectual abilities;
turquoise - will improve a person’s contact, make him softer, and will not allow him to find fault with others.
6agate - will protect you from envious people and their intrigues;
carnelian - activates creative abilities, helps to grow at a professional level;

Diamonds are generally suitable and will provide protection.

7malachite - will calm down;
diamonds - will bring good luck;

rubies - will improve physical condition.

8onyx - will help you make the right choice;
ruby - will allow you to meet the right people;

pomegranate - will improve friendly relations.

9topaz - will protect;
rock crystal - will calm boiling passions and force you to pay attention to existing problems.

Minerals selected according to key fate numbers are considered the most effective.

It is rare to encounter a zero value in calculations. It means infinity, universal emptiness, the unknown of the universe. People born under this sign are not ordinary people; they are haunted by madness or genius.

Representatives are initially endowed with a number of magical abilities, many of them are active practitioners with psychic abilities. From birth they have access to the lost knowledge of ancient civilizations.

For them, the best amulet is a red diamond, which combines the properties of diamonds and rubies. They do not allow a person to break away from reality and completely go into the astral depths.

A red diamond is needed for those born under the zero sign.

The second most important talisman for representatives is jadeite, which helps to fully reveal their extrasensory abilities. If they need to improve their personal life, then they will have to find their majorite.

The only condition is the large size of the mineral, its absolute transparency and ideal cut. It is believed that the love sphere is the only plane in which those born under the “zero” sign constantly fail.

How to properly handle a talisman mineral

Any stone product can become a talisman: beads, bracelets, rings, figurines. But in order for jewelry from the gifts of nature to serve you faithfully, you need to learn how to handle it correctly.

  1. First, it is recommended to clean the mineral. Since natural stones are capable of absorbing energy, many people could look at it or try it on in the store. To wash away someone else's energy, hold the product under running water.
  2. Within two weeks they become acquainted with the gem. They don’t carry him, they just stroke him and talk to him. It is advisable to store it at this time separately from other minerals. This is necessary for the stone to tune in to your energy.
  3. Each gem has its own character and requires respectful treatment. Therefore, you cannot throw them, throw them away or re-gift them.
  4. Sometimes you will need to recharge the mineral. To fill the stone with magical energy, leave it on the windowsill during the new moon.

Start of activity (date): 05/07/2020 08:45:00

Find out a stone by name

After selecting minerals by date of birth, experts suggest paying attention to seasonal options. They should be in complete harmony with the colors of the season:

  • for winter - preference is given to white, blue, blue;
  • spring - blue sky, young greenery;
  • summer - bluish, yellowish, greenish, scarlet and other shades;
  • autumn - muted blue, ocher, golden, orange tones.

Options according to the preferences of different countries and teachings
The color palette is also embodied in the style of jewelry, they are made in the form of:

  • icicles, snowflakes;
  • flower buds;
  • moths, drops;
  • ladybugs, bunches of rowan.

Popular divisions include searching for stones by gender. Appropriate amulets are selected for female and male genders.

For women

For each female name there is a specific symbol, represented by flowers, trees, numbers.

The affiliation of magical minerals is selected according to a similar principle.

For whom?Suitable mineral
Alexandraalexandrites, spinel, demantoid
Alenalabradorites, emeralds, white jades
Alinasapphires, fluorites, quartz (tea rose)
Albinsdiamonds, citrines, rhodonites
Anastasiafire opals, peridots, rhodochrosites
Annared carnelians, citrines, green amber, kyanites
Angelinaslapis lazuli, malachite, fluorite, chrysocolla
Arinarubies, kyanites, blue tourmalines, chalcedony
Valentinescarnelians, amazonites

Just knowing your protection stone is not enough. Women are recommended to wear them in jewelry, with a certain type of cut and metal. Otherwise, they will draw all the energy onto themselves.

By female names

For men

Finding a suitable amulet for protection is considered a serious step. The male gender relies on their properties, unlike the female gender.

It is important to choose the right mineral and find a suitable design for it. For men, they are made in the form of body pendants or pocket coils.

If the name is rare and is not included in standard lists, then the protector can be searched for by zodiac sign or date of birth. As a last resort, pay attention to universal varieties that are suitable for almost everyone.

By male names

Security measures

To perform rituals, protect against the evil eye and misfortunes, family jewelry helps in treatment, but only on the condition that the minerals have not caused trouble to any generation. If there were incidents, it is better to leave the stones alone for 2-3 generations, explaining the reason for not using them.

A stone “with history”, for example, from a pawn shop, is not suitable for wearing. No one knows what exactly will be in this decoration, what tears and sorrows were entrusted to it - if you don’t want trouble, don’t bring such things into your house, as well as those found on the road. As a last resort, go to a stream or river with running water and thoroughly rinse the jewelry, burn candles over the fire - this way you can remove some negative aspects. But the accessory will not get rid of severe sorrows; more powerful cleaning will be required.

Listen to yourself, your intuition will not let you down. If you don’t like the stone or like it, take all protective measures and wear it with pleasure. Amulets should be stored in a separate box, far from other jewelry.

Some amulets are equal in power to incense. They need to be worn secretly, without exposing them to strangers, and especially without letting them touch them.

Universal Gems

Sometimes minerals chosen according to the rules are completely unsuitable for a certain person. When trying to pick them up, a person does not feel warmth or connection. If you like the stone, then joy and a desire appear in your soul to take it with you and carry it with you constantly.

Universal gems can also be divided by gender.

For women

Women's minerals have a number of special properties; they are intended for them as homemakers and mothers:

  • amber - relieves infertility;
  • rauchtopaz - promotes rapid conception;
  • kahalong - considered the true stone of motherhood;
  • lapis lazuli - used during pregnancy, helps get rid of cephalalgia, migraines, painful sensations in the back, which often occur during pregnancy;
  • turquoise - is responsible for improving health and strengthening the immune system; when it worsens, it begins to fade;
  • blue agate - has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state, suppresses panic attacks, relieves depressive and stress symptoms;
  • amazonite - will help speed up recovery processes after injuries and surgical interventions;
  • hematite - relieves inflammatory diseases;
  • onyx - will replenish energy reserves;
  • red jasper - will help cope with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • green jasper - guarantees financial success, successful partnership;
  • emerald - attracts material well-being, increases attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex;
  • moonstone - makes the owner more tender and feminine.

Each mineral has special properties that you need to pay attention to when buying jewelry.

Moonstone in a bracelet

For men

The male gender selects amulets based on quality characteristics, not appearance. It is customary to design minerals in the form of rings, rings, and strict bracelets; they are distinguished by their brevity and lack of frills.

The list of stones suitable for the stronger sex is presented:

  • tiger eye - used to attract good luck, protection from dangerous and unnecessary acquaintances, determining the truth and separating it from lies, suitable for people who have certain goals in life;
  • jade - necessary for those who are balanced and calm, helps to gain additional patience, wisdom, increase their intellectual abilities, is used by people suffering from their own difficult character;
  • pomegranate - increases self-confidence for the indecisive, gives additional strength and assertiveness, allows you to splash out energy if necessary;
  • topaz - has calming properties, relieves fatigue and the effects of stress, relieves negative emotions, gives its owner generosity and courage;
  • citrine - protects the owner from negativity, gives new ideas and inspiration, supposed for creative individuals.

Tiger's eye in a ring

Lucky case

Chicken God, Moon Chain - these are completely simple stones, rolled by the sea and it seems that they cannot be called amulets. But they really help. If you came across such a simple stone or you bought an unremarkable piece of jewelry that you liked and liked, listen to yourself, you have probably found powerful protection, a “attractor” of good luck and success.

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