Yellow sapphire: description, magical and healing properties

Yellow sapphire is famous for its beauty, which is admired to this day . Sapphire of an unusual shade was used to create royal regalia. The Babylonians called this mineral “scratching.”

Sapphire is considered a symbol of reconciliation between God and people , and is mentioned in the description of the New Jerusalem in the Bible. The patron saint of the stone is Jupiter. Huge cosmic energy is concentrated in yellow corundum . It is considered second in hardness, only diamond is ahead of it; The gem is classified as a first category gemstone.

History and origin

Yellow sapphires are created from sedimentary rocks rich in aluminum. They are influenced by hot thermal waters and air, magma and high pressure. The main places of occurrence are placers in rivers and hillsides.

Yellow sapphire

The mineral is regally beautiful. Its color is created by impurities. The classic shade is blue, but evenly colored yellow specimens are extremely rare. Their cost is comparable to a diamond or ruby.

Yellow sapphire is revered in Hinduism.

Indian astrology has assigned a special mission to him. The name of the stone in Hindi is pukhraj. Sometimes Indians also call yellow topaz or citrine this way.

Description and places of extraction of the yellow mineral

According to one version, in Babylon sapphire was called “sipru”, which translated means “scratchable”. This name is due to the fact that the gem has a unique strength indicator.

All varieties of corundum are called sapphire, the only exception being red gems (rubies). The color of corundum is influenced by the substances included in its composition.

Yellow sapphire is an extremely rare stone, with shades ranging from light to amber. Experts call the most expensive gems of rich yellow tones with a golden tint, which do not contain orange impurities.

Sapphires are distinguished by their amazing glass luster and high hardness. In terms of strength, they are second only to precious diamonds. You can see the characteristic shine of yellow sapphire in the photo.

There are several places in the world where gemstones are mined. Goods come to the jewelry market from the USA and Burma, Thailand and Brazil. There are also deposits in Sri Lanka and China.

Physicochemical characteristics

Solar sapphire is a type of corundum.

This is a top-class gemstone, second only to diamond.

The colors range from soft yellow to deep amber or orange with a brownish tint. The blue-yellow mineral is more of a wave color or appears green.

Colororange, yellow
TransparencyTransparent to opaque
KinkRough to conchoidal
Density3.95 - 4.00 g/cm³

Appearance of yellow sapphire

Corundum crystals meet 3 main criteria: beauty, rarity and durability. They have high transparency and high gloss. The color palette ranges from light tones to rich yellows and oranges with a brownish tint. A small natural admixture of blue gives an unusual aqua color.

Golden sapphires with uniform coloring or small needle-like inclusions are most valued.

Yellow sapphire has a strong shine.

Thanks to its special optical properties, the gem “plays”, for which it is compared to the light of the hot tropical sun.

Medicinal properties

The properties possessed by yellow sapphire have created its reputation as a versatile healer. People noticed its positive effect with the following health problems:

  • increased nervousness, depression, insomnia;
  • diabetes;
  • asthma;
  • rheumatism;
  • waste and toxins in the body.

The gem normalizes digestion, metabolism, and blood circulation.

The healing properties of the stone will improve the functioning of the lymphatic system and internal organs (kidneys, liver, spleen, gall bladder, lungs).

The healing power of the gem

Yellow sapphire also has strong healing abilities, namely:

  • the stone will protect its owner from stress and depression;
  • will have a positive effect on eliminating pathologies such as diabetes, rheumatism, asthma and heart disease;
  • will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body;
  • activates the immune system;
  • will relieve its owner from colds and infectious pathologies;
  • eliminates insomnia;
  • will improve the process of memorizing new information;
  • has a beneficial effect on the processes of hematopoiesis and food digestion;
  • It is believed that the stone can even heal cancer pathologies!

Magic properties

Esotericists say that a solar sapphire, “packed” in a gold frame, accumulates the energy of the Universe.

Ring with yellow sapphire

Overall Impact

The magical properties of the stone make it a universal protector of the owner:

  • protects from envy, slander, damage, and the evil eye;
  • puts a barrier to physical illnesses;
  • normalizes mood, helps cope with stress;
  • awakens inspiration;
  • maintains mental balance, neutralizing anxiety;
  • attracts prosperity, joy, abundance;
  • increases the thirst for knowledge;
  • improves memory.

Thanks to optimistic colors, stones easily restore, replenish or balance physical and mental reserves.

Esotericists claim that the most powerful magical effect is exerted by a yellow stone received as a gift and framed in gold. The crystal creates an impenetrable energy cocoon around the owner.

But the owner must have pure thoughts, put aside pride, vanity, envy, and anger. Otherwise, the magic of the gem will begin to harm. This was known even to the ancients. Mediums use the stone for meditation or communication with the subtle world.

Vedic tradition

According to the canons of Vedic astrology (in India and among fans around the world its name is jyotish), yellow sapphire is one of the nine precious gems associated with the planets and having sacred meaning.

His patron is Jupiter, the largest inhabitant of the solar system. It embodies power, knowledge, luck, abundance, status. If the planet is positioned correctly in a personal horoscope, the blessings of life will “fall from the sky.” If the disposition is unsuccessful, to appease Jupiter, wear yellow corundum in gold with clothes of yellow, cream or golden tones.

The stone attracts wealth, prosperity, and fulfills aspirations.

In Southeast Asia, it is worn by girls who want to get married early (this is encouraged by society).

Amulets and talismans

The gem is an assistant in several areas of life.

This is a stone for careerists: a man’s ring or a lady’s ring on the finger of the right hand is needed by those who crave positions in the civil service, in business or politics.

Ring with yellow sapphire

The stone is a female talisman. The mistress will not know the torment of unrequited love or jealousy, the machinations of envious people, or loss of strength.

The yellow mineral will help if science is difficult to comprehend or property has been lost.

In wealthy families, an ancient custom has been preserved: parents jointly give the bride and groom jewelry made of yellow sapphire. They believe that jewelry lying openly will create a barrier to negative energy from the outside. The family will not be in danger of illness or misfortune.

Sapphire Magic

The value of an amazing crystal is not only in its beauty and splendor, but also in its unique properties. The mineral symbolizes purity and purity, innocence and chastity. The magical properties of sapphire help people discover the best in themselves. The purity of the crystal protects against lies and betrayal.

White sapphire is a talisman of pure true love; couples in love can have such a stone as a talisman of their union. An amulet with a blue stone will help in achieving academic heights, and will also relieve anger and irritability. Yellow is considered a talisman for creative people; it gives them inspiration and courage to decide to implement an unusual idea. Blue sapphire is considered a talisman for psychics - it helps them in contact with otherworldly forces and spirits. The green mineral is considered a talisman of compassion and understanding; it makes a person kinder. And black is considered the strongest magical amulet against various evil eyes, slander and damage. It is also a talisman for travelers and people exploring the world. The pink stone is able to attract into a person’s life everything that he thinks about, strives for, and wants.

Gold earrings with white sapphires (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

There are no special indications for how to wear sapphire. The stone goes well with emeralds and diamonds, and the step cut allows the gems to shine with all their colors. In summer, it is advisable to choose jewelry with red or yellow gold, and for winter, a frame made of white gold or platinum is more suitable.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Yellow sapphire can be used by almost all zodiac signs. This is a stone of self-sufficient, strong-willed people.

The only one for whom the gem is contraindicated is Capricorn.

Astrologers warn that the mineral is capable of pumping strength out of the owner or making him a submissive quiet person, which is unacceptable for this sign. According to Jyotish, yellow corundum has a special meaning for the signs Sagittarius and Pisces.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

(“+++” – fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

The first-level jewel, sapphire, is not “friends” with every gem.

Bracelet with yellow sapphire

According to Pavel Globa, it conflicts with pearls. The combination is acceptable as an exception and only in silver. The stone of the fire element, yellow corundum, is combined with the same transparent and pure minerals.

Energetically incompatible with stones of the earth and water elements. Either the influence of the “earthly” gem will be suppressed, or the stones will destroy each other.


In accordance with the shades of a given stone, there are the following types of mineral:

  • light yellow;
  • amber;
  • yellowish-green;
  • gold.

Based on visual effects, we can distinguish

  • star sapphires – inclusions in the mineral intersect at a certain angle, creating a star effect;
  • stones with a cat's eye effect - it is characterized by a luminous stripe in the center, which moves if the mineral is rotated.

Where is it used?

The only area of ​​use for solar sapphire is jewelry. It is used to create a full range of jewelry.

The yellow stone is complemented with gems of the same level: emeralds, chrysolites, citrines, yellow diamonds. The frame is 585 or 750 gold or platinum. Among sapphires, the yellow variety is not the most expensive, but it is not democratic either.

The price of quality crystals is $250–$825 per carat, depending on the size and quality of the specimen. Thus, a 4-carat stone is estimated at 140–160 thousand rubles. Others can be purchased for $15–25 each. Gold rings with stones cost 69–305 thousand rubles.

Earrings with yellow sapphire

Determining the naturalness of yellow sapphire

You need to take a closer look at the stone:

  • fakes are distinguished by the presence of small bubbles;
  • real sapphires are heavy;
  • you will not find scratches on natural stone, unlike the fake version;
  • You can also trace clear edges on natural stones;
  • but X-shaped edges are characteristic of synthetic samples;
  • It’s worth additionally arming yourself with a magnifying glass - defects are clearly visible on a fake (various curves, rings and grooves);
  • Light should be directed at the stone; the natural mineral will reflect spots with uneven coloring;
  • A guarantee of quality will be the purchase of a gem in trusted jewelry boutiques and the availability of a special certificate.

How to spot a fake

The rarity of the natural yellow mineral has given rise to a flood of imitations. Instead of stone, they offer glass or an artificial analogue.

Any natural yellow sapphire is supplied with a quality certificate.

The first thing you need to do when you come to the salon is to demand it. If there is no document or a copy is presented, it is a fake. A stone obtained in a different way is evaluated at home:

  • examine the sample: a natural pebble is homogeneous, internal bubbles are a characteristic of a fake;
  • natural stone transmits light unevenly;
  • compare with a fragment of yellow glass: natural sapphire is paler and heavier;
  • There are no scratches on sapphire;
  • The edges of the mineral faces are sharp, clear-cut, and rounded in glass.

It’s more difficult with an artificial gem. It visually copies the original, the physical characteristics are hardly distinguishable. A specialist will give an accurate assessment. In a reputable salon, the origin of the insert is also indicated by the product tag and price.

How to recognize a fake sapphire

It is better to buy natural sapphire in a jewelry store, where each piece is supplied with an original quality certificate.

When assessing a mineral yourself, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • the structure of the stone should be uniform, without bubbles;
  • light passes unevenly;
  • the edges are clear, the edges are not smoothed;
  • Corundum cannot be scratched.

It is difficult to distinguish an artificial specimen from a natural one; only a specialist can give an accurate assessment.

How to wear and care

Yellow sapphire, as a top-class stone, deserves the same treatment.

How to wear jewelry

To make jewelry look harmonious, aesthetic rules are taken into account:

  • A summer outfit will be complemented by yellow gold jewelry: it harmonizes with the sunshine. You need a solid stone so that the metal does not overshadow it, and the jewelry does not “blur.”
  • For winter, choose a white frame (except silver). The dimensions of the insert are arbitrary.
  • Earrings with large gems are suitable for a business or evening wardrobe.
  • Large inserts in massive frames are suitable for mature ladies. Young ladies are better off giving preference to jewelry with elegant stones and frames.
  • In any case, it is recommended to wear no more than three pieces of jewelry.

Astrologers advise wearing gold jewelry around your neck (beads, pendant or pendant) or on your finger.

A ring or ring with a yellow sapphire is placed on the ring finger. Thus, the energetic characteristics of gold and the color of the stone create a “ring of happiness” for the owner.

Necklace with yellow sapphire

Be sure to wear accessories in the summer: a bracelet or beads, consisting only of stone, are recharged with the energy of the Sun, making you and the owner stronger.


Flawless specimens are beneficial, defective ones are dangerous.

Cracks will attract problems, turbidity will bring discord into the family, and ill-wishers will appear.

The healing properties of yellow sapphire are undeniable, but there is no need to wear jewelry all the time. The owner will feel causeless anxiety and become irritable.

Regardless of your zodiac sign, it is advisable to start wearing jewelry with yellow corundum after celebrating your 36th birthday. During this time, Jupiter orbits the Sun three times, and the vibrations of the body coincide with the radiation of the stone.

How to care

The gemstone requires proper care. Do not wash with water or clean with strong detergents. Jewelry is wiped with a soft cloth every week or as needed.

Neck decoration using yellow sapphire

A sapphire does not need neighbors in a box or wardrobe.

Possible harm from the gem

If you want to buy earrings, bracelets or other jewelry with a similar sapphire, it is important to consider that it has strong energy. If this is not taken into account, then it can cause harm to its owner. For example, when regularly wearing a gem, a person becomes overly irritable, restless, has an increased sense of anxiety, and develops mental disorders.

Crystals with various defects also have negative properties. In some cases, they simply do not bring a positive effect, and at worst, they are dangerous to health. If the stone is tarnished, it attracts enemies, provokes family quarrels, and a cracked gem attracts all sorts of problems and evil forces to the owner.

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