10 most expensive gems in the world (12 photos)

Almost everyone has a ring or earrings made of gold with alexandrite, purchased in the USSR, in their home collection. And many are even sure that the stone is real, but it is not. At that time, such a ring could cost several hundred rubles, while alexandrite was one of the most expensive stones. The problem is that most people have no idea how much alexandrite costs.

Alexandrite stone is the most valuable variety of chrysoberyl. It is rare in nature, and a large crystal is completely impossible to find. This stone is one of the most expensive and rarest of those that have the status of precious. It was first found in the Urals and presented to the future Tsar Alexander II on the day of his coming of age.

Natural alexandrite

The main property of alexandrite, which makes it so highly valued, is the ability to change colors. This property is called reverse. It is one of the fundamental ones when assessing a mineral. In addition, the cost depends on the frequency and weight.

Nuggets from the Urals are still considered the most precious. Some specimens from this deposit can fetch tens of thousands of dollars per carat. Stones of more than one carat are rarely found in nature; most often their size is small.

There are many lower quality minerals that have slight reverse and a grayish coloration. Such stones do not have a very high price, which is approximately several hundred dollars per carat.

Alexandrite is one of the five most expensive stones in the world; depending on the specific specimen, it can occupy different places in this ranking.

It is considered to be in fifth place, but some particularly high-quality specimens can even exceed the value of a diamond. Alexandrite can only be purchased in jewelry, which, due to its rarity, has exclusive status.

In jewelry stores you can find jewelry made from artificial alexandrite. Technologies make it possible to produce such stones of high quality, and the iridescence can even be much more pronounced. Such alexandrite is difficult to distinguish from its analogue from nature. It can be richer than natural stone, brighter and cleaner. In addition, the cost of artificial alexandrite is about 100–500 dollars per carat.

A rare mineral comparable in value to a diamond

Alexandrite is a type of chrysoberyl and one of the five most expensive stones . In Russia, stone mining has been stopped due to depletion of deposits .

Previously, the crystal was mined in the Urals. It was the favorite gem of Alexander II. It was in his honor that the gem was named. During the Soviet era, it was declared the property of the republic and a ban was introduced on its sale within the country. All mined minerals were sold abroad to replenish the treasury with foreign currency.

The cost of precious stones is usually calculated in American dollars, and their weight is calculated in carats. There are special publications that contain tables with stones and their recommended prices.

Medicinal properties

The French mystic E. Leo saw a connection between the dual color of alexandrite and a similar property of human blood - arterial and venous. Further experience of healers proved that alexandrite is indeed capable of normalizing the process of hematopoiesis, cleansing blood vessels, and strengthening their walls. This stone is often recommended to people who want to get rid of varicose veins.

Wearing alexandrite jewelry helps in the treatment of diseases of the pancreas, spleen, small and large intestines, and protects against scabies and leprosy. In India, alexandrite is considered a precious mineral that can give longevity.

The mineral helps get rid of alcohol addiction. For those who want to cure chronic alcoholism with the help of alexandrite, it is recommended to put it in a vessel with water at night, and take it out in the morning, after which take a couple of sips.

Alexandrite has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and human psyche. It has a unique ability to balance emotions and mind, calms nerves, normalizes sleep, promotes concentration and intense mental activity.


It should be remembered that only natural minerals have medicinal properties. Artificial alexandrites are not able to influence the human condition.

Lithotherapists recommend that people suffering from various diseases or simply wishing to gain inner balance wear jewelry and amulets with alexandrite. However, they remind you that they must be removed at night.

Factors shaping cost

The most important parameter influencing the price is the origin of alexandrite , and they can be synthetic or natural.

There are 2 ways to obtain alexandrite artificially:

  1. Grow and form a crystal from scratch .
  2. A cheaper way is to enrich the base of another mineral with vanadium or chromium .

Very few natural stones are mined. Not all mining sites can boast valuable specimens or simply good quality.

collectors and famous jewelry houses can afford beautiful natural alexandrite . People of average income will be able to purchase only cheap, low-quality specimens that will not reveal the full beauty of this crystal. Therefore, if the buyer does not belong to the category of millionaires, it is better to purchase high-quality artificially grown alexandrite.

The final cost of this type of chrysoberyl depends on the following factors:

  • Color , alexandrites with 100% reverse (the ability to change color) are the most expensive.
  • Cleanliness , good specimens are always transparent, but only synthetic ones without cracks and natural inclusions are available.
  • Weight is the basis of cost. The more, the more expensive. Stones weighing more than 2 carats are very rare.
  • Cut also plays an important role in determining the price.


Alexandrite jewelry always looks great. Moreover, craftsmen use noble metals of the highest jewelry standard as a frame for the royal gem. Psychics believe that jewelry with chameleon minerals should only be worn in pairs.

An elegant gold ring with a royal gem framed by diamonds will emphasize the status of its owner. This type of jewelry can be worn to a social, official, or ceremonial event. The accessory will suit a lady of any age and any festive outfit.

A chic ring with amblygonite, artificial alexandrite and emeralds is a real work of art. This accessory should be worn by a mature woman. There is no shame in wearing it to a gala dinner or anniversary. The decoration will look great with a floor-length cocktail dress.

Silver earrings with synthetic alexandrites and cubic zirconia. The accessory will highlight the beauty of the lady. Decoration with an unusual shape will not go unnoticed. It will attract the envious glances of everyone around you.

An elegant silver bracelet with chameleon minerals will be the perfect addition to an office suit. Both a business woman and an ordinary employee can afford to wear an accessory made of artificial alexandrite.

Lithotherapists claim that constantly wearing jewelry with chameleon gems has a beneficial effect on overall well-being.

Stone care

In order for alexandrite products to delight you with their beauty for as long as possible, you need to know and follow certain rules:

  1. Upon arriving home, the jewelry is immediately removed so that the mineral does not come into contact with household chemicals.
  2. Once every six months, the crystal is washed in soapy liquid and then rinsed under running warm water. After these manipulations, wipe the jewelry with a clean soft cloth.
  3. Jewelry is stored in a soft bag made of plush.
  4. Do not allow mechanical damage or falling accessories.

A careful attitude will extend the life of a beautiful stone. The decoration will pass from generation to generation, maintaining its attractive appearance.

Differences between real and artificial alexandrite

Only jewelers using special equipment can distinguish hydrothermal chameleon stones from samples created by nature. But ordinary buyers should know the signs inherent in synthetic minerals. These are usually transparent light lilac specimens with minimal color change during the day and evening. Moreover, in daylight, the gems have a yellowish tint. Sometimes there are crystals of a dark burgundy color, similar to rubies. Gray-olive specimens are quite rare. They are considered low-quality synthetic stones.

Cost of natural and artificial alexandrite

Large, pure specimens of alexandrite . In terms of beauty, only alexandrite mined on the island is comparable to the Ural ones. Sri Lanka , but their red color range is not so pronounced.

The cost of natural minerals is directly dependent on the severity of pleochroism , i.e. the ability to create a game with color transitions from green to red.

Russian gems, which were mined until 1995, are considered the standard of beauty throughout the world. Their cost per carat is 20-35,000 USD . They have not been available for free sale since the times of the USSR.

Alexandrite is also mined in India, the island of Madagascar, and Thailand. Crystals mined in Brazil and Africa have a color with a brown tint, and therefore their cost is much lower . Stones from these deposits are practically not represented on the Russian market due to their low value for jewelry.

The mineral is grown artificially in the USA, Japan and Russia . The specimens produced in the USA are not inferior in physical characteristics to Ural alexandrite and sometimes surpass the beauty of natural ones. More recently, they were sold at the price of natural stone, but with the introduction of mandatory certificates, buyers had a choice: buy natural or artificial stone at the same price. After this, prices for grown crystals dropped significantly. Today such a specimen can be purchased for 100-500 USD per 1 carat .

Artificial stones


Since synthetic stones are quite common, and their price is much lower than natural ones, you can request a certificate of quality upon purchase. It is better, of course, for such a document to be issued by a well-known gemological laboratory with a proven reputation.

A thorough study of the composition of a given stone will help determine not only its real value, but also the country of origin, which can be reflected in the expert report issued on the stone.

Typically, alexandrites are not treated; in some cases, however, they can be impregnated with resin to hide cracks. This procedure will also be reflected in the expert report. Synthetic alexandrites today are produced using several methods, some of which can produce stones that are virtually indistinguishable in appearance from the real thing.

In addition, in appearance, alexandrites can be confused with some types of garnet, as well as with sapphire, which has the property of changing color. The most common are alexandrites, which were sold in large quantities in the USSR and were not such at all. The products were made with inserts made of synthetic corundum or spinels with pleochroism.

Thus, such a certificate will help you be sure that the stone you are purchasing is alexandrite.

How much do stones sold in the Russian Federation cost?

Russian sellers offer Indian alexandrite weighing 0.27 carats for 35,000 , and a slightly larger size, 0.36 carats , for 45,000 rubles . And these are the prices for baguette cuts. For a more valuable oval shape and a weight of 0.5 carats, they will ask for 95,000 rubles .

Crystals mined in Madagascar are much cheaper. A stone of the same oval cut weighing 1.43 carats will cost 23,000 , and a drop-shaped stone with a weight per carat more will cost almost 37,000 rubles .

The most expensive, along with those mined in the Urals, will be minerals from the island. Sri Lanka. For an alexandrite weighing 1 carat and teardrop-shaped, they will ask for an amount equal to 200,000 rubles .

The cost is approximate, so they can vary up or down, and depend on the ability of the stone to change color from green to red.

Prices for laboratory-grown crystals are much lower. Russian companies supplying stones to jewelers sell them at a price of 1500-4000 rubles for oval specimens from 4.5 to 12 mm . Crystals of the same shape and size, but created on the basis of other crystals enriched with vanadium or chromium, will be 3 times cheaper. A square-shaped stone measuring 10x10 mm will be valued at 2500-5000 rubles , and its cost will also depend on the method of producing the crystal.

How to care for a mineral

Alexandrite is a durable mineral that is easy to care for. Only a diamond is stronger than this stone, so it is difficult to split or scratch it. However, alexandrite should be stored separately from other gems to avoid damaging them.

The mineral is susceptible to alkalis and acids, so it should be protected from chemical solutions containing these components. It is recommended to remove jewelry with stones when washing and cleaning using cleaning products.

Alexandrite does not require frequent cleaning. Once every few months it is rinsed with running warm water. Dirt from the surface of the gem is removed with a soft brush and liquid baby soap. Dry the stone with a soft cloth. Ultrasound can also be used to clean alexandrite.

Interesting Facts

This rare gem is highly valued on the market. Each large specimen has its own special story. Some interesting facts about the stone:

  • To make alexandrite, beryllium and chromium had to meet. They very rarely come in the same breed. In addition, the crystal should not contain silicon, which will turn it into an emerald. This is why chrome chrysoberyl is so rare.
  • The story goes that when Nils Nordenskiöld first found the stone, he mistook it for an emerald. Field studies have shown that its properties differ. In the evening, when the geologist pulled out a pebble hidden in his pocket, he saw a red, not a green, gem in his hand.
  • The precious mineral was named in honor of Alexander II and was given to him as a gift when he came of age. From then on, the future king always wore a ring with alexandrite. On the day of his death he did not put it on, it turned out to be fatal for him.
  • After the death of the emperor, alexandrite became very popular, it was worn with two diamonds, as a memory of the king and a symbol of power.
  • After the First World War, the gem was called the “widow’s stone”, since many soldiers died at the front at that time. It became a symbol of the loneliness of women left without their husbands.
  • The largest druse was found in 1840. It contained 22 crystals and weighed 5.38 kg, dimensions - 25x14x11 cm. It is now kept in the mineralogical museum.
  • The weight of natural specimens does not exceed 1-2 carats, but crystals weighing up to 60 carats are sometimes found in Sri Lanka.
  • There is a belief that in places where there is alexandrite, you should not look for emeralds. In fact, these stones are sometimes found in the same deposits. They are often found in the same rock as sapphires.

Who suits the name

The name of the stone suggests that it is the patron saint of Alexander and Alexandra. This is true.

Sashas of any gender can count on maximum and comprehensive support from the stone. As long as alexandrite is nearby, its namesakes will be invulnerable both physically and mentally. In addition, they will receive everything they have long dreamed of.

Alexandrite is also happy to help change the lives of Ivans and Yuli, Eva and Evgeniy, Nikolai and Tatiana, Irin and Dmitry for the better.

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