What are the hallmarks of gold in jewelry, the cost of 585 gold in Russia
Gold is a metal that is perfectly susceptible to all kinds of mechanical damage and corrosion. To save
Rose quartz
Rose quartz: description of the stone, magical properties, who suits it according to their zodiac sign
Rose quartz is a stone that brings love and inspiration. Its magical properties were discovered by the ancients
Aventurine stone
Aventurine and aventurine glass: dotting the i's
Aventurine is one of the subspecies of quartz. Contrary to popular belief, it is a natural mineral. He
Jade - the talisman of Ancient China and its magical properties
Property Description Formula Ca2(Mg,Fe)5[Si4O11]2(OH)2 Color Shades of green, white, gray. Gloss Glassy, ​​greasy. Transparency From
Stone fucking finger
Devil's finger: what kind of stone, origin, properties and types
Devil's finger stone, also known as belemnite, is an ancient mollusk, or rather, its
Rock crystal: properties, interesting facts about the stone
Rock crystal is a transparent variety of quartz, a stone considered one of the most powerful talismans. His
Garnet: a talisman stone for women, is it suitable for a man?
Garnet is a stone as ancient as it is covered in legends. There have been rumors about the magical properties of pomegranate
Tourmaline (stone): magical and healing properties, for whom it is suitable
Tourmaline is an expensive gem. It comes in a variety of shapes and color variations. He attracts
Amber stone
Amber. Origin, properties, interesting facts.
History and origin The first description of natural amber dates back to the 10th century BC. Priests
What is a troy ounce of gold and how much is it in grams + cost today
Greetings to my readers! In France there is a city of Troyes, famous for its architectural monuments of the Middle Ages, sausage
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