Zodiac signs
The character of the zodiac sign Scorpio has powerful energy. This man is capable of moving mountains if he wants to.
Leo belongs to the trine of the element of Fire, always needs endless attention, activity, is
Greetings, our dear readers! Remembering the dashing nineties, I laugh now at one story that
Ophite? - a representative of the serpentine (coil) group. The name of this jewelry stone comes from the Greek word for “office”,
Natural minerals are a symbol of strength and natural reliability. Their formation took hundreds and
The “gold rush” in a modern way is not a search for a promising vein in the vastness of Siberia
Leos are bright representatives of the fire sign. Born from July 23 to August 22, they
Museum of Trade - Commodity Dictionary - Precious and semi-precious stones (Part 1) Precious and
Almost any item can be used as a talisman that protects against adversity and brings good luck.
According to legend, the brilliance and beauty of precious stones was given by the insidious Satan in order to arouse in human