Stone type Ornamental Distribution (Deposits) Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Pacific Ocean Varieties
Plagioclases are an isomorphic series between sodium-alkaline (albite, analbite, monalbite) and calcium -
Our current hero looks like a souvenir doll. There is a group of minerals called garnets - these are
Natural pearls: Pixabay In ancient esoteric treatises it is said that pearls attract wealth into life,
Having learned to process metals, people began to create rings from them, which they wore as decoration, used
Type of stone Semi-precious, ornamental Prevalence (Deposits) China, New Zealand, Russia, USA Varieties Lantian, Nanyang,
Stone type Precious Prevalence (Deposits) Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Canada, Russia, USA, South Africa Varieties
The modern world is distinguished by its pragmatism. In it, every thing has a price, so if you
Category Carbonates (minerals) Name in English. Calcite Formula CaCO3 Group Carbonate Group Color White,
There is a huge variety of stones in nature. The hairworm is of particular interest. This is a mysterious stone, covered